The Ugly Empress

Chapter 19

Ch19 - Meeting

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Teng Yun’s hand was being held constantly, making him feel uncomfortable. From time to time, he tried to pry his hand away but Xue Junliang was completely unaware and was focused on showing his gentle and tender side to the Empress. 

When it was time for dinner, he even personally put dishes onto Teng Yun’s plate. Watching the scene from the sidelines, Xiu Yao felt very happy at the Empress’s good fortune. After dinner, he also sent for the Imperial physician to examine the Empress’s face.

The scabs on Teng Yun’s face had started to fall off, revealing the pink and tender skin underneath, but the drying scabs were itchy and the skin around them were red and dry. Teng Yun himself wasn’t bothered, but Xue Junliang observed the scabs closely and ordered the physician to prescribe an ointment.



The Imperial physician assured repeatedly that, after all the scabs fell off, there would be no marks left on the skin. Only after hearing that, Xue Junliang allowed the physician to leave.

Xue Junliang was helping apply the ointment on Teng Yun when he suddenly smiled and said, “Aifei is so fragrant.” 

Teng Yun didn’t react to the other party’s teasing. He just said, “It’s the scent of the ointment.”


Xue Junliang sniffed the ointment jar and shook his head, “It’s Aifei who is sweet smelling, not the ointment.”

Then unexpectedly, he held Teng Yun in his embrace before gently kissing his forehead.

The kiss was warm on Teng Yun’s skin. It was brief but left Teng Yun’s heart beating like a drum at the sudden kiss. This gentle kiss somehow felt even more terrible than the time Xue Junliang kissed him passionately. Frowning deeply, Teng Yun leaned back to put some distance between them.


Xue Junliang played innocent at Teng Yun’s reaction and feigned a slight surprise, “Am I so heavy? Did I hurt Aifei?”

Of course, Teng Yun couldn’t say the true reason. He only pursed his lips and said, “I don’t want to trouble Your Majesty, I can apply the ointment myself.”

This time Xue Junliang didn’t protest, he gave the jar to Teng Yun then said, “It’s already so late, this Seat will return  back first. In a few days, let Teng Shang come to the Palace to pay you a formal visit. He’s going to marry into the Xue family. As the Empress, Aifei must give him some directions  so that he does not become a laughingstock in front of others.”

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Xue Junliang said all that and finally left. Teng Yun suddenly felt a wave of agitation in his heart over Xue Houyang’s intentions. Based on what Emperor Xue had said, was it true that Xue Houyang really had feelings towards Teng Shang? 

As far as Teng Yun knew, there had never been actual, in-person interactions between Teng Shang and Marquis Wannian, nor was there any direct confrontation on the battlefield. By the time Xue Houyang was appointed as a military general, Teng Shang had already been called back to the capital city by King Teng. A short time later, over a trivial matter, King Teng had stripped Teng Shang off his military powers and restricted him from stepping a foot outside the capital city gate, embroling Teng Shang fully in officialdom. Teng Shang and Marquis Wannian had never met each other, let alone having any private or personal relationship.

Regarding Teng Shang agreeing to marry down into the Xue family, after thinking about it for some time, Teng Yun felt he could somewhat understand Teng Shang’s decision. Teng Shang was fiercely loyal to Teng Country and certainly would not let himself die so soon.

In fact, as long as Xue Junliang permitted, indeed it was as he said, even if Xue Houyang was invincible in battlefields, in the matter of heart and mind, he was not as cunning as Teng Shang and could definitely be influenced by Teng Shang.

But still, no matter how Teng Yun thought about it, he still couldn’t understand why Xue Junliang would let this marriage happen. Taking in an enemy was like inviting a tiger into the residence, waiting for a calamity to happen. No matter how much Xue Junliang might love his younger brother, this type of behavior did not match Xue Junliang.  Teng Yun reckoned Xue Junliang had some hidden plans that were not yet revealed. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Zjgdelr Qjccljc’r kfvvlcu kjr mbcrlvfgfv j wjpbg fnfca lc Wef Jbecags, atfgfobgf atf bmmjrlbc tjv ab yf mjgglfv bea lc qgbqfg jcv bgvfgis wjccfg. Cvvfv atja Wef Qjcu kbeiv qfgrbcjiis boolmljaf atf kfvvlcu, cjaegjiis cb bcf vjgfv ab yf cfuilufca jcv rjs yjv atlcur jybea la.

