TPSF Ch37 - Distributing sugar daily - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]12-15 minutes

edited by Shay

sugar is a common word in fan circles, refers to a new pink or blood red incident in CP. For CP fans, such an event is “sugar”. a78bLC

Pink refers to behaviors such as being together, holding hands, hugging, sticking to the face, and whispering.

Blood red is a higher level, referring to kissing, and more ambiguous and intimate behavior

This guy, Pei Ming, refused to go down, and Yue Xiuzhi had no choice, he could not kick him down—he cannot beat this guy.

Yue Xiuzhi could only resign himself to his fate and took out the talisman seals he had just bought and threw down several of them in one go.

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Then he took out an upgraded talisman and threw it at the leader. After hearing a few loud noises one after another, there were more than 20 horrible corpses lying in disorder under the tree.

In just a few seconds, all the enemies were eliminated. It seemed straightforward, but Yue Xiuzhi was bleeding silently in his heart. lWjrtb

“Oh, it’s pretty quick. Let’s go, next one.” Seeing that the battle ended so quickly, Pei Ming raised his eyebrows as he said this. Then he jumped down from the tree and waved to Yue Xiuzhi.

Yue Xiuzhi gritted his teeth at this incomprehensible pig teammate, but he had no choice but to jump off the tree and continue on his way.

After several hours of rushing, the next group was also killed without any suspense, and they continued to the next group without stopping.


This time, it was a little troublesome, because the information obtained from the initial soul search had become somewhat inaccurate due to the passage of time, and they searched for a long time but could not find the last group of people.

Yue Xiuzhi was a little annoyed that he didn’t catch another person to soul search after killing the first two groups of people.

Seeing that Yue Xiuzhi was a little anxious because he couldn’t find anyone, Pei Ming thought for a while, and suddenly threw out the light spot called the system—besides, Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t see the system in this form.

[Do you know where those people are? ] Pei Ming asked. LqUHrw

[…] The system did not answer.

Pei Ming raised his eyebrows: [I know you have this ability. If you don’t tell me, then I can only completely deprive you of your autonomy and use those functions myself. It doesn’t matter to me, it’s just that your own “existence” will be completely wiped out, leaving you with a bunch of unowned information.]

He continued slowly, seemingly explaining, but actually threatening it: [I know that things like you are not afraid of death. What binds you is “rules”, not “fear”. But if you lose the “existence” of ego, then you will never know what I know and what to do with that unowned information. Your highest task of so-called “maintaining the balance of this world” will also fail. If your “ego” survives, at least you have hope of stopping me.]

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[Maybe as I’m in a better mood, I can still listen to some of your advice?] As Pei Ming spoke, he laughed. ITnwBc

[Anyway, you just check the location of those people, and it won’t have any effect on you.]

System: [……]

What else can I say, the good and the bad are all up to you. 5qbdHp

After thinking about it carefully, the system felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Although it was still a little unwilling, it could only check the location of those people, and then said: [Twenty kilometers to the southwest.]

Pei Ming nodded, feeling very satisfied that he successfully threatened the system.

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He turned his head and repeated the words systematically to Yue Xiuzhi: “Those people are about 20 kilometers southwest, and they seem to be on the move.”

Yue Xiuzhi was suspicious at first: “How do you know?” 1J8XCG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He was so precise, as if there was a system in him.

Of course, Yue Xiuzhi just made a random comparison, he would never have imagined that his system was directly captured by Pei Ming .

Dea joafg tf jrxfv, tf ofia atja tf kjr jrxlcu obg cbatlcu. Ktlr xlv kbeiv qgfnjglmjaf klat tlw jujlc ys rqfjxlcu cbcrfcrf. aHsEBJ

Vegf fcbeut, tf bcis tfjgv Ufl Zlcu rjs, “Pcaelalbc.”

