It was a sunny day for winter weather.

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“Of all the wars that have occurred recently, the most significant is ‘The War of the Demons’. The person who made a contribution to the war is also Grand Duke Lucai.”


Beher stared at Lucy, who spoke clearly with straight pronunciation. It was as if she was a historian, and she was telling her about the Horn Empire without even reading a book.


She said that she had graduated at the top of her class from an academy that only nobles could attend. Beher wondered why such a woman was here, but she was awakened by Lucy’s nagging voice.


“My Lady! Are you listening to me?”


“Of course.”


Beher replied to her quickly.


“Oh my! His Highness is perfect in everything, including his face, appearance, and swordsmanship. It’s an honor to serve him.”


Lucy clasped her hands tightly together, her face turned to the ceiling as she spoke exultantly. Her loyalty and respect for Grand Duke Lucai has soared to the Sky.


‘The War of the Demons.’


There was no one who didn’t know about that famous war. The demons all started attacking the Horn Empire. It was a tremendous event. It looked as if someone was controlling the demons.


It was the very Grand Duke Lucai who had executed all of the more than thousands of demons. Actually, Beher still couldn’t believe the story. It was just too unrealistic.


As Beher pondered, the praise for him continued to flow. At this rate, it seemed as if her education would end today with only the praise for the Grand Duke.


How could a person admire him that much? It was strange to see Lucy’s eyes light up as she thought about someone else. It made her just listen to what Lucy was saying.


‘It doesn’t matter, I’ll study it later in the evening.’


Lucy shouted again, realizing something else.


“Miss, you need to focus on me. There’s no end to it if you keep studying like this!”


It was noisy. It was loud, but it was not bad.


“It’s very boring.”


The thing about trying to study a subject you have no interest in is that you get bored easily. Sitting still and doing something was still not Beher’s liking.


Beher shook her head, remembering her childhood days when she was locked up and had to study. 


“Don’t worry. Don’t worry, I’m confident that I can handle it thoroughly.” 


Beher said, cutting Lucy off.


“You’ll be getting married soon. You must know everything there is to know about His Highness.”


“……That’s fine, but.. ….”


Lucy still looked worried, as if she wasn’t at peace with Beher’s words. 


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‘Is she worried that I’ll harm the Grand Duke? Probably….’


There was nothing evil in the transparent eyes. It was only innocence. How long has it been since she saw such clear eyes?


Even though Beher thought Lucy might be a watcher, when she saw that look in her eyes, she naturally fell for it.


It was reassuring to know that what was obvious was that she was much more human than the person she served.


Beher smiled and waved her hand as if to say don’t worry.


“There is no failure in my dictionary.”


“My Lady….”


“Are there any other concerns?”


“There is one.”




She thought it was a useless worry. Until then, Beher was complacent. She wasn’t thinking about what was really important.


“The thing….”


“The thing?”


“It’s… intimacy.”




Beher asked again and again, trying to understand what Lucy was saying. But the more he heard the answer, the more lost she became.


“I’m talking about a relationship between a man and a woman. Miss.”


Lucy looked around quickly and whispered to her. At first Beher tilted her head, not sure what that meant, but now she realized what it meant.


“…What about it?”


Beher seemed to ask the question for no reason, as it had never occurred to her.


“I’ll have to educate you on that too, but I’ll give you the book in advance so you can start learning on your own.”


“I can learn that on my own?”


Beher wrinkled her brows in dismay. She only wondered how she could get out of this situation.


“…Do I really need to see it?”


She had heard the stories of the maidservants before in secret. They said if you stay still, the man would do it on his own, and that the size of it was very fulfilling. It was a strange story.


‘But what was the size they were talking about?’

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After pondering for a moment, Beher quickly threw away the vulgar thinking.


“You have to do it. My Lady.”


“Do I really have to?”


Beher was asking about whether she really needed to dirty her eyes looking at the book. But already Lucy’s eyes were strong.


“It’s your role to please His Highness the Grand Duke! Of course, most of the time men will lead the way, but there are some areas where they will not. So if you study those parts carefully… I am sure you will have a very satisfying evening!”


Looking at Lucy, who was full of willpower, Beher was speechless and wondered if education was necessary. If it was a contract relationship, why did she have to study?




She had never thought about this. It was quite a difficult problem to solve.


Lucy placed an old-looking red book on her desk.


