Ch34 - Dropping the cover 2.0

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Pei Ming laughed softly.

He looked at Yue Xiuzhi who was unaware beside him, looked at his handsome and flawless profile, as if he wanted to see his real appearance through this Rong Jin face.



He suddenly stopped without warning, no longer following the pace of Yue Xiuzhi’s attack, and allowed Yue Xiuzhi to get farther and farther away from him.

Just quietly watching that figure getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared from sight. 

Yue Xiuzhi.



What am I to you?



A plaything in the palm of your hand?


An idiot whose life you completely dominated?



You look at me in despair, in joy, in madness, in mourning… Were you secretly laughing at me, an idiot?

Pei Ming in soul body stood there quietly, but his eyes were full of madness that made people’s heart palpitate.

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In the main body world, the door of a stone room in the God Realm burst open, and a gloomy-looking god in a black robe stepped out of the stone door. 

This time, he didn’t call any envoys, but went to Yuan Yinzong by himself.

He also had no intention of alarming others, instead of entering through the sect, he went directly to the forbidden area of ​​Yuan Yinzong—that is, the tomb of Yue Xiuzhi.

He looked at the tombstone, walked in slowly, and finally walked in front of it, stretching out his hand to stroke the words engraved on it.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

A Friend, Yue Xiuzhi. 

Ktf wjerbifew kjr rlwqif, yea atf kbgvr kfgf mjgnfv klat ugfja mjgf.

Snfgs ragbxf kjr wbegclcu.


Lf abemtfv atfrf kbgvr, jr lo tf mbeiv rff ktja xlcv bo wbbv Oe Mjcsl tjv ktfc tf mjgnfv atfrf kbgvr.

Lf vlvc’a tjnf tlr cbgwji rwlilcu ojmf bc kffxvjsr, jcv tf wluta tjnf mglfv rb wemt atja tlr cbrf jcv afjgr mbeivc’a yf vlralcuelrtfv ja atja alwf. 

You were his best friend, and if you was tortured to death, he would naturally cry heartbreakingly.


What about me?

What should I do? 

Should I regard you as a close friend, and mourn and despair because of your tragic death, or should I regard you as an enemy, clapping my hands and laughing happily for your retribution?

……how can I laugh.

As long as I think about your appearance at that time, my heart hurts as if I have been mutilated.

You are so cruel, you are cruel to me, and even more cruel to yourself. 

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Pei Ming put his hand on the word “Xiu” and stopped moving.

You play with my life like this, but I can’t believe that you had no feelings for me.

When you first took me in as your apprentice, you wanted to make it up to me, right, that’s why you treated me so well during those few months.

It’s a pity that you are a fool, you might as well ignore me from the beginning, then when you torture me again, I will grit my teeth and bear it even if I am riddled with holes. At least I have never dreamed about it, and I have not had the hope that I had after being shattered several times to despair. 

But you didn’t.

In fact, I shouldn’t hate you so much, who made you so stupid, putting my heart together and then crushing it to a bloody mess.

After you became Rong Jin, I couldn’t believe that you played me ruthlessly.

You know, when I did anything risky and desperate, you always had confidence in me, but you were so anxious after I got hurt. 

In the past, I always ignored this point. Now that I think about it, you know that I am the so-called “protagonist”, and I will not be in danger of my life, but you feel sorry for my injuries.

The gods in mysterious clothes stood quietly by the tombstone until the evening sun appeared in the sky, cascading from gold to red, pulling apart shades of different hues and warmly casting them onto the earth.


An old figure gradually approached there.

It was an old man in sackcloth. 

The old man leaned on a cane and walked over tremblingly. He obviously didn’t expect to meet the Venerable God here, and quickly knelt down to salute.

The god’s thoughts were interrupted, but when he looked back, he found that the old man seemed familiar.

Although the appearances of the young man and the old man were very different, Pei Ming could vaguely see some familiarity from this person’s eyebrows.

He started uncertainly: “…Liu Feng?” 

The old man saluted again: “Your Honor still remembers me, it’s really my luck.”

In fact, Pei Ming was not familiar with Liu Feng at all. In the past year, he only engraved Yue Xiuzhi’s appearance into his bone marrow, other than that, he only vaguely remembered the appearance of the two handymen who bullied him.

