The Ugly Empress

Chapter 10

Ch10 - The Welcoming Delegation

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Edited by Elanor

Teng Yun slept very well. It might be because he was always tense these days and now that he had relief from pain, he actually fell into a deep sleep.

During the time Teng Yun was sleeping, Xue Junliang moved to the warm pavilion in his study to review some official reports, as well as to reply to Zhao Lu’s letter before ordering Jiang Yu to send it out. 

When he returned to the couch, Xue Junliang found the Empress was still asleep. He then ordered the Imperial  physician to make more of this cooling, pain-relieving ointment to send to Yunfeng Palace.

Without waking the Empress, Xue Junliang asked a palace maid to go and get him a brocade quilt to cover the Empress. Although the soft couch was very comfortable, if someone slept on it all night with only a cloak to cover them, they would surely catch a cold.


Teng Yun woke up disoriented and realized in alarm that he had actually fallen asleep; a very sound sleep at that.

Jiang Yu stood waiting on him. He saw that Teng Yun was awake and  said, “Empress, you woke up? His Majesty has already gone to attend the morning court, he said to inform Your Majesty not to hurry back to the palace yet and to have breakfast with His Majesty.” 

As Teng Yun got up, a line of palace maidservants came inside to help him freshen up and change his clothes. Because he had slept for a long time, Teng Yun’s head was still a bit groggy, so he just let the servants fuss over him.


These maidservants were Xue Junliang’s close and trusted servants; naturally they understood Emperor Xue’s preferences. They combed the Empress’ hair into a regal and dignified, yet gentle looking hairstyle, adorned her person with simple yet elegant jewelries.

Xue Junliang wasn’t gone for too long and soon came back. At the morning court assembly, there were not much to discuss; mostly it was about the marriage with King Teng’s daughter and also about the necessity to be on guard against Feng Ming.

Feng Ming had always been known to be vicious and ambitious; he had many cunning tricks on his sleeves and could not be compared to ordinary people. That was why the court officials also felt the need to be more cautious. However, they didn’t know that Xue Junliang was prepared. He had put a loyal and well-trained subject inside Feng Country. The spy was deeply loved by King Feng, and even managed to make the King fawn on him.


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Xue Junliang was very proud of his own schemes. Speaking about Teng King, he was nothing but a coward and couldn’t really become a great challenge. Teng Country right now could be considered finished, there was only an empty shell left there. Feng Country, on the other hand, was now completely under Marquis Zhulu’s control, and was no longer a threat for Xue Junliang.

After Xue Junliang came back to his residence, Jiang Yu immediately spread out the meal. Teng Yun silently accompanied Xue Junliang for breakfast; from start to finish he never said anything. This made Xue Junliang very puzzled.

People said that women’s heart were difficult to read, and he wholeheartedly agreed, especially this Ugly Empress’ heart. Even Xue Junliang, who had come out as the winner in every battle he had encountered, couldn’t understand what she was thinking.

After the meal, Xue Junliang asked Jiang Yu to prepare a jade carriage, and personally put on a cloak for Teng Yun. Today was the day Marquis Wannian, Xue Houyang would depart to welcome the bride. In the normal course of events, it was no big deal. Officially, he was to personally welcome the Emperor’s awaited new consort, but in fact, Marquis Wannian was delegated because Xue Junliang wanted to deal a blow to Teng Shang. 

Xue Junliang helped Teng Yun as they climbed the capital city tower, Marquis Wannian, Xue Houyang followed a little behind them, with his head bowed.

Under the city gate stood five thousand soldiers. They were all Xue Houyang’s loyal and personal army. They uniformly wore silver armors, each holding the reins of a big horse. When seen from the high tower, the ground looked spectacular, as if  it was covered in white snow.

Teng Yun’s expression didn’t change, but inwardly he was quite alarmed and shocked. Such soldiers, such military power; Teng Yun definitely would’ve admired and envied the commander who led this troop. But these soldiers were not his own, they were his enemy’s army– his mortal enemy’s army. 

