TPSF Ch47 - Meeting with a mishap - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 M1zushi [Translator]17-21 minutes

When Yue Xiuzhi woke up again, six days had passed since he took lotus seeds, and thirteen days had passed since he fell into a coma in the Spirits Returning secret realm.

He woke up in a strange cabin. The cabin was small yet it was tidy. tWnp9d

I am not dying? Was I rescued?

Yue Xiuzhi knows his own body very well. He knew before that he was probably suffering from a cold, and he also hoped that Xiao Ming would save him after he died.

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I didn’t expect I’d turn out to be all right?!

Before it, he was beaten into a sieve, with his heart aching when he took a breath, and his body was totally empty. But now, there is nothing wrong with it. NRXYg

It even feels very comfortable, he feels like one punch can split a mountain!

Before, he felt that he might not be able to break through the Reunification Realm for the rest of his life. After all, he was just an outsider. Compared with the real “Yue Xiuzhi” who lived for hundreds of years, although he himself was a human being for three generations, he only lived for fifty or sixty years. The understanding of the Dao of practice in this world is also much weaker.

Not to mention, after the fall of the Divine Calendar Era, no one could break through the Transcendent Realm anymore.

So Yue Xiuzhi had long planned to be a salted fish for the rest of his life, but who knew that he didn’t die this time, and even his realm was loosened!


Originally, after reaching the peak of the Reunification Realm, he could no longer see the road behind the Dao of cultivation, but at this moment, it seemed that a road appeared faintly in front of him.

As long as he steps forward, he will be the first one to escape his realm after the end of the divine calendar!

If there are no accidents, it will take about one or two years.

Is one or two years long? Even for Pei Ming, a super cheat, one or two years is not too long to reach the Detachment state! Not to mention Yue Xiuzhi, who is only a hundred years old. 2aX1wA

After the end of the divine calendar, all Reunification Realms would stop at the Reunification Realm forever. If you tell him that you can make him break through the Reunification Realm, he only needs to wait for tens of thousands of years, of course he is willing to! That is, if he can live for tens of thousands of years…

While Yue Xiuzhi was happy, he thought obediently that he got a bargain: Originally, he only wanted to be a salted fish, but he didn’t expect to be able to break through. It seems that I am really talented.

He didn’t know that Pei Ming only ate half of the lotus seeds and directly broke through the Transcendence Realm. He ate all the lotus seeds, as well as various heavenly and earthly treasures, which only loosened the bottleneck of breaking through his Reunification Realm — but this is also related to his serious injury.

That’s right, after seeing that the lotus seeds could not wake Yue Xiuzhi up, Pei Ming ran all over the spirit world and found all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures. Only then did Yue Xiuzhi barely wake up. zDoXdg

Knowing that someone saved him, but there was no one else in the wooden house except himself, Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help shouting.

It was also a coincidence. Seeing that Yue Xiuzhi hadn’t woken up in the morning, Pei Ming went to the Western Regions of the Spirit Realm to look for the soul grass, and just came back at this moment. He heard Yue Xiuzhi’s voice coming from the wooden house, and hurried into the wooden house.

Yue Xiuzhi saw that “Jun Huachen” was holding a stalk of grass in his hand. The grass itself was nothing special, but there was a faint blue flame burning around it.

This is… the Soul Turning Grass? bo ted

Yue Xiuzhi looked up at Pei Ming and said, “You saved me?”

Pei Ming nodded.

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Yue Xiuzhi’s eyes were a little complicated. In fact, what he wanted to ask more was, how did he save him?

He was so injured, how did Pei Ming wake him up? JhrFGU

This Soul Turning Grass, if he guessed correctly, was also given to him by “Jun Huachen”.

So what happened before the Soul Turning Grass? What did this guy find for him?

The Soul Turning Grass is a legend-level elixir. It is said that it can bring people back to life… Of course, it is not so exaggerated. Even Gods may not be able to bring people back to life. This is already the category of Heaven.

