Ch27 - Rong Jin (3)

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The reason why the Rong Family Leader was so worried is actually not simple.

Although Instantaneous Ronghua was a talent against heaven, because the owner needed to use his life span to change the time, everyone who used this talent would never live long. 

It was a short life. You will not live to be 30 years old if you use it in a small range for several times.

Therefore, the Rong family with instant Ronghua cannot use this talent until they have to, but they were always forced to use it by some people.



Although the people who awaken Ronghua are powerful, at least they have the talent of more than eight veins, but because of their short life span, the Rong family cannot always stand at the top of their power. Even because of this talent, he almost died several times.

As a result, the Rong family owners of a certain generation thought that it would be better to take the initiative to seek refuge than to be forced to burn their lives. Sacrifice a few Rong family members in exchange for the whole Rong family’s eternal inheritance. 

He took refuge in the Devil Emperor, and proposed to sacrifice a Rong family member of each generation with a Ronghua body to the Devil Emperor in exchange for his protection.


This is equivalent to keeping sheep that can continuously produce wool in captivity. Why not?

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The Devil Emperor readily agreed.

Therefore, every generation will have a Rong family member with a Instantaneous Ronghua, who will be pushed out and dedicated to the Devil Emperor. There were too many places that needed to use this talent to control a small range of time. The person who was dedicated to the Devil Emperor could not even live to be 25 years old.


The Rong family was quite satisfied with this way before. After all, although there are not many people with instant Ronghua’s talent in every generation, there were always three or four. Why don’t you just pick a descendant who doesn’t agree with you?

However, the Rong family owner of this generation was worried. Although he sowed countless seeds, except for the missing eldest son, only the legitimate eldest son inherited this talent.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The direct eldest son was very talented and his mother’s family is powerful. He had been trained as the next leader ever since he was young. The Rong family could never give him to the Devil Emperor.


Ebcu Alc kjr obecv ja atlr wbwfca, ktlmt kjr j “regqglrf” ab atf Ebcu ojwlis. 

Ktfgfobgf, Ebcu Alc yfmjwf atf yfra mjcvlvjaf obg atf jyjcvbcfv rbc.

Pc ojma, atlr wjaafg kjr cba j rfmgfa lc atf ktbif Ebcu ojwlis. Ktf ktbif Ebcu ojwlis vfrqlrfv atf sbecu wjrafg ktb tjv pera yffc obecv. Ufl Zlcu jirb ifjgcfv ogbw atf qbqeijalbc ktfc rbwfbcf kjcafv ab mbwf ab gfmgela tlw.

——There is no future for Rong Jin. He is just an abandoned son who has been alive for only a few years.

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Of course, he refused the man, and his face became gloomy in an instant. 

He rushed into Rong Jin’s residence, but when he saw Rong Jin, who was quietly leaning on a cane chair to read, he suddenly became silent.

Rong Jin looked up and saw Pei Ming. He smiled as usual: “Why are you here?”

Pei Ming was silent for a long time before he began to speak, and his voice was a little hoarse: “… Were you never going to tell me?”

Rong Jin’s face suddenly changed. For a moment, he quickly covered up his confusion: “What are you talking about? What not tell you?” 

“You still want to hide it from me? The whole Rong family knows, how long do you think you can hide it from me?!” Pei Ming’s mood that had been brewing suddenly erupted, and with a wave of his left hand, the uncontrollable evil spirit suddenly broke the nearby bookcase.

Rong Jin couldn’t keep it from him and hurriedly explained: “Well, I’m not afraid that you are worried. In fact, it’s nothing. After all, it’s not the last step, right?” He said, looking at Pei Ming’s face, he couldn’t go on, and the sweet smile on his lips gradually disappeared.


Pei Ming’s chest heaved violently and tried to control his emotions. Finally, he just stared at Rong Jin and said word by word, “Whether it’s the Rong family, or Demon Emperor Shen Xing, don’t even think about touching a cold hair on your head.”

Rong Jin had just returned to Rong’s family, and his accomplishments were still very shallow. In a moment, Rong Hua’s talent couldn’t be used much, so he won’t be dedicated to the Devil Emperor in a short time. Pei Ming heard that the Rong family leader was going to train Rong Jin to be 25 years old and then offer it. Rong Jin was one year older than him. He is seventeen now, that is to say, he has eight years left. 

That’s enough.

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Pei Ming practiced like a madman. The resources inside the Rong family could no longer satisfy him. He left the Rong family several times to seek his own opportunities, and then gradually created his own influence.

As the years went by, Rong Jin gradually heard that there was a growing force against the Devil Emperor. The Devil Emperor Shen Xing was very angry, but he could do nothing. He and Pei Ming also got together more and more. Occasionally, when they met in a hurry, he looked at Pei Ming, who was more and more solemn, and felt a little strange.

When Rong Jin was 25 years old, the power of the Demon Emperor was almost consumed by Pei Ming. 

The night before the war, Pei Ming came to him.

Rong Jin frowned and said to Pei Ming worriedly, “A-Pei, this is too dangerous. Shen Xing is only one step away from detachment. It’s not so easy to deal with him.”

Pei Ming looked at him with a half-smile: “What should I do? Give you to Shen Xing, and let me watch you die?”

Rong Jin opened his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say. 

When things got to this point, Pei Ming didn’t go to tell Shen Xing that he just wanted to stay with Rong Jin. Pei Ming and Shen Xing, it has long been immortal.

Pei Ming was also angry at Rong Jin’s words that he didn’t care about himself at all, and turned to leave coldly.

The last time we met before the war, we ended up unhappy.

On the day of the decisive battle, the dark sky of the Demon World was also stained with blood, and ravens were hovering in the blood sea of the corpse mountain. Pei Ming and Shen Xing’s earth-shaking death fight turned the whole demon into ruins. 

Shen Xing entered the “false detachment” by taking pills made from soul pumping. Although his foundation was more unstable than the real detachment, he could crush anyone below the detachment.

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But Pei Ming killed Shen Xing with his last breath by virtue of the Extreme Vein Holy Devil Body.

After he killed Shen Xing, his body became extremely burdened, but fortunately, he felt the threshold of detachment at this time. As long as he completed this promotion, his body would recover from serious injuries in an instant.

He advanced on the spot. 

To his surprise, someone wanted to come here to reap the benefits. Among the four families of the Demon City, the Jiang Family and the Mu Family faithfully supported Shen Xing and were killed completely in this war. But the rest of Rong Family and He Family jumped out at this time.

Pei Ming was the weakest now. As long as he is killed at this time, isn’t the Devil Kingdom their family’s?


At that time, it was not too late to slowly scrape the points from the infighting.

The main force of these two families fought fiercely with Pei Ming’s subordinates. Pei Ming’s subordinates were all tigers and wolves. However, when the powerful army was exhausted, they had already experienced a war. However, the two families who waited for work with ease, it is really a bit overwhelming. 

Before long, two late stage of Reunification Realm powerhouses broke out of the thicket and killed into the hall

They haven’t found Pei Ming yet, but they were waiting for Rong Jin, who was standing with his sword.

When they saw the young man smiling brightly, they heard him say, “If you want to move Pei Ming, you can leave your life behind.”

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