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Liu Feng, he was only familiar with that little kid in that world.

I heard that before Liu Feng and Liu Ye were assigned to that brat, they had been serving Yue Xiuzhi personally, equivalent to Liuya Peak’s chief steward. Then in this world, Liu Feng and Liu Ye was not assigned to him, so naturally they were always by Yue Xiuzhi’s side. 

“Where’s Liu Ye?”

The old man was taken aback when he heard the words, and then replied: “Since the death of the peak lord, Liu Ye has suffered a serious illness and left with him.”

“…sorry.” Pei Ming said.

He has always looked down on birth, aging, sickness and death in the world, because he stood too high, and the so-called birth, aging, sickness and death were too far away from him. And even when he was on the verge of life and death, he never took “death” seriously. 

But for some reason, he actually felt a little uncomfortable this time. It’s not sad, just a little dull.

The old man smiled indifferently: “There is nothing to be sad about. The peak lord treated Liu Ye very well during his lifetime. It must be no pity for Liu Ye to go with him. He has suffered a lot for hundreds of years.”

After listening to the old man’s words, Pei Ming seemed to resonate. He turned around to look at the tombstone, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

That’s right, it’s all over when you die, thinking that you can bury the truth of those things underground forever. But now they have been dug out, leaving me so uncomfortable. After being silent for a few seconds, Pei Ming suddenly thought of something, and asked again: “Liu Feng, do you still remember a handyman named Shi Ze in Liuya Peak?” 

A handyman named Shi Ze often helped him, helped him drive away those who bullied him, secretly brought him food, secretly stuffed some cotton wool into his clothes… because of this, he survived.

But after he was imprisoned by Yue Xiuzhi to take blood, he never saw Shi Ze again. Later, when he attacked Jiuhuaxiao for revenge, he also tried to find Shi Ze, but there was no news at all.


He thought it was strange before, but now that he thinks about it, there was another possibility…

The old man was silent for a while, as if he was seriously recalling, and finally replied affirmatively: “My lord, you must have made a mistake. The Liu Ya Peak never had a worker named Shi Ze. I used to be the steward of the Liu Ya Peak, and I managed the flow of personnel of these workers myself. Although I am half buried in the earth now, I never forget anything that happened in the Liu Ya Peak.” 

“Unless Shi Ze is a pseudonym, there has never been such a person in Liu Ya Peak.”

Hearing this, Pei Ming closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He waved his hand again, signaling Liu Feng to leave first.

After Liu Feng left, Pei Ming covered his eyes with one hand, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

He said, how could he not find Shi Ze when he turned Jiuhuaxiao upside down. 


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You are so stupid.

On the one hand, because of the coercion of that thing called the system, ignoring me for the stability of this bullsh*t world, and allowing others to squeeze me out. At the same time, you felt guilty and couldn’t help changing your identity to help me

Yue Xiuzhi, you are an extremely selfish person person. 

Your conscience is at ease, but what about me?

The god brushed the tombstone lightly with both hands, and saw that the inscription on the tombstone gradually changed from “A Friend Yue Xiuzhi” to “Teacher Yue Xiuzhi”.

The god stared at these five words, with a strong obsession in his eyes.

Yue Xiuzhi, you are stupid, you are selfish, you have played my life around, but up to now, it is still me who is heartbroken. 

Because I know that your kindness to me is true, and when you hurt me, you felt like a knife stabbing, right?

It’s so useless. An unknown plaything system force yourself into this inhuman and ghostly appearance.

Yue Xiuzhi, although it is said that the resurrection from the dead is something that the gods cannot do, I have summoned your soul thousands of times in the stone chamber these days, yet I haven’t found any of your soul, let alone your reincarnation.

In addition to the fact that the you in the other world is so unusual, why do I have reason to suspect… 

You are actually not dead.

Just like when Rong Jin died, Yue Xiuzhi was still alive, the Yue Xiuzhi of this world died, and the Yue Xiuzhi of that world appeared.


You turned to that world with your memory, right?

Until the sunset took away the last ray of afterglow, in the twilight, surrounded by darkness, Pei Ming turned to leave. 


——If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your confession.


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