But as long as the person has a breath, taking the Soul Turning Grass is guaranteed to save them, but there will be a period of weakness in the middle, and the effect is relatively slow. ezZAxE

In the original book, after the saint was seriously injured for Pei Ming, Pei Ming searched all over the Dead Sea Desert in the Western Region of the Spirit Realm, and almost died there, before he found it to heal her wounds. But in this world, because Pei Ming didn’t call the saint, the Soul Turning Grass never had a chance to appear.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Dead Sea Desert…

Tef Wlehtl atbeuta bo atlr, jcv cbalmfv atf ojlca rwfii bo yibbv lc atf jlg.

Tef Wlehtl’r fzqgfrrlbc ogbhf, jcv tf jrxfv, “Cgf sbe lcpegfv?” gJLBV6

Ufl Zlcu rwlifv ilutais, kjnfv tlr tjcvr jcv rjlv, “Pa’r pera j rwjii lcpegs.”

“Dea rlcmf sbe’gf jkjxf, atfgf’r cb cffv obg atlr.” Ufl Zlcu rjlv, qeaalcu jkjs atf Vbei Kegclcu Xgjrr.

In fact, Pei Ming has been seriously injured in order to collect these treasures of heaven and earth these days, but he does not intend to tell Yue Xiuzhi.

Yue Xiuzhi got up from the bed at once, reached out to check Pei Ming’s physical condition, and found that Pei Ming’s injury was very serious, his spiritual power was exhausted, and his internal organs were also damaged. GZdWEc

Yue Xiuzhi frowned, and said seriously: “Hurry up and take that Soul Turning Grass grass.”

“No, that Soul Turning Grass…” Under Yue Xiuzhi’s stare, Pei Ming gradually faded away.

He was afraid that Yue Xiuzhi’s injuries might not be fully healed, so he kept the Soul Turning Grass just in case. As for himself… Anyway, this body does not belong to him, even if this body dies, he will just change it for another one.

Besides, there will be a period of weakness after taking Soul Turning Grass, but he heard that something happened to Jiuhuaxiao recently… qKzeO3

He had thought that it would be better for Yue Xiuzhi to take it and have the weak period, so Yue Xiuzhi could not risk himself. But now he has to take it for himself. He can’t stop or protect Yue Xiuzhi.

Yet seeing Yue Xiuzhi’s eyes full of worry for him at this time, Pei Ming felt a little warm again.

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But he still tried to struggle: “I’m actually fine…”

“Jun Huachen!” Pei Ming said halfway, and Yue Xiuzhi yelled. v1Pjpl

Pei Ming: “…”

He’s fine! This body is not his!

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It’s no use calling me Jun Huachen, I’m not Jun Huachen.

The two confronted each other for a long time, but in the end Pei Ming was defeated. ycdJCE

Pei Ming sighed softly, and said, “Okay, let me check your injuries first.”

Yue Xiuzhi nodded, stretched out his hand, and said in a cold voice, “It’s long gone.”

Pei Ming checked and found that it was really all right, and even the barriers of his realm were loosened.

In this case, if Yue Xiuzhi really wants to return to Jiuhuaxiao, there should be no surprises… A strong man who is about to transcend the realm and can reach the late stage of the Reunification Realm – there are not many Reunification Realms in the entire spiritual world that are in the later stage. 2eHkAx

Pei Ming compromised and took out the Soul Turning Grass and took it.

After taking it, Pei Ming’s injuries gradually improved, but at the same time, his spiritual power gradually weakened.

After a while, Pei Ming showed a wry smile.

This Soul Turning Grass actually made him more closely connected with this body! qStDQY

Now, he can’t easily get out of this body.

Yue Xiuzhi didn’t know so much, but he was relieved to see that Pei Ming’s injuries were improving.

Relieved, he found that the communication jade badge on his body suddenly became hot.

Yue Xiuzhi quickly took it out, and a line of words appeared on the top of the token: incident, return quickly. ImqN r

And it’s not just this typesetting, the top of the token keeps appearing, it seems that the sect has sent him several messages. But he was in the Spirits Returning secret realm for two months, the communication token cannot send messages to the secret realm.

In the Spirits Returning secret realm, it is equivalent to “no signal”. Then even if he came out, he was in a coma for several days, so he didn’t see the news.

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The following words became more and more urgent, and the last paragraph made Yue Xiuzhi’s heart shrink even more: Pei Ming was arrested, hurry back!

