The Ugly Empress

Chapter 27

Ch27 - Bed Partner

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Marquis Zhenjiang, Xue Yu had already arrived at the army camp, but the day was already late and it was time to close the city gates. He stayed overnight at the camp and entered the Capital city the next day to have an audience with the Emperor.



Life in the Imperial Palace proceeded like normal, nothing changed due to the arrival of Xue Yu. It was only that Teng Qianyi was surprisingly quiet and didn’t go to visit Yunfeng Palace again.

Teng Yun had been reading a book when Jiang Yu came in with his head bowed, bringing a wooden tray covered with a cloth. 

Jiang Yu said, “Congratulations, Empress. His Majesty has invited you to serve him tonight, and also rewarded you with a new set of clothes.”


Teng Yun’s heart jumped in his chest. Putting his book down, he reached out and picked the cloth covering the tray. Laid on the tray was a set of thin silk garments.

Teng Yun’s face was unreadable as he picked up the extremely thin garment. Jiang Yu instinctively felt that Her Majesty seemed unhappy. Emperor Xue had never gifted such explicit clothes to anyone, and though it was embarrassing, it was still a favor to receive a reward. He thought maybe Her Majesty looked unhappy because she was embarrassed and shy and felt that the garment was too thin.

Jiang Yu called Xiu Yao to help Her Majesty bathe and change her clothes. Xiu Yao thoughtfully found a fur cloak for her mistress because the garment would not protect her from the cold on her way to Emperor Xue’s residence.


Teng Yun took his time to bathe and refused anyone from attending to him. Xiu Yao waited for more than a half-shichen  before she could no longer wait and had to come inside to check. She was almost frightened to death because the Empress looked as if she was trying to drown herself.

The atmosphere was solemn and strange as they helped Her Majesty onto her Phoenix carriage.

At Emperor Xue’s residence, Xue Junliang was sitting on a large chair, with his legs braced on the ground and leaning to one side with his elbow resting on one arm of the chair.

He glanced lazily at Teng Yun as he entered and with a light laugh, he said, “Come here.” 

Hearing this, Jiang Yu and Xiu Yao silently withdrew, not wanting to disturb Xue Wang’s good mood.

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Teng Yun’s clothes were so thin, that even after wearing a fur cloak on top, he was still cold. Teng Yun walked in closer with his head bowed and then stood by the bookcase.

Xue Junliang stood up and walked around the table, and went to Teng Yun. Reaching out to grip Teng Yun’s wrist and taking him to the bedside. With no much difficulty, he easily pushed him onto the bed.

Xue Junliang leaned down on top of Teng Yun, one hand next to Teng Yun’s ear and the other on Teng Yun’s waist, caressing him through the thin garment. 

Teng Yun almost cried out in shock and alarm, eyes glaring daggers at Xue Junliang. Then suddenly, Teng Yun squeezed his eyes shut and closed his lips, gripping the quilt in his fists; seemingly bracing himself with a great look of righteousness.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Looking at Teng Yun’s expression, Xue Junliang wanted to laugh out loud. Which concubine had such a look when serving her husband?– almost looking like she was about to be executed.

Wef Aeciljcu, bo mbegrf, tjv cjaegjiis tfjgv jybea atf gewbgr atja kfgf mlgmeijalcu. Wef Te vlv lcvffv ub ab Mfcu Jbecags bcmf, yea Wef Aeciljcu vlvc’a xcbk lo tf’v wfa atf Swqgfrr bg lo tf’v ojiifc lc ibnf klat tfg ja atf olgra rluta. Ktf Ojaf Blcu tjv jirb tjv atbeutar jybea jqqgbjmtlcu Blcu Mfcu ab obgw j wjggljuf jiiljcmf, yea tf cfnfg jmafv bc atlr qijc.

Xue Junliang didn’t easily believe in rumors, but suddenly he had an idea of wanting to tease the Empress. Therefore, he sent her a new set of clothes. As expected, the other person looked utterly ashamed of the clothes. Her reaction was extremely fascinating 

But he didn’t expect that the Empress wearing those clothes would look so enticing. Added with the half-afraid, half-determined expression on her face, she really made Xue Junliang feel very tempted and impulsive.

His mood to tease had not yet subsided, Xue Junliang found that the other person was very sensitive when touched. When he caressed the Empress’ waist, she trembled slightly and bit her lips. Xue Junliang wondered, if she wasn’t biting her lips, would she let out all kinds of melodious gasps?


He leaned down to gently kiss the other person’s lips. Not surprisingly, the other person snapped open her eyes. She looked shocked and even a bit humiliated. Xue Junliang didn’t expect that.

Xue Junliang reached out to pick Teng Yun up and put him in the bed properly. He also removed his own clothing and then lay back down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around Teng Yun and looked at the other person’s pale and miserable face. Smiling, he said, “I’m not about to execute you. Why are you so scared?” 

Teng Yun’s eyes were open but he refused to look at Xue Junliang. He said in a low voice, “Your Majesty said you would not force me.”

“Oh…” Xue Junliang pretended to search his memory before smiling, “I really forgot. When did I say that? Yun’er should remind me.”

