*Special delivery 2 chapter 22-23!

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The kiss was more intense than ever. The tip of his tongue touched her throat. The feeling inside was sweltering, but it soon turned hot. He moved well.


Beher felt her whole body wet from the tight kiss. The heat was too much to handle and Beher took a step backwards. 


Lucai held Beher’s neck tightly and fixed her in place. He came another step closer. His firm thighs were inserted between her legs. Beher flinched. She grabbed his arms as hard as she could to straighten her wobbling body.


As if it was a natural reaction, Lucai’s hands tightened. Pressure was put on her shoulders. The more this happened, the more the kissing increased.


The breath that came in was unbearable. Beher moaned. It was an unfamiliar voice. She felt dizzy at the unfamiliar act. Once she had dreamed of being held in the arms of the man she loved.


She felt disappointed to be held in the arms of the man she didn’t love. But….


‘Maybe I can try to love him a little. We’re doing a play anyway.’




Lucai removed his lips. The saliva dripped sloppily and fell to the ground. Beher quickly wiped the wetness from her lips with her thumb.


She looked up at him. Today, there was a different color in his dark eyes. She raised her hand and touched his cheek.


Their eyes met each other’s, and the instinct that had read the momentum sounded the very signal.


Lucai opened Beher’s gown. She didn’t even have time to grab her gown as it fell to the floor as she stood. Her body, not wearing any underwear, was glistening in the moonlight.


Lucai’s throat shook. It felt awkward as he stared at her body. Beher quickly raised her hand to cover her chest.


“No. Don’t cover it up.”


He was a mischievous man. He grabbed Beher’s wrist and kissed her collarbone. She flinched as if his moist lips were needles.


He squeezed her breasts. Beher’s breasts, neither small nor large, fit perfectly in his hands. Again and again he squeezed them and let go. The feeling was unbearable and Beher bit her lips.


“….. haaa!”

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His fingers circled her nipples. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. She didn’t know why. The more he touched her, the faster her heart began to beat.


“…… Hmm.”


Lucai swallowed her breast fully in his mouth. He sucked hard and then flicked her nipples. He swirled his tongue all over the place, tormenting her.


She could feel the heat between her legs. She didn’t know what to say to this. Her body was twisting and wanting something more, but what is it?


Lucai’s head slowly moved down. Every place his lips touched, it left red traces, like flower petals had landed there.


Is this how it’s supposed to be before s*x? 


Before she knew it, his lips reached her secret place. Startled, Beher pushed Lucai’s head away, but he held her buttocks tightly and didn’t let go. Only her upper body was leaned back. His tongue dug through the hair. Beher’s body shuddered as he rubbed the thin membrane and licked it.




Chug. Chug. The sounds of the sucking echoed through the room. He didn’t stop as if he didn’t care if she suffered.


Licking and sucking with his tongue, he paused and resumed continuously. Beher felt something flowing out of her.


Lucai got up from below. He stroked Beher’s trembling back with his hand. She didn’t know how the trembling stopped then. Under his gentle touch, the concentration of the act became stronger and stronger.


“Don’t hold back, let out your voice. I want  to hear it. If you can’t stand it, it’ll be quite exciting.”


He spat the lewd words without hesitation and rubbed his fingers over her slit. Her mound was wet.




She didn’t know how far she could handle this action. It was getting harder and harder to endure. Beher closed her eyes and accepted his actions.


The finger that was digging into her flesh and rubbing her insides moved violently in and out.


She couldn’t hear the squishy sounds. It was just hot and she felt like she was going crazy. She felt like she was going to collapse.


“…Your Highness!”

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At the sound of Beher’s voice, Lucai suddenly slowed down and whispered in her ear.


“Ma’am, at a time like this, you must call my name.”


He said it slyly and moved his fingers at a fast speed.


Drop. Drop.


There was a sloshing sound of water. She really felt like she was going to faint and clung to his arms.


Lucai chewed and licked her breasts, even in the midst of it, as if he had room to spare. The rough gesture disturbed his gown. His wet skin appeared as if it was about to run down.


“…… Ahh!”


“…That’s good.”


He soothed Beher by rubbing the protruding bumps as if he liked Beher’s moan.


She was out of breath. He kissed her wetly again.