Xue Houyang and Teng Shang entered the Imperial Palace together. Teng Shang, as an ‘insider’, went to the Imperial Harem to pay a formal visit to the Empress. Xue Houyang, on the other hand, went to chat with Xue Junliang.

Obbxlcu ja Wef Lbesjcu’r mbwqijmfca jcv qgbev ojmlji fzqgfrrlbc, Wef Aeciljcu mbeivc’a tfiq yea ijeut jcv rjlv, “Cigfjvs rjalrolfv?! Qtfgf lr atf jwylalber Zjgdelr atja P xcbk? Gbc’a ifa qfbqif atlcx atlr Zjgdelr lr atf asqf ktb lr tfcqfmxfv.” 

Xue Houyang laughed giddily and said, “Your Majesty, please stop making fun of Chen-di.”

Xue Junlaing said, “Although I agreed to your marriage, you must remember that Teng Shang is not an easy man to deal with. His mind is probably much deeper than even you, a military general. Whether you can touch his heart or not, all depends on yourself. There is nothing else I can help you with.”


Xue Houyang sighed and said, “To tell the truth… I never imagined this would ever come true.”

Xue Junliang said, “I can see that the two of you get along well, at least Teng Shang is not avoiding you…” 

The sentence trailed off before he coughed and cleared his throat, “Houyang, let’s say there is a wife that is always avoiding her own husband, what do you think the husband should do to make her not avoid him?”

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“Huh…” Xue Houyang pondered for a moment, “Your Majesty… Chen-di is not yet married, so… still do not know much about a problem like that.”

Xue Junliang waved a hand and said, “Just a casual question, that’s all.”

As he finished, Xue Junliang felt like a thief protesting his innocence, so he wanted to say something to remedy the situation. But Xue Houyang was not paying attention. Insead, he carelessly said, “Maybe there is another man in the wife’s heart?” 

Hearing this, Xue Junliang’s face dimmed in a blink of an eye. Xue Houyang couldn’t help thinking he’d unwittingly said something he shouldn’t. Sure enough, one should not say things straightforwardly without considering their words.

Xue Junliang pondered over this possibility and suddenly tensed. He recalled Teng Qianyi saying that the Empress and Teng Shang might be old acquaintances, and he’d just now sent Teng Shang to go see the Empress.

Xue Houyang had started to become quite anxious at the silence when he heard Xue Junliang say, “Let’s go to Yunfeng Palace. It’s almost time for lunch, we can all have a family lunch together.”


Teng Shang had come to pay a visit to the Empress. Although he was going to marry into the family, he was still a man and couldn’t be in the presence of the Empress directly. Therefore, he must be separated with a bead curtain.

Teng Shang was led into the main hall by the Palace staff. Xiu Yao informed him that the Empress was in the tea room, so she led him there.

The tea room was situated at the side  of the main hall. Through the door, there was a curtain. After the curtain, there was a desk with a small bookcase and the bead curtain next to it and a beauty couch.

Teng Shang lowered his head and swung down to the ground and respectfully said, “Teng Shang greets Her Majesty, the Empress.” 

Through the bead curtain, Teng Yun could see Teng Shang clearly. But the other person had hung his head very low, hence Teng Yun couldn’t see his expression.

Foreign ministers did not need to kowtow when having an audience with another country’s royalties. They only got down on their knees before their own King, when having a marriage ceremony or before their parents. In front of Monarchs of other countries, as long as they were not affiliated, they would not bow.

Previously, Teng Shang was a minister escorting the new consort for the marriage, so he did not kneel in front of Teng Yun. But this time, he was no longer a minister from Teng, but a soon-to-be wife of Marquis Wannian, Xue Houyang; he had to kneel.

Teng Yun tried his best to make his tone calm as he said, “Stand up. Xiu Yao, bring a seat.” 

Teng Shang’s polite gestures never once wavered from start to the end. He thanked the Empress before taking a seat.

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Both of them happened to be the introverted type and didn’t really talk much. Teng Shang didn’t know that the person in front of him was Teng Yun, so naturally he had nothing to say. While Teng Yun didn’t know how to start a conversation.


