Time went by and it was the day they were to meet the Emperor. They had to leave right away before the afternoon, so the surroundings were busy.

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“Miss, this is a custom-made dress. Let’s try it on.”


Lucy put the fancy blue dress on Beher’s body. It was a seemingly burdensome dress, so Beher was reluctant, but Lucy put her hand on her waist as if she had no intention of backing down.


“Miss, please don’t! Wear what I give you. The accessories are extra, you know that, don’t you?”


Lucy smiled brightly and helped Beher with the dress.


A necklace with blue sapphires and earrings were heavy on her neck and ears. It was so awkward to look in the mirror and see herself changing. Knowing that all of this was something that had to be done for the sake of the play, Beher patiently accepted the situation.


A bright yellow topaz necklace was seen on Lucy’s neck.


After Beher found out that Ron was Lucy’s brother, there was nothing she could do about it. It was sad, but she had to tell the truth.


Lucy was furious as Beher politely told her about what had happened between her and Ron. Then Beher burst into tears and said, 


“What am I grateful for? I only survived in Ron’s place….”


Rather– Beher began to feel guilty. She didn’t give Lucy the necklace purely to make her feel better. It was a kind of process that she had to go through anyway for revenge.


“I see…I see,” Lucy repeated, suddenly taking Beher’s hands in hers. It was frustrating to see Beher’s tearful eyes and she wanted to wipe the tears away.


“….I’m sorry. Yes, I wanted to move to the Horn Empire with your brother, but we were chased …”


Beher bowed her head. She blamed herself, because there was nothing else to say. She meant it.


“No! Lady! When I first saw you, I wondered why I was so attracted to you… but there was a reason for everything. I didn’t know you were a spiritist like my brother. That’s amazing. Anyway, I don’t want the Lady to be sad about what happened. I’m sure my brother would feel the same way. So…please, I hope you feel happy too.”


How can she (Lucy) speak so beautifully? She didn’t hold a grudge. Wasn’t Ron her only family? Perhaps unlike her (Beher), they grew up relying on each other….


When Beher asked Lucy about her past, she told her that shortly after her brother was abducted, a suspicious person came to her house. She said that she was almost kidnapped without warning, but that Grand Duke Lucai protected her. Beher vaguely understood why Lucy had followed him.


Lucy reassured Beher that she would never tell him the fact that Beher was a spiritist. It was as if Lucy was really Beher’s person, not the servant of Grand Duke Lucai.


Beher thought it was a relationship that she could only meet while she was still working on this play, but it was deeper than she thought.


They didn’t meet the right way, but she was really lucky to have someone to rely on in a strange land.


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It seemed like there would be a lot more to do with Lucy from now on. She was in a daze for a while when she heard Lucy’s voice.


“Miss! You need to concentrate!”


Before she knew it, Beher was sitting in her seat and someone was applying her makeup on her face. When did the person arrive and sit next to her? 


For the first time in her life, she was confused by the make-up, but when she saw herself glittering, she didn’t feel so bad.


She had always had the desire to live as an ordinary girl. It was as if she was dreaming.


Her body smelled not of blood, but of fragrant flowers. It was as if she was sitting in a field of flowers, and she felt at peace. The expression on Lucy’s face as she gazed at Beher was one of satisfaction.


Finally, it was time to leave the Grand Duke’s residence. Not alone, Beher had to go with Lucai. Ben was willing to lend an arm in case she couldn’t walk well with the long dress.


Fortunately, growing up as an imperial princess, it wasn’t that difficult to walk.


However, the thought of walking around in a heavy, long dress was already exhausting. While thinking about whether there would be a lighter dress, she found Lucai waiting in front of the carriage.


His black hair, which he always wore down, flipped back to reveal a cooler look. It made his red eyes look more vivid. The man looked great, not in the uniform he usually wore, but in a more flamboyant black indigo uniform.


Even though she hadn’t approached him yet, she could feel his gaze on her. It was so intense that she had to lower her head.


She could see that he was observing her appearance closely. When She got closer, she also felt that his red eyes got a little bigger.


‘Was he very surprised?’


She wasn’t clean and beautiful since the first time they met. So it was understandable if he was surprised. Perhaps it was not so much her appearance that surprised him, but the way she was decorated that made him look at her in wonder.


“You’re here.”


Lucai said in a low voice.


“I’m sorry I’m late, Your Highness.”


“I guess you know.”