Tef Wlehtl: “…”

Ds atf kjs, ktfgf vbfr atlr ues tjnf atf mbcolvfcmf ab ajix cbcrfcrf klat tlr fsfr bqfc ilxf atlr? Cgf sbe gfjiis cba jogjlv atja tf klii rerqfma atja tf lr j rqs rfca ys Zlcu Zlf Ufjx?

——Although he really wouldn’t suspect him, he doesn’t know why he just thinks this person won’t harm him. qnsdjt

Speaking of which, if he was indeed a Ming Mie Peak spy sent for him, he would not allow Yue Xiuzhi  to kill so many people from Ming Mie Peak.

Unless he’s that kind of perverted big boss, or he has ulterior motives.

Although he can’t afford to doubt him, he still feels very uncomfortable! There is a feeling that his IQ is being rubbed at will by others.

But after he reluctantly believed Pei Ming’s words, he felt something was wrong. 6VszUc

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Those people seem to be on the move… If they are heading southwest, they are indeed in the same direction as Pei Xiaoming.

Thinking of this, Yue Xiuzhi shuddered all over: Those guys must be planning to attack!

Shit! My cub, you dare to move against him! See how I can teach you how to be human! QigdTL

But… After he finishes teaching them, those people probably won’t be able to be human anymore.

With a dark face, Yue Xiuzhi pulled Pei Ming aggressively to find those people.

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Although they are only 20 kilometers away from Yue Xiuzhi, those people are still on the move after all. Their cultivation base is no worse than that of Yue Xiuzhi’s, and there are even strong Reunification Realm experts among them, and it is only because they have to take care of their own overall team that they maintain the walking speed of the Sage Realm. rTZ5PY

So Yue Xiuzhi went at full speed, and the distance was narrowed by a small amount. After half an hour, the distance was also shortened by more than 1,000 meters. This was Yue Xiuzhi’s strength.

Yue Xiuzhi, who was out of breath, looked at Pei Ming, who was moving leisurely and effortlessly, and gritted his teeth immediately.

You’re embarrassing Dad like this, okay?


Pei Ming lay innocently on the gun, thought for a while, and immediately came up with a “good idea” for Yue Xiuzhi: “Why don’t I carry you in my arms?”

Yue Xiuzhi: “…”

What few broken ideas! After I hugged that guy Pei Xiaoming last time, I felt that I had lost face for decades. Now that I am to be hugged by you again, I might as well clean up and die!

However… No one can escape the law of true fragrance discovered by Mr. Wang Jingze, the greatest philosopher of the 21st century.

After another half an hour, Yue Xiuzhi found that instead of getting closer, Yue Xiuzhi was getting farther away from the group of people.

According to this momentum, not only can he not catch up with that group of people, but also that group of people is getting closer and closer to Pei Xiaoming, and it is estimated that he will reach Pei Xiaoming’s place in another three hours. wn5oIS

At that time, his son will have to face those bastards alone!

Thinking of this, Yue Xiuzhi suddenly stopped and stood where he was.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that he stopped, Pei Ming also stopped, and asked him, “What’s wrong?”


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With a dark face, Yue Xiuzhi said to Pei Ming, “Squat down and carry me over.”

Pei Ming couldn’t help laughing: “Is this your attitude when begging? Is this your attitude towards your benefactor?”

Yue Xiuzhi: “……”

If it were another savior whom I could ask for help, I would definitely not have this attitude. OU5nui

But I really owe you a beating!

It seems that I have lost face by being polite to you!

Yue Xiuzhi said blankly, “Please, carry me on your back. Aren’t we going to do justice together?” What about being partners in justice?


“I don’t think you heard what I said clearly just now. I said I can carry you over in my arms, understand? I’ll hold you, not carry you over on my back.” Pei Ming looked at him with a smile on his lips.

“…Refused.” Yue Xiuzhi looked at him with a look of insanity, “Isn’t it easier to carry than to hold?”