Teng Shang was a man. Hence it was impossible for Teng Yun to send all the palace maids out lest he attracted suspicions. The Imperial Harem walls had many eyes and ears, he wasn’t foolish enough to create trouble for himself. In front of these bystanders, Teng Yun couldn’t talk openly.

For a long time, both of them were silent and the atmosphere was awkward. 

Xiu Yao kept her gaze to the floor respectfully but couldn’t help thinking that the Empress might not like this Teng Shang. It was no wonder; a male as a legitimate wife was something too shocking for the society; of course the Empress didn’t like him. It would be strange and terrifyng if she did.

Xiu Yao took the opportunity to discreetly go out to refill the tea pot. She came out of the tea room and had not yet left the main hall when she saw Xue Junliang arriving with Xue Houyang behind him.

Xiu Yao didn’t hear the servant announcing Emperor Xue’s arrival, so she was very surprised. She kneeled down and was about to open her mouth to pay respect when she  was stopped by Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang looked around and did not see Teng Yun or Teng Shang in the main hall. His heart thumped uneasily as he asked, “Where is the Empress?” 

Xiu Yao said: “Her Majesty is in the tea room.”

Xue Junliang didn’t make a move to go  to the tea room, instead asked, “Has Teng Shang come over?”

“Replying to Your Majesty, he has come but hasn’t left yet. He is in the tea room.”

Xue Junliang then turned towards the tea room, leaving Xiu Yao bewildered. 

Xue Junliang didn’t let people announce his arrival; quietly entered the tea room. Reaching near the curtain in the entrance of the tea room, he was greeted by complete silence. When he passed through the curtain, he saw Teng Shang was sitting on the side while the Empress sat behind the bead curtain; nothing looked amiss or improper. Only then his heart calmed down.

When Teng Shang saw Xue Junliang, there was not much reaction, he readily stood and knelt on the floor to pay respects to  Xue Junliang. Teng Shang’s seemingly calm exterior made Xue Houyang a little uneasy and uncomfortable.

Although Xue Houyang had not met Teng Shang more than once, their two countries had been caught in war for years. It was inevitable Xue Houyang had heard about Minister Shang’s character quite often.

For Teng Shang to kowtow before Xue Country’s royalties, one could only imagine the amount of restraint and forbearance Teng Shang must have. 

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Xue Junliang walked over; a palace maid immediately parted the bead curtain. Teng Yun also stood to greet Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang helped Teng Yun get up before addressing Teng Shang, “Teng Shang doesn’t need to be so courteous. Houyang, quickly help him stand.”

Xue Houyang responded affirmatively and then stepped forward to help Teng Shang off the floor. Teng Shang didn’t refuse his touch; his conduct was still calm; as if there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Xue Junliang said, “Did the Imperial physician come today?” 

Teng Yun listened to his nonchalant questions and answered, “He did.”

“Don’t forget to apply your ointment. The Imperial physician said it needed to be applied regularly for it to show results.” Xue Junliang reminded him, seemingly in true concern; as if he didn’t care about letting Teng Shang and Xue Houyang hear him.


After giving Teng Yun a lengthy reminder, Xue Junliang turned to Xue Houyang, “After Houyang’s wedding, I need you to escort the Empress as she goes to visit Feng Country.”

“This subject has received the order,” Xue Houyang said, “Chen-di  will ensure Her Majesty returns to the Palace safely.” 

Xue Junliang smiled and said, “Naturally, there is no one that this Seat trusts more than you, Houyang.”

As he was saying, Jiang Yu entered with his head bowed and said, “Your Majesty, a secret report has been sent for you.”

Xue Junliang said “Present it” and Jiang Yu respectfully presented the note to him.

Xue Junliang took a look at the note. The piece of paper was small and the text on it was even smaller. It was reasonable to say that even if Teng Yun stood very close to Xue Junliang, he should not be able to see the text. 

But Teng Yun didn’t know whether it was deliberate or not but when Xue Junliang read the note, he tilted it slightly and Teng Yun could clearly see the small letters.

— Feng King has schemes.

The signature, however, wasn’t visible because it was covered by Xue Junliang’s thumb.

After reading the note, Xue Junliang slipped it into his wide sleeve and did not mention it again. He ordered Jiang Yu to arrange the meal in Yunfeng Palace before inviting Xue Houyang and Teng Shang to stay and have a family lunch together. 

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