He complained that he had been waiting quite a long time. But…


“Well, if you look at that level of decorum, I suppose it’s not too bad of an outcome. You’re very proactive in your work, so I like it.”

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“…Thank you.”


She didn’t expect to get a compliment from him. So the word thank you jumped out a beat too late.


His eyes flashed. Then he held out his hand.


It was a strong hand that hugged her waist and hovered in the air as if to say, “Give me something.”


“It seems that the bride- to- be doesn’t know how to deal with men. I am now treating you as my lover.”




She didn’t notice his intentions. Beher immediately put her hand on his.


It was hot and ticklish.


He gently grabbed her hand and pulled it closer. Then her eyes opened wide at the voice that whispered.


“The play has started.”



They were silent the whole time in the large carriage. Beher fiddled with the dessert box Lucy had given her. She couldn’t give the one that fell to the ground because of the accident at the square to His Majesty, so Lucy bought another one.


The scenery seen through the carriage was very peaceful. Birds were chirping and children were laughing. The soldiers with dignified posture in the grand duke’s coat of arms. All of it was awkward.


She was also worried that Lucai had witnessed her ability, but he hadn’t said a word about it.


‘I guess he didn’t see it.’


Beher began to think about how to lock arms with him, how to walk by his side…Can’t make even the slightest mistake.


Her face seemed to stiffen a little because of it. Lucai stroked his chin and asked in a frustrated tone,




“Yes, Your Highness.”


Beher’s pure eyes opened wide at the sudden call.


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He called her but he didn’t say anything. He just stared at her. She wondered if something was on her face, she touched it, but there was nothing particularly bothering her. Above all, that part was certain because Lucy took care of her just before riding the carriage.


Then what is it?




That was when there was an awkward silence that lasted for a while. He let out a small sigh.


“Are you going to see His Majesty with that expression?”


‘My expression?’


‘What’s wrong with my expression?’


Beher did not understand his words. Was it hardened? If not, ….


“What do you think our relationship is, you and I?”


Beher quickly answered the sudden question. Of course she thought it was the right answer.


“It’s a contractual relationship.”


“It looks like that, but it’s wrong.”




Lucai sat cross-legged, folded his arms, and leaned closer to Beher.


“We are in love.”




Beher didn’t think about her relationship with him at all, even though she was aware it was a play. She was speechless by the unexpected answer.


In other things she’d made it clear back to him, but something this emotional… It was a little difficult for her.


“We should really love each other. No, we’re in love. We can’t live without each other. The play is to deceive His Majesty. Don’t even think about fooling around.”


She listened to him without missing a single word.

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“It’s a matter of deceiving His Majesty. I’m going to love you dearly, if only for a little while. Even if it’s a contract, remember, Beher. We’re not meeting him for fun. We’re doing something very dangerous, a play that will fool the entire empire.”


He’s right. She had to love him. Not fake, but real. If you’re an actor who can fool everyone, you shouldn’t show any mistakes. For example, the idea that she doesn’t love him.


‘I’m on stage now. I love him.’


Her  stiff expression gradually relaxed. Lucai seemed satisfied with the way she looked, and he leaned his back against the carriage.


Soon, they arrived at the Imperial Palace, and Lucai dismounted from the carriage first. The pure white light reflected in Beher’s eyes.


As she stepped down, she saw many people lined up on the red carpet. A resounding fanfare reached her ears.


From a distance, she saw a figure in a golden gown. An older man with a white beard, full of dignity. It was indeed Emperor Miriam.


‘I’m his fiancée. So…I must love him.’


Beher repeated in her mind and placed her hand on Lucai’s arm. Then, just as she was about to move her feet, Lucai suddenly turned his face to her.




Her lips, which were so beautifully painted with red color, were swallowed. Startled, Beher staggered momentarily. A firm arm grabbed tightly around her waist.


It wasn’t a deep, intense kiss. But… the fact that they were kissing in front of many people’s eyes made her innocent eyes shake violently.


Her blue eyes and his red eyes met. His eyes were folded slightly.


‘Is he smiling?’


He stuck out his tongue and licked Beher’s lips. The hot sensation almost melted her body.


She panicked when he came out aggressively like this in front of everyone.


He licked Beher’s lips and breathed into them.


Then he touched Beher’s reddened cheek and said with satisfaction.


“Good. It looks like you spent a hot night with me. I’m sure His Majesty will be pleased.”


For the first time, she thought Lucai was crazy.

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