“I’ll support you, young lady!”


Beher couldn’t help but gush at the sight of Lucy, even more glorious than the way she had taught her about history.


“Lucy. You’re more naughty than you look.”


Lucy’s face flamed red. She was embarrassed if she said so herself.


“Anyway, if you have any problems, please let me know. I don’t have any experience, but I’m familiar with the theory.”


Beher was a little surprised to hear Lucy say that she had no experience. She thought Lucy had experience because she was good at talking. Beher held her chin and stared at Lucy curiously.


 Knock. Knock.


At that moment, someone knocked on the door of the room. She thought it was the sound of someone from the outside, but the person was already inside the room.


“I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation, but could you leave us for a moment?”


The man who arrogantly crossed his arms and leaned against the door was Grand Duke Lucai.


Lucy’s face turned red and she hurried out of the room. Beher and Lucai were left in the room.


He was wearing an indigo cloak with his uniform, as if he had been 

working with the knights. His forehead was slightly wet. It looked like he just came back.


“Did you just come back, Your Highness?”


“….. Yes. Did I interrupt you?”


“No, I was just finishing up.”


Did he hear the conversation earlier? Beher could care less about anything else, but she was nervous that he might have heard her and Lucy’s conversation.

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Talking about relationships was embarrassing, but in fact, it was normal for a married couple to have bedroom work. Nonetheless, Beher was embarrassed and she wasn’t used to it.


“It seems like you had quite an important conversation.”


“…We were talking about His Highness’ accomplishments.


When the hell did her come in? How much did he hear? Though, it wasn’t a lie that they talked about his accomplishments.


“Accomplishments? What accomplishments did I make?”


“…Your great contribution to the war of the demons.”






‘It’s not good. I should have listened carefully to what Lucy was saying.’


Beher bit her lip. 


‘If I stand in front of him, why doesn’t it go my way?’


“Then shall I ask you a question?”


Beher nodded instead of replying.


It would be much more advantageous to listen to the question and find the answer than to not know. She had no reason to refuse.


“Who was the first person I killed?”


‘Apparently… I made more mistakes.’


“You might want to think carefully before answering, because if you’re wrong, you’ll be punished.”


Lucai’s red eyes gleamed fiercely. He wasn’t kidding. She had to give the right answer. But she hadn’t even asked Lucy about that yet…


‘Is he testing me?’


Beher was pondering for a moment. In the meantime, Lucai picked up the red book on her desk and began to read.


‘Think. Think. Think.’


Beher thought about who he killed, but she chose not to point it out.  It was also pricked in conscience to speak of an innocent person as if they were guilty.


‘Let’s admit that I don’t know…’


“My parents.”




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“Why are you surprised?”


Lucai said the answer before she could open her mouth. Then the answer came as quite a surprise.


“I didn’t think of that.”


He turned the book page by page without hesitation, and his eyes lit up.  He fixed his gaze on the book, though he didn’t make eye contact.


However… there was something unsettling about it. That book…Lucy!


Beher’s innocent eyes visibly shook. She snatched the book from Lucai’s hands.


“Um, Your Highness, this is…”


“This is?”


“…’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”


Perhaps it was because the book was suddenly taken from him, but his eyes became cloudy.


When she glanced through the book, Beher was astonished. There were pictures of a man and a woman entwined in postures that could not be described in words. It described the act in detail.




It was too late to hold a grudge against Lucy for leaving the book behind. Lucai slowly approached Beher, one corner of his mouth raised in amusement.


“You’ve been reading something interesting. I wish we could have read it together.”


Beher was trapped between him and the desk. With his arms pinned to the desk to prevent any escape, Lucai looked at her with a calm gaze.


“…It’s not that interesting.”


“Really? There are a lot of things I don’t know, but I’ll have to try them soon.”


Beher looked at Lucai awkwardly.


“I’m not ready for that yet…”


Lucai whispered sweetly, “Why don’t you just experience it beforehand?”


Beher pushed him away. But he caught her in his hands again and spread his arms.


“Come on, Beher. Since you decided to be held by me anyway, you have to experience it, right? How about it? Why don’t you give it a try first?”


He whispered in her ear. As if tickled, Beher’s shoulders twitched.


“How about just the lips, it’s simple, you just have to indulge in the pleasures I give you. It’s not difficult.”


He spoke playfully. But his hands were serious.


Beher’s lips quivered.

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