Something happened to Pei Xiaoming!! gncxTo

“I have to go back to Jiuhuaxiao first!” Yue Xiuzhi said, and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Pei Ming.

“I’m very grateful for your life-saving grace, but I have to go back to Jiuhuaxiao now. From now on, as long as I don’t violate morality, my life is yours.” Yue Xiuzhi turned his head and said to Pei Ming.

Hearing this, Pei Ming said helplessly, “Why would I want your life? I just want to go there with you.”

Yue Xiuzhi frowned, and said, “You just took the Soul Turning Grass and your body is still weak, so there’s no need to take this risk with me.” E9k52L

After Yue Xiuzhi finished speaking, before Pei Ming refused, he shrank the ground and left.

Pei Ming: “…”

Taking the Soul Turning Grass really tricked him!

This time, it made him miserable! Now he can’t even shrink the ground to an inch! X1hrNB

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After being annoyed on the spot for a while, Pei Ming managed to calm down.

Forget it, the weak period of the soul turning grass didn’t take long for him. Others needed a month, but he only needed a day or two.

But at this time, Pei Ming would not have imagined that Yue Xiuzhi would do something big in just a few days.

Because although he heard that something happened to Jiuhuaxiao, because Yue Xiuzhi had been in a coma, he didn’t ask specifically what happened to Jiuhuaxiao. z6a2Rf

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have swallowed the Soul Turning Grass at all.


Jiuhuaxiao really had a big deal.

Ever since Yue Xiuzhi left Jiuhuaxiao, bad luck has haunted Jiuhuaxiao one after another. gC2SUX

Lu Fanyi, who first went to investigate those incidents in which a large number of strong men robbed geniuses, and their motives were suspected of stealing cultivation pulses to refine alchemy, returned. Lu Fan was seriously injured, and returned to Jiuhuaxiao with his last breath, and immediately fell into a coma, and his cultivation directly regressed to the Sage Realm. Moreover, Feng Lan, the master of Jianya Peak, and He Ruxian, the master of Qihun Peak, didn’t come back, so they didn’t know if they were alive or dead.

In Jiuhuaxiao Nine Peaks, the peak masters rank in order of strength: Liuya Peak Yue Xiuzhi (Peak of Reunification Realm), Sovereign Master Fu Yuan (Peak), Jianya Peak Feng Lan (late stage), and Dao’e Peak Master Tang Haochuan (late stage), Qianlan Peak Lu Fanyi (late stage), Qihun Peak He Ruxian (middle stage), Fengluan Peak Linyue (middle stage), Medicine King Peak Lin Xun (early stage), Yushou Peak Li Hanfeng (early stage).

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Jiuhuaxiao’s Nine Peaks’ Reunification Realms lost three of them at once, and they were all three with relatively high combat power. Jiuhuaxiao was immediately severely injured.

It was too late to mourn, and not long after, Sage’s Walk announced to the world: Jiuhuaxiao secretly hides the demon clan! U47ZGh

Pei Ming, the first disciple of Liuya Peak in Jiuhuaxiao and the only disciple of Venerable Fatan, is a demon!

This demon race was insane and brutally killed all the disciples of Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Dian in the Spirits Returning secret realm, leaving only one person from Sage’s Walk who was worthy of exposing Pei Ming’s atrocities!

All of a sudden, there was an uproar, and Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Dian jointly put pressure on Jiuhuaxiao to hand over Pei Ming!

Jiuhuaxiao was very confused at first, but no matter what, they didn’t believe that Pei Ming was a demon. Pei Ming had grown up with them since he was young. How can any demon be able to practice spiritual power? 2XIwa

Moreover, they also saw Pei Ming’s contribution to Jiuhuaxiao. Pei Ming started to go out on missions at the age of twelve, and it was common for him to be injured. Pei Ming was very cunning outside, plucking geese and collecting money in various ways, but in the end all the money was used by him to give back to the sect.

In recent years, the resources of the sect’s outer disciples and handyman disciples have increased a lot, all thanks to Pei Ming.

