Ch12 - Thirteen years later

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Yue Xiuzhi skillfully touched the cub’s head, praising “A-Min is great”, and then said to him: “I just bet with your uncle Lu whether you would win, so I won a good thing for you.”

Pei Ming was about to say something, but he saw Qi Feng coming from the side, and said to Pei Ming with his mouth curled: “Well, I admit you are qualified to be the disciple of the Fatan-zunzhe, but just you wait, I will defeat you myself in the future!”

Qi Feng was a ten-year-old boy. He was a little taller than Pei Ming. Now he said such proud and charming words to a five-year-old boy who was a little shorter than him. The scene was very funny.



But the two little parties didn’t think it was funny. Pei Ming gave a cold snort – the effect sounded like a grandma’s snort and said coldly: “Don’t think about it. You can’t defeat me. Shizun only likes me and doesn’t like you!”

Hearing this, Qi Feng turned black. 

While listening to this awkward conversation, Yue Xiuzhi was really embarrassed. The inexplicable embarrassment of two kids fighting for him appeared again


However, to be honest, Qi Feng was not bad. Even though he had tried his best to sneak into the Liu Ya Peak before, he only dared to provoke a few words and then slipped back. Now he was also willing to bet and still looks like a little arrogant.

He provoked Pei Ming before because he was wrong, but now he was beaten by Pei Ming in public, which is also a punishment.

Yue Xiuzhi thought for a while, and then went up to Qi Feng and said, “No matter whether Pei Ming is worthy or not, I will only have one disciple, Pei Ming, in my life. You are all disciples of Jiuhuaxiao, and you should be one heart and one mind. What’s more, Patriarch Fu is also a rare good master, so you should cherish it.”


Qi Feng always provoked Pei Ming because he admired Fatan-zunzhe, but strangely, he never talked to Yue Xiuzhi. Just like this time, obviously Yue Xiuzhi was also standing in front of him, but he was just looking for Pei Ming “big talk”.

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In fact, this was mainly because Qi Feng is shy and doesn’t dare to talk to his idol directly. And today he lost, so he felt even more ashamed to talk to his idol.

Who knew that now the idol still took the initiative to talk to him. Suddenly Qi Feng’s face burned from the roots of his ears to his neck. He could only nod and nod. He could not say a word. After Yue Xiuzhi said that, he ran away.


When Pei Ming heard what Yue Xiuzhi said to Qi Feng and the first half of “I will have only one disciple, Pei Ming, in my life”, he still laughed. When he heard the second half of Yue Xiuzhi persuading words, he felt a little unhappy, enough to drop the corners of the mouth. 

Most small children are like this, have a deep possessiveness of people they care about, or else, with the second child, why where there so many unhappy older babies.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He could not help pulling Shizun’s sleeve and urging him to go back.

Pa’r yfaafg ab ifjnf ab Ole Tj Ufjx. Ktfgf jgf cb remt ragjcuf qfbqif ktb mjc mbwqfaf klat tlw.

Coafg gfaegclcu ab atf Ole Tj Ufjx, Tef Wlehtl kjr tjqqs ab ajxf bea atf Zbbc nfrawfca jcv rjlv ab tlr qeq, “Uea la bc delmxis obg wf ab rff, atlr nfrawfca lr erejiis agfjregfv ys sbeg Fcmif Oe ilxf jcsatlcu, cba fnfc ifa qfbqif abemt la, abvjs atjcxr ab sbe, kf uba atlr nfrawfca.” 

During the competition, Yue Xiuzhi noticed that Pei Xiaoming was good at everything. That is, his defense was a little weak under the condition that the Heaven’s Folding was only one. It was hard to fight with Qi Feng, who was a peer for a while, let alone in other dangers, so he made a temporary decision on Lu Fanyi.

This is one of the three pieces of the lower heavenly magic that Han Luoyu, the leader of the Qi Soul Peak, has trained. There are three lower-grade magic weapons that Han Luoyu made in total, and this is one of them. It was a gift for Lu Fanyi’s promotion to the reunification realm, he was so happy to receive it that he showed it off for years.

Moon’s Clothes can withstand three all-out attacks from strong people in detachment realm, not to mention those below the realm. It also has the function of absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, greatly helping users to cultivate.

After Yue Xiuzhi told Pei Ming about these things, he warned, “This vestment is nothing but an external object. Don’t slack off your Heaven’s Folding. You should also try to use Heaven’s Folding Big Dipper when competing with others. This vestment is only used to protect your life, do you understand?” 

The little boy nodded seriously.

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After this competition, the Liu Ya Peak was still calm, but Pei Ming’s evil name has been passed on to the outside world. Facts have proved that the immortal nine pulse genius is not a false name, but at the age of five, he can cross the ranks to fight against Qi Feng, who is almost invincible at the same level.


The news did not stop with Jiuhuaxiao. Other sects in the spirit world with little means also heard the news, and they couldn’t help being jealous of Jiuhuaxiao who was lucky again.

Ming Mie Peak was the strongest sect in the spiritual world in the divine calendar era. However, after the fall of the gods, many great powers fell, including most of the great powers of Ming Mie Peak, so Ming Mie Peak weakened and Jiuhuaxiao rose. 

Before the gods fell, the age of the spiritual world was the age of the gods. At that time, there were countless powers, and there were also those who were in the detachment realm.

Ming Mie Peak was not reconciled. When they were at their peak, they once had three supernatural giants, who were famous and awe inspiring in the spirit world, but now they can’t get into the top three of the five major sects in the spirit world. How can they be reconciled. So they colluded with the Demon race and tried to use their power to return to the top.