She felt like something was going to come out of her, but then he slowed down and she calmed down. He was slowly probing her, as if he knew her mind well.


“Is this your first time…..?”




Should she say it’s not her first time? She heard that many men find virgin women troublesome. And this wasn’t the man in the role to be kind to her. He was an unknown man who would someday reach her heart.


“Answer me.”


He said without stopping.


“Does it matter? You want my body, and I will only respond to your play. All we have to do is feel each other’s warmth, right?”


Beher replied with a chuckle. Lucai’s eyes widened and changed. His brow wrinkled, as if he didn’t like something about it. Then he quickly lifted her up and threw her into the bed as if he couldn’t take it anymore.

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After a few growls, it became quiet. Beher tried to sit up, but she was blocked by the huge shadow of the Grand Duke, and she couldn’t move.


‘I don’t want you to feel sorry for me, even if this is my first time. I’m hugging you because I promised…so it’s fine.’


Lucaid’s hands became hasty. Before she knew it, his gown came off. His firm thighs were now between her legs. She didn’t have time to grab her spread legs.


Cold air pooled between her damp valley. But it was a short moment. With a thud, something huge rubbed her moist slit. He rubbed the tip underneath the wet skin, and his thing glistened with it.


He swept her waist and slowly pushed his huge manhood into her narrow entrance. I felt a little pressure at first. At first, I felt a little pressure. Then I twisted my body in the increasing pain.


She wanted to avoid it. The thought drifted through her mind. But it was too late now. Lucai grabbed her legs tightly to keep her from escaping and didn’t let go.


Thinking it wasn’t her first time, Lucai did not hesitate to want Beher. The tip pushed its way in through the narrow hole. It tightened as if there was a screw stuck inside that should not be touched.


He moved his hips slowly back and forth. Clear fluid was smeared all over his pole. It went from dry to slippery and it was easier to move in and out.




It hurt so much that she felt like crying, but she didn’t want him to know now that he was her first.


‘I don’t want him to have any pity on me.’


In earnest, he settled down and quickly began to thrust.


Huff. Huff.


The sound of skin on skin contact could be heard at a steady beat. Beher’s breasts swayed up and down in time. Lucai lowered his upper body as he moved his back flexibly.


“……Ugh, it’s too tight.”


“……ha! Haaaaa!”


Her lower body seemed to be on fire. If it continued like this, she might pass out. The red eyes of Lucai were tinged with color. The way he looked down at her was unusual.


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The room was becoming damp due to their breaths. The fireplace in one corner of the room was hot enough to be a bother.


Beher squeezed his eyes shut. She wished it would end soon. She couldn’t believe that all women endured this pain and hugged a man. The pain of her skin being torn came over her.


On the other hand, she felt dizzy and didn’t know what to do. She naturally shuffled her feet as she felt something strange pouring out from inside.


“Oh, haaaa….”


She heard a moan from her mouth. She didn’t know anymore. The harder Lucai thrust, the more addicted she became to the feeling of not knowing what it was.


Lucai’s moan also grew louder. His breathing was ragged, like a beast roaring. The movement of his hips became faster. Beher’s body twisted as she felt hot and flooded.


Even though she knew she had to get away from him, she couldn’t, as if her body was bound by chains. What could she say about this kind of feeling? She didn’t know.


“…Ugh, why is it so narrow?”


Lucai ruffled Beher’s hair. The climax came quickly at the entrance, which was narrower than he expected. He rubbed her breasts to stimulate her.


Bathed in moonlight, Beher looked like an angel with red hair. Her hair scattered on the bed, and Lucai was somehow filled with excitement.


“..No way…”


He started to run quickly toward the peak. He could see her unable to take a proper breath, but he couldn’t stop. This was not his will, but his instinct.


He swept her fragile skin, again and again, bothering her. His chest throbbed. The bedsheets scattered and fell to the ground before he knew it. The act was so violent that even the legs of the bed shook dangerously.


Unable to support herself on her own, Beher held Lucai’s back.

She could feel the hard, delicate muscles all over her palms.


She could hear the flesh moving. He was thrusting lewdly. It felt tingly, but she was numb now.


“Haaa! Ah!” 


She felt as if something had slipped out of her. Then something hot was expelled inside. It was strange and weighty. She glanced at his rod.


It was red hot and it seemed to rise without any signs of subsiding.

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