Xue Junliang waved his sleeve slightly, indicating everyone to arise. The sea of sliver-white armors and red tassels moved uniformly, no one was slower nor quicker than the other.

“Aifei, what do you think of these soldiers?”

Teng Yun was called upon suddenly. He knew Xue Junliang was showing off his military forces, but his current identity was that of a noble from Feng Country, and an Empress of the Inner Palace; this kind of demonstration was a warning for the Ugly Empress to just mind her own position as the Head of the Harem.

Therefore, Teng Yun just hung his head and without any deflection in his voice, said, “I’m merely a woman, I don’t understand this kind of thing.” 

What he said unexpectedly made Xue Junliang very satisfied. In fact, which King didn’t like having a gentle and agreeable woman as an empress? A woman who would readily praise his own accomplishments and never contradict him or be disobedient.

Xue Junliang raised an arm. Jiang Yu came forward carrying a tray covered in red cloth, held in both hands. There were two cups of wine placed on it.


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Xue Junliang took one cup, then Jiang Yu moved to present the other cup to Marquis Wannian who stood a little behind Xue Junliang. Marquis Wannian took the wine with both hands.

Xue Junliang took the wine cup and didn’t speak. He just held it in his hands and raised the cup slightly. Then he directed his cup towards Xue Houyang for a quick second before immediately redirecting it to the soldiers under the city tower. 

As one, the soldiers knelt again. Xue Junliang drank his wine in one gulp, then smashed the cup on the floor next to his feet. Xue Houyang and all the soldiers kneeling on the ground, also drank their wine; their cups smashed on the ground with a loud noise.

Immediately Xue Houyang spoke a command, holding his helmet, stepped down from the city tower and hopped onto his horse. The troops set off, with him on the lead.

Such was a true example of a well-trained and powerful military force; a glimpse of Xue Wang’s authority. Today, Teng Yun saw it himself, how a King raised his people’s spirit and morale without saying a single word.

Which king didn’t want to boost his people’s spirit and build a strong country? But those Kings often forgot one thing; that was to give trust and honor to each one of their countrymen and soldiers. Whether those were given sincerely or falsely, it didn’t matter, because then the subjects would always repay it tenfolds. And today, Xue Junliang showed how he did it, by his slight bow and his raised wine-cup. 

Xue Houyang and his troops marched directly to their destination. In fact, they didn’t go very far; after only a few days they’d arrived. The soldiers set a camp and waited for Teng Shang’s procession to arrive.

Three days later, Teng Shang’s escort party arrived at the intersection. Xue Houyang already had his five thousand soldiers standing by. The view of lines upon lines of five thousand armors and red tassels made for a magnificent sight.

Xue Houyang was sitting on his horse; behind him the border-city gate was open wide.

Teng Shang rode on a horse, the princess’s sedan chair followed, flanked by the entourage. From a distance away, he saw a person standing in front of the gate. He’d heard that Marquis Wannian, Xue Houyang would be  personally escorting the new bride. He’d also heard that this person was an outstanding man, but he’d never had the chance to meet the man in person. Finally seeing him here at this time, Teng Shang was a bit surprised. 

Teng Shang, wearing a blue official robe, dismounted from his horse’s back once he got close to Xue Houyang. He cupped both his hands in salute and smiled, “Marquis Wannian came personally to receive the princess, it is a great honor.”

Teng Shang’s manner and speech was calm and collected, as if not afraid of Xue Houyang’s show of power.

Xue Houyang laughed, then dismounted from his horse before saying, “Minister Shang, you’re mistaken there. Houyang came here today on the order of Emperor Xue,  especially to welcome you.”

Teng Shang lowered his eyes and didn’t answer. He already knew Xue Houyang saying those words was actually for the princess to hear, also because among this entourage from Teng Country, there surely was King Teng’s spy. Marquis Wannian welcoming Teng Shang instead of the princess, wasn’t it to imply that Teng Shang had a deep relationship with Xue Country? 

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Teng Shang chuckled wryly. The King wanted the subject to die, the subject would not just obediently die. At the very least, these troops of horse-riders should accompany him to his grave…


“Empress… stop pacing. You’re making this slave dizzy with the pacing.”