Yue Xiuzhi has always wondered whether people who collude with evil bosses to revenge/become stronger/dominate the world are all sand sculptures. What’s the difference between this and profiting from the tiger? In so many stories, people who do this have no good end. However, those who can’t make people swallow the elephant have no brain at this time.

The hall of Ming Mie Peak, with the dome towering into the clouds, the magnificent and solemn style can still see the shadow of the former prosperity to the extreme, but now it is vaguely revealing some decadence, like struggling to support this former glory. 

Above the main hall, there was an old man with black robes and white hair, who was holding a nine-dragon scepter, and listening to the words of the man next to him with his eyes closed.

“Master, my subordinates have sent people to investigate. Yue Xiuzhi has indeed accepted a nine-vein genius as his disciple.” The next person said respectfully.

The old man nodded and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with anger. “Jiuhuaxiao is as lucky as ever… Isn’t Shen Xing one step away from detachment? Let’s use this kid.”

Nine pulse, the pill that is cultivated by pumping cultivation veins, can definitely make Shen Xing’s promotion beyond the realm. It can kill two birds with one stone to help Shen Xing and eliminate the threat of Pei Ming. 

The next man nodded repeatedly. Later, he seemed to think of something and looked embarrassed: “Lord, Pei Ming has been staying in the Jiuhuaxiao. The interior of the Jiuhuaxiao is like a wall of iron, I’m afraid…”

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“What are you afraid of, can this kid stay in Jiuxiaoxiao all the time?”

The old voice echoed in the hall and returned to nothingness.

[Thirteen years later] 

Suddenly, a loud phoenix crow came from the sky above the formation of mountain protection in Jiuhuaxiao. The clouds in the sky were dyed gold by a burst of golden light, and then a gorgeous phoenix flew from the clouds, full of golden light. The gorgeous tail feathers swept the red clouds in the sky and flew straight to Jiuhuaxiao.

Looking at the Guardian Mountain Grand Formation, Elder Zhao raised his eyelids and said, “Pei boy, this appearance of yours is as big as ever.”

It turned out that there was still a teenager sitting on the phoenix. The teenager was about eighteen or nine years old, but he was extremely handsome and had a very aggressive face. But there was some cynical ruffian air between his eyes and eyebrows. This was Pei Ming who was eighteen years old, 13 years later.

“I can’t help it, Elder Zhao. I’ve been away from the sect for three months before I finally finished the task. I’m eager to return home, so I can only take Xiao Hong to come back.” Pei Ming spoke lazily. 

“Are you eager to return home?” Elder Zhao sneered: “I think you just miss your master, but you really are a suckling baby.”

“I wish you knew, Elder Zhao.” He was said to be a “suckling baby without weaning”, but Pei Ming was not angry at all. He scratched his head because of Shizun’s mention. At first, his ruffian anger was immediately covered by some idiocy that was hard to look at directly. “Elder Zhao, let’s go quickly, I’m in a hurry.”


“You bastard!” Elder Zhao laughed and scolded, and then released the sky ban of the Mountain Guard Formation.

So the disciples of Jiuhuaxiao saw a golden light flying over the sky, and could vaguely see a gorgeous tail feather across the sky. 

“Is this……?” Some disciples looked puzzled, “Don’t we have flying bans in Jiuxiaoxiao?”

The disciple beside him slapped him on the head and said, “I see you are too stupid to practice. That’s Elder Martial Brother Pei’s mount, the mythical beast Phoenix.”

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“Elder martial brother Pei? He ranked first on the list that day, defeated elder martial brother Han in the sect competition, and won the first place in the spirit testing meeting two years ago. He killed the blood devouring demon Jiao, and defeated the talented of all sects, elder martial brother Pei?”

“I see that you are not stupid ah. Why didn’t you even recognize Elder Martial Brother Pei’s Phoenix just now?” 

The disciple scratched his head shyly. “Maybe I didn’t react at the moment. I have admired Elder Martial Brother Pei for a long time, and now I was fooled. Damn it.”

After saying that, the disciple looked at the direction where the Phoenix had just flown away – there was no trace of it at this time, but his look was still filled with longing: “To tell you the truth, Elder Martial Brother Pei went down the mountain this time to eradicate the Zhenye Sect. I heard that the Zhenye Sect has been looking for some undiscovered folk talents in recent years, and then used veins to refine pills. The method is heinous. Look, Elder Martial Brother Pei is back now, and it should be solved. Elder Martial Brother Pei is really extraordinary.”

“Elder martial brother Pei is very powerful, and the evil is evil. But if he had not had a good master, he would not have risen so quickly and come and go freely…” said another disciple, with deep envy in his eyes.

Now, who doesn’t know in Jiuhuaxiao, that Pei Ming is the treasure in the palm of Fatan-zunzhe. Nobody knows how many natural treasures he has given him these years. Every time he goes out, he prepares a stack of life saving runes. 

How do they know?

At that time, Pei Ming once went on a mission with a disciple of the sect and was attacked by a thief. At that time, Pei Ming was only 12 years old, and his aura was just the beginning of the cocoon breaking state. The thief had the cultivation achievements in the later period of the King’s Kingdom. It can be said that everyone will die.

Who knew Pei Ming took out a dozen Lihuo Runes on the spot and immediately burned the thief to ashes.

You know this is the Lihuo rune! It is equivalent to a strike by the powerful man in the Sage realm. One piece of 100,000 top quality Holy Stone has been sold in the market, and Lu Fanyi, the leader of Qianlan Peak, can’t buy a few pieces. There is still no market price. However, Fatan-zunzhe prepared a dozen for Pei Ming directly! 

From then on, the rumor that Fatan-zunzhe loved his disciples like his life depended on it spread around in the spirit world.

[TL note: Pei Ming’s Phoenix Xiao Hong, Little Red(小红)]


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