Chapter 4: Boss Pei

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The little bun took the porridge, drank half of it, and then found that the bowl was taken away again.

He looked up in bewilderment and saw this good-looking immortal in front of him laughing. His voice was a little hoarse because it was deliberately low, but there was a kind of indescribable goodness Pei Ming couldn’t put into words.

He laughed very differently. The appearance of being estranged from the dust was like a vulnerable shell that was easily punctured. The sense of distance disappeared with the laughter, but he always felt that there was something wrong.

If Yue Xiuzhi’s brothers in reality were present, they’d definitely send Yue Xiuzhi’s four words: gay.

(tl note: 钙里钙气 describes a man who is relatively pure and looks like a gentleman but is actually a gay guy (gèi lǎo) as mighty and majestic, as domineering.)

He heard the immortal say, “Your stomach is too weak to eat more.”

Although it was true, Yue Xiuzhi smiled because of Pei Ming’s confused face after he was taken away from the porridge, and he was reluctant to give it up even after he knew that he couldn’t eat any more.

Although the time difference between the two worlds was more than 20 years, for Yue Xiuzhi, it was only a day or two away. A day or two ago, Pei Ming, the little wolf cub, made Jiuhuaxiao in a mess and forced him to drink the strongest poison, which made him stay in the dark room for nine days rather than die.

Who would’ve known that Big Brother Pei, who will be mighty and powerful in the future, was now salivating over a bowl of spiritual rice porridge?

Although he knew that Pei Ming was not to blame for this after all, it was still the foolish system’s fault, but he was still unhappy and wanted to play tricks on the boy.

Pei Xiaoming had been silent since the porridge was taken away. (Xiao: little, term of endearment)

The more you raise your eyebrows, the angrier you are?

However, after a long time brewing, Pei Xiaoming suddenly grabbed Yue Xiuzhi’s sleeve and said, “Immortal, can you accept me as a disciple?” (like a tea brewing, he was thinking for a long time)

Yue Xiuzhi froze, and then asked, “This question, didn’t you ask me before?”

Pei Xiaoming twiddled his fingers, “But ……” But I don’t know if you’ve agreed to it.

Although he has finished walking that step, he also did not know how many people finished, this immortal looks so powerful, will he accept him as a disciple?

This silly child, still thinking that that cloud ladder was something anyone could finish it, if this idea was heard by those who didn’t walk 4,000 steps, only to be eliminated, they may want to die of heart attack.

“I’ve already spoken to the Sect Leader and I will accept you as the only personal disciple. Someone will come later to give you the identity jade butterfly.” Yue Xiuzhi said.

Only Pei Xiaoming’s eyes lit up fiercely, cute as can be, and he was so excited that he stuttered, “Really? Great, thank you Immortal!”

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Yue Xiuzhi shook his head and laughed, “You should call me Shizun.”

Pei Ming restrained his excitement and held his voice for half a day, and came out with, “Shizun!”

Crisp and nice.

Yue Xiuzhi thought to himself.

He took out a small porcelain bottle from his mustard pouch and handed it to Pei Ming: “Take this, it will heal the external injuries on your body.”

Pei Ming took the porcelain bottle and poured out a lovely, round elixir with a strange fragrance all over it.

For a while, he was a little reluctant to eat it.

Yue Xiuzhi rubbed his head and turned the little bun’s soft hair into a head of messy fluff, then said, “Little bumpkin, drink.”

You ignorant little bumpkin, your Shizun, I, not only have spirit stones, but also have system points. Do you want anything in the future? I’ll spoil you  up to the sky.

Pei Ming did not know what bumkin meant, but he felt that the tone of the master was really gentle, coaxing him to drink the potion with a grunt.

After drinking it, he felt a warm current flowing through his body, so comfortable that he almost screamed out, and then he quickly covered his mouth with his little hand, very lovely.

Then he was surprised to find that all his injuries were healed.

Was this the…… immortal medicine given by the immortals?

Pei Xiaoming thought dumbly.


Pei Xiaoming thus became the little master of Liu Ya Peak, and he gradually began to get used to the life here.

He began to understand his own master, Liu Ya Peak’s master, Jiuhuaxiao first battle force, Fatan-zunzhe. Yue Xiuzhi was in such a position, how to understand the luck he received?

He felt really lucky, because Shizun treated him very well, although sometimes he also teased him, but he can feel Shizun’s love and care for himself.

Once, he heard people say that one day a teacher was a father for life, he had never seen his own father, but he had an immense desire to have a father who protected him…… No, it was okay not to need to protect himself, as long as he knew that that person would put himself on the tip of their heart.

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Now, this wish seems to be doubly fulfilled.

He also learned what an amazing move he had made when he walked the Nine Hua Cloud Ladders, and the servant beside him told him that he had the nine-vein talent, which was unique in the spirit world, and would sooner or later become the most powerful person in the spirit world.

He was happy because he hoped he could become stronger than Shizun so he could protect him.

The five-year-old little bean’s mind was still very simple, and because of the long lack of love, whoever treated him well, he wanted to empty his heart and lungs and return the favor tenfold and a hundredfold.

But he recently had some doubts, because he had been living in Liu Ya Peak for three months, Shizun would hand teach him to learn words, teach him to read, teach him martial arts, but never teach him to draw qi into the body.