Xiu Yao watched as the Empress paced back and forth, again and again. She thought her mistress was anxious because the Emperor hadn’t invited Her Majesty to his residence today and also because of the imminent arrival of the new consort. 

The latter was true, because as soon as Teng Country’s princess entered the capital city, as soon as Teng Shang entered the capital city, Teng Shang wouldn’t live for much longer. Teng Yun couldn’t stay still, worrying over Teng Shang’s life.

He drew up several speeches and words to convince Emperor Xue not to kill Teng Shang, but he couldn’t even convince himself. There was no chance he would convince the Emperor.. In this country, Teng Shang was like a thorn stabbing in the eye that had to be pulled out as quickly as possible.


Unless Teng Shang surrendered.

However, Teng Yun knew very well; just like himself, Teng Shang had vowed to sacrifice his own life for his home country. He would never lay down his pride and honor to become a surrendered minister. 


Rui Xue hurriedly exited Feng Ming’s bedchambers, and on her way she bumped into Zhao Lu who had just come out of the morning court.

Rui Xue greeted Zhao Lu, then said, “Master, His Majesty said he missed you, won’t you come over to see him?”

Zhao Lu frowned in annoyance, but soon restrained his expression. At this time, Rui Xue, without other people noticing, had slipped a piece of paper into his hand. 

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Zhao Lu said, “Go and serve the King well. If there is anything to report, make sure you report to me in a timely manner….. To the King, inform him, although Zhao Lu wants to come to pay respects to His Majesty, he is unfortunately too busy and unable to get away.”

Rui Xue nodded, then she seemed to want to add something but stopped herself.

Zhao Lu said, “Is there something else?”

Rui Xue said, “Master… This subordinate knows it’s not her place to say this, but His Majesty… It’s been a half-month since you visited him, since then His Majesty  has been unable to get out of his bed. The King’s temperament is such that he also refuses to call for the Imperial physician…” 

Zhao Lu snorted, “Didn’t you say it wasn’t your place to say this? If there’s no more to say, just go then.”

“Yes…” Rui Xue bit her lips, “This subordinate understands.”

Looking at Marquis Zhulu’s retreating back, Rui Xue hesitated for a moment then still turned to go to the Imperial hospital. After asking for an ointment to reduce swelling and stop the bleeding, she returned to King Feng’s bedchambers.

Zhao Lu went out of the palace and returned to his own residence where he unfolded the note. It was Xue Junliang’s reply; instructing him to create a discord between Feng Ming and Minister Zuo. 

Minister Zuo, though already old, could still be considered a loyal and talented subject. Xue Junliang intended to recruit such a talented minister, so he and Zhao Lu had to work as a team; Zhao Lu was to force Minister Zuo to resign from court, then Xue Junliang would take him in and play hero to a sad subject.

Zhao Lu burned the paper using the fire from a candle, then he opened the window to dispel the smell of burnt paper.

He stood by the window, hands leaning on the windowsill, staring at the pond outside. Suddenly he sighed; the cold and grim mask on his face loosened up quite a bit.

Zhao Lu originally lived in Xue Country. At that time, the previous King of Feng had just died, and one of his imperial sons rebelled and created chaos. The Crown Prince, Feng Ming, was forced to flee the country. He hid among a family of hunters and accidentally implicated the family, causing the death of all members. Even until today, Feng Ming didn’t know that they were Zhao Lu’s family. Later, Zhao Lu was picked up by Xue Junliang and was placed in Feng Country’s military barracks as a spy and this has been the case from then until now. 

Zhao Lu had been orphaned for 30 years. Right now, Feng Ming was completely wrapped in Zhao Lu’s fingers, but Zhao Lu still wasn’t able to let go of his resentment. He still wanted to trample all over Feng Ming’s feelings. Everytime he saw Feng Ming painful but forbearing expression, Zhao Lu felt like he had retaliated, like he hadn’t spent years of effort in vain.

However, he also felt uncomfortable inside his heart. And he did not knew why.


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