Pei Ming shook his head, and said solemnly: “I can’t run with you on my back, I don’t feel like exerting my strength.”

Yue Xiuzhi: “…” dKYkEw

He felt that he was speechless more times when he met this person than in his entire life.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, why are you so gay, gay is in the air!

Why are you so persistent in hugging a big man?!

snake spirit disease!! Cu84Ux

After a violent mental struggle, he heard Pei Ming say again: “Hey, in just a short while, they are already twenty-five kilometers away from us. If you hesitate any longer, you will really be unable to catch up!”

Yue Xiuzhi walked up to Pei Ming resignedly. Seeing that Pei Ming was motionless, he gritted her teeth and stretched out his hands, showing a look of “wanting to hug”.

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Pei Ming was already overwhelmed with laughter, and overwhelmed by the cuteness.

In fact, when he first said that he wanted to hug Yue Xiuzhi, he was just joking. He just wanted to tease Yue Xiuzhi. Maybe this person in front of him, no matter whether it is good or bad, in short, it seems that he has full control over his life. Although Pei Ming doesn’t care anymore, he always wants to see this person at a loss. 24OBwe

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Pei Ming picked up Yue Xiuzhi as soon as he saw this, and laughed out loud when he saw Yue Xiuzhi’s embarrassed expression of not knowing where to put his hands.

Pei Ming didn’t realize that he was becoming more and more gay.

Yue Xiuzhi felt embarrassed and wanted to explode on the spot. XBzaW

Ah, ah, is this person gay? Why is this so strange!

But isn’t Jun Huachen 100% a heterosexual?

But this person is not at all the same as the original Jun Huachen, the character design had collapsed early, and even if he is gay, he looks the same! m7edXT

Yue Xiuzhi caught up with Ming Mie Peak’s last group in a state of anxiety, and they found a cover in the rear.

Pei Ming let go of Yue Xiuzhi with some reluctance, feeling that it was very comfortable to hold him.

The straight man of Qidian doesn’t realize that he has become more and more crooked!

Yue Xiuzhi took out a talisman that cost him a huge amount of points, which could instantly kill a strong person in the early stage of Reunification, and threw it towards the strongest person that was in the Reunification Realm. dB9n6v

This time it’s different from the previous few times. The Reunification Realm expert is very vigilant. If Yue Xiuzhi doesn’t deal with him immediately, but instead attacks the other people, he is likely to be killed instead.

The talisman turned into a golden light, and it flashed in front of the strong man of the Reunification Realm at a fast speed.

But the expected explosion didn’t sound, and the golden light seemed to hit something, like a firecracker dropped in water, it became silent and turned into ashes. ddPwCt

Yue Xiuzhi cried out in his heart: It’s over, I’ve been discovered!

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The Reunification Realm expert turned his head abruptly and shouted to the others: “There is a sneak attack!”

“The patriarch told me before we set off that there are many messy talismans on that kid Pei Ming. Fortunately, just in case, the patriarch brought me a secret treasure of the sect, which can avoid the talisman attack, otherwise this time our path to Pei Ming would be closed!” The strong man in the Reunification Realm did not forget to do his duty as a villain, and explained with all his might. FV6yGT

The corner of Yue Xiuzhi’s mouth twitched slightly: So it’s really not good to give too many talismans to that kid Pei Ming, and there is actually this kind of secret treasure that can avoid talisman attacks!

He couldn’t help but glance at Pei Ming who was beside him, and thought to himself: It’s a good thing he brought this man with him, otherwise he would really fall this time!

Anyone who was brought here has the cultivation base of the Sage Realm. There are several people who are in the late stage of the Sage Realm and the peak of it, and there is only one who is in the Reunification Realm.

He said to Pei Ming through sound transmission: “It’s time for you to appear, Brother Killer!” Wh8rf5

M1zushi: I’ve translated 4 extra chapters now, so I put a new goal on ko-fi ^^

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