If he didn’t introduce qi into his body, he will never be able to start, and will always be just an ordinary person with no cultivation.

But why didn’t Shizun teach him?

He was puzzled but did not ask out.


Pei Ming opened his eyes and felt very unfamiliar with the room in front of him.

Where is this? How could he be here?

Shouldn’t he be in the Deity Realm?

That’s right, this Pei Ming was not the other Pei Ming, but the Big Brother Pei of the Original World that killed Yue Xiuzhi before.

Big Brother Pei had completed his fight and upgrades, walked through all the storylines, and became a god of the Original World.

This old man had been staying very well in his own deity domain and woke up violently in this strange place.

Then he was even more surprised to find that his body had become smaller!

Moreover, he lost all the deity power in his body, and even had no trace of spiritual power, turning into a mortal with no cultivation.

His primordial spirit was originally strong, but it was also suppressed by the laws of the world, leaving only the Holy realm level holy sense remaining.

Pei Ming tried to communicate with the laws of this world, but originally, as a god, the laws were obedient to him, but in this world, the laws did not respond at all.

Pei Ming’s heart set off a shocking wave, he sat up violently, looked around this strange room, and found a mirror.

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He went to the mirror and sat down and found that the face in the mirror was his own as a child!

He could not explain the cause of this matter, even had no clue. But the servant who was waiting outside his door heard a noise in the house and approached the house.

These were the two teenagers at the beginning, one of them was called Liu Feng and the other was called Liu Ye. Liu Feng was the one who served porridge to Pei Ming before.

The two of them were handymen of Liu Ya Peak, both orphans, and they were sent by Yue Xiuzhi to serve Pei Ming once he became the young master of Liu Ya Peak.

“Little master, it’s almost time for you to wash, gargle and change your clothes, Your Holiness is still waiting for you to have your meal.” Liu Feng said.

Pei Ming looked at Liu Feng and Liu Ye and thought they looked a little familiar, but it seemed to be too long ago and hazy memory, he couldn’t remember for a while.

So he asked with an expressionless face, “Where is this? Who are you?”

Liu Ye laughed and took Pei Ming to wash up without a care: “Little master is still sleeping today, this is Liu Ya Peak. Don’t delay, let’s wash up first, You Holiness is still waiting for us.”

Liu Ya Peak!

Pei Ming’s eyes widened in shock, this was actually Jiuhuaxiao’s Liu Ya Peak!

But wasn’t Jiuhuaxiao destroyed by him hundreds of years ago, what’s going on?

And who is His Holiness?

Pei Ming’s bun face written full of shock, with big eyes round open, but Liu Ye immediately put a warm towel in his hand and told him to wipe his face quickly.

Pei Ming: “……”

What the hell was this place!

After Pei Ming washed and dressed, he was taken to the lobby by Liu Feng and Liu Ye, where Yue Xiuzhi was already sitting at the dining table waiting for his little bean.

He didn’t know that when Pei Ming saw the living Yue Xiuzhi, his heart once again set off shocking waves.

Yue Xiuzhi? He’s not dead yet?

Wasn’t he killed by him long ago?

Could it be that he had gone back in time? A thousand years ago, when he was still a child?

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Oh, that would be really bad, it was a disgusting experience after all.

Seeing Pei Ming’s dazed look, Yue Xiuzhi could not help but feel some amusement: “What’s wrong? Did you get sleepy today? So dull and dazed.”

After saying that he couldn’t help but poke Pei Ming’s bun face.

Pei Ming angrily looked at Yue Xiuzhi in his heart.

Why is this scum still moving his hands and feet?

I want to kill him again!

Pei Ming’s heart ignited with raging ambition, and he was finally defeated by his three-headed body without spiritual power. (3 headed: like a chibi person with height of 1 big head)

“Come and have your breakfast, today the kitchen made crystal shrimp dumplings that you love to eat.” Yue Xiuzhi pulled the little bean to his seat, sat himself down opposite him, and then gave Pei Ming a shrimp dumpling.

Pei Ming’s doubts were really growing now, why was this Yue Xiuzhi treating him so well? From memory, even when he had just become this guy’s disciple and the news that he couldn’t cultivate and had a demonic nature hadn’t been revealed, he hadn’t been this close to him.

So he didn’t go back in time? Was this place an illusion?

No, although he just tried to communicate with the law but did not get a response, he can still feel the integrity of the laws of this world, the illusionary world couldn’t have such a complete law.

Although he was very puzzled by everything so far, and also felt very light and strange, but Pei-dage had experienced any big storm after all, and when everything was unknown, he chose to stay calm and wait and see what would happen. (dage: elder brother/big bro)

So he silently ate the shrimp dumplings in the bowl.

He had been a god for hundreds of years and had long forgotten what these mortal foods tasted like, so he finished this shrimp dumpling, put down his chopsticks, and didn’t move.

“What’s wrong? Not to your liking?” Yue Xiuzhi asked.

Pei Ming shook his head.

When he finally noticed that something was wrong with the little cub, he got up and walked over to the little cub, reached out and probed the little cub’s forehead.

The first thing you need to do was to get up and walk over to the little one. No fever.

“What are you doing?” Pei Ming suppressed the anger to kill Yu Xiuzhi and asked in tone as calm as possible.

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