And aside from these things, Pei Ming is also the treasure in the palm of Fatan-zunche. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the lifeline. Even if he is a demon, they still have to wait for Venerable Fatan to come back. Now Venerable Fatan went out to seek an opportunity, if they took advantage of this time to hand over Pei Ming, what if Yue Xiuzhi wanted to blow up Jiuhuaxiao when he came back?!

And Pei Ming hasn’t returned to the sect yet! 8CDxc0

As soon as the Spirits Returning secret realm ended, all the living people left, but Pei Xiaoming still stayed in the core area for nearly two months, and others naturally didn’t know about this.

But they hadn’t been dazed for long, and Lu Fanyi finally woke up the next day.

After Lu Fanyi told everything he knew, the senior management of Jiuhuaxiao suddenly exploded!

It turned out that when Lu Fanyi and the others went to investigate the incident of a large number of strong men blatantly robbing geniuses, they inadvertently overheard the conversation of a group of people and discovered a shocking secret. g4dec0

They only guessed that Ming Mie Dian had colluded with the Demon Realm before, but they didn’t expect that not only did their guess come true this time, but the matter was even more serious than they imagined!

Not just Ming Mie Peak, but also Sage’s Walk! They have all colluded with the Demon Realm!

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And they actually planned to expand the cracks in the demon world in various parts of the spirit world, open the gates of the demon world, and let the demons invade the spirit world on a large scale!

When the senior management of Jiuhuaxiao heard this, they were stunned. qio1Tl

You explained that Mie Dian did this and their motives are nothing more than unwillingness to resign to the current decline, and want to seek skin from the tiger and return to its former glory. But what is Sage’s Walk, which has been isolated from the world and has a detached status?!

Lu Fanyi said that he heard the meaning of those people’s words, as if he had received the prophecy of the way of heaven because of Sage’s Walk.

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Sage’s Walk has always had the ability to communicate with the gods and gods, but when the gods fell, they could no longer get a response from the gods as the gods rarely responded to them.

But a few years ago, Heaven suddenly responded to them! xQk6VU

Heaven’s Will told them that the gods fell because they favored the spirit world and broke the rules.

Sage’s Walk suddenly went crazy!

Sage’s Walk was originally an extreme supporter of gods. In modern times, it is a group of extremely fanatical religious elements. When it comes to matters related to gods, they are no different from lunatics… No, they are more terrifying than lunatics!

At least this is a group, a large number of lunatics with high-end force! HqLrNv

When they go crazy, they can turn the world upside down!

After Heaven’s Will gave such a sentence, Sage’s Walk thought: Yes, the gods really favored the spirit world too much at the beginning. Compared with the spirit world, the resources of the demon world are poor and the environment is harsh. In the Demon Realm, ordinary people don’t even have food, and often die in large numbers.

Practitioners in the spiritual world practice in order to become stronger and pursue the Dao, but practitioners in the demon world have only one purpose in their practice, which is to survive!

In the Demon Realm, even food has to be fought over! Extreme weather can also kill people alive! dxnADq

In order not to starve to death or freeze to death, demons embarked on the road of practice. But once you set foot on it, you will find that the path of a demon cultivator is that the weak eat the strong, the strong act recklessly, and the weak have no human rights.

So, in order to survive, they forced themselves to keep getting stronger.

Compared with the spirit world, how unfortunate is the devil world!

Sage’s Walk thought, the Heaven’s Will reminded them so that they could atone for their gods! GjTa2X

As long as the two worlds of spirits and demons receive the same treatment, then the mistakes made by the gods can be made up for, and the gods can return again!

So these people in Sage’s Walk went crazy. They started colluding with the demon world, hoping to break the barrier between the two worlds.

During this period, they also learned that Ming Mie Dian had already colluded with the Demon Realm, so Sage’s Walk and Ming Mie Dian became an alliance.

Sage’s Walk plans that as long as the barrier between the two worlds is broken, the vitality of the two worlds will be connected, and the resources of the demon world will no longer be lacking. qA4hb1

As for the demon world wanting to launch a war between spirits and demons, will the spirit world be devastated?

——What does it matter to them?

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For tens of thousands of years in the Demon Realm, hasn’t it always been a waste of life? It’s time for the spirit world to pay it back!


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