Teng Yun wrinkled his eyebrows in disgust. He and the original Feng Country Grand Princess shared the same first name but with different surnames. Teng Yun remembered when he was still a child, his father often called him Yun’er.

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But just now, when Xue Junliang had unintentionally called him with childhood nickname, Teng Yun was somehow touched. But because this nostalgic feeling was caused by his sworn enemy, he couldn’t help but feel disgusted. 

Xue Junliang covered both of them with the quilt and said, “Aifei is always so serious, it makes people want to tease you everytime.”

Feeling the person in his arms was still very tense and stiff, Xue Junliang retracted his arms. He lay down on his back and gazed at the bed curtains above him. His tone was somewhat unfathomable as he said, “You don’t like me and I don’t want to force you. But in the end, you’re still my wife. So tell me, who is the person in your heart?….. Is it Marquis Zhenjiang?”

Teng Yun’s heart skipped a beat. He thought to himself, here comes the interrogation. Xue Junliang was suspicious. No matter how open-minded and benevolent Xue Junliang acted on the outside, he was still an Emperor who always had a suspicious mind.

Teng Yun said, “Chen-qie doesn’t know Marquis Zhenjiang.” 

Xue Junliang nodded, though he knew the other person couldn’t see it. Smiling, he said, “Aifei is really smart, always knows what kind of answer others like to hear.”

“I only speak the truth.”

“Alright,” Xue Junliang turned sideways to face Teng Yun. With a slight smile on his face, in a low husky voice he said, “Whether it’s true or false, it doesn’t matter. When will Aifei love this Seat then?”

Seeing Xue Junliang shifting closer, Teng Yun started to panic before forcing himself to stay calm. Xue Junliang hadn’t tried to make a move; Xue Junliang was only teasing him by talking in a low and husky, suggestive voice near his ear. 

Teng Yun smiled and said, “Your Majesty doesn’t really sincerely like Chen-qie either, so why insist on my love?”

Xue Junliang paused, gently rubbing the scar in Teng Yun’s ear with the pads of his fingers. The scabs had started to fall off, revealing the new skin underneath. The new skin was slightly pinker and more tender than its surrounding.

Caressing the other person’s ear, Xue Junliang said, “You’re really smart…..  But you have exaggerated your opinions. Aifei grew up in an Imperial Palace, do you really believe in the so-called true feelings? These feelings are nothing but an absurd joke.”

Hearing the question, Teng Yun couldn’t help sighing, “I don’t believe in it either.” 

Xue Junliang laughed and suddenly grabbed Teng Yun’s hand and brought it to his lower body.

Teng Yun shuddered violently, he was so shocked he could only stammer, “You…”


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Xue Junliang was rather calm as he said, “It’s a dark night with no candles and this Seat is alone with a beautiful woman. It would not be normal if there was no reaction.”

Without letting go of Teng Yun’s hand, Xue Junliang propped himself with an elbow and leaned down, trapping Teng Yun under him. His voice deep and low as he said, “This reaction was provoked by Aifei. I’m not going to force you. But shouldn’t you be helping me with this?” 

Then he guided Teng Yun’s hand to stroke his manhood up and down…


Even at night, the camp on the outskirts of the capital was very bright all night long. The patrolling generals did not dare to slacken off at all.

From one of the big tents, a man came out. He walked leisurely with hands clasped behind him as if he was only stretching his legs and there was no purpose. The soldiers watched the man’s movement with their peripheral visions but didn’t stop him. 

The man was dressed in a light green robe and was wearing a fur-trimmed jacket. He had a slightly-delicate face and a scholarly air about him. He was not very tall, didn’t look very strong, but didn’t look weak either.

He walked aimlessly until he arrived at a large training ground. In daylight, the training ground looked very spectacular. But tonight, only four braziers, one in each corner of the square ground, were lit; leaving the areas between the braziers dark.

The man stopped and stood right in the middle of the dark training ground; it was unclear what he was looking at. After standing there for a while, he stepped forward and went to a wooden platform set in the eastern end of the square. There was a banner with the word ‘Xue’ on it.

The man got on the wooden platform, turned around and quietly looked into the distance. Probably because the wooden platform was somewhat high, he could see farther away, but outside the camp, it was dark, and it was not known what he was looking at. 

“Marquis Zhenjiang seems very peaceful.” Someone suddenly said, yet the man didn’t even look startled, instead he turned to look at Xue Houyang and said, “It’s Second Brother.”

Xue Houyang said, “I heard that your evening meal was not touched. I’m sorry there is nothing in this army camp that suits your taste. Tomorrow, when we enter the Palace, His Majesty has already prepared a banquet to welcome you.”

“No, no,” Xue Yu said. He sounded very humble as he said, “It’s not like that, it’s just… I have turned to following Buddha’s teachings, and have been a vegetarian for years.”

Xue Houyang nodded, “Then I’ll order people to prepare vegetarian meals for you.” 

“Thank you.”

The night was peaceful, and Xue Yu was very modest and unassuming. Nothing about Xue Yu spelled arrogance. Yet, Xue Houyang was still in doubt because Xue Yu had brought a thousand soldiers to the capital. Furthermore, Xue Yu had a person who accompanied him everywhere; he seemed like a master and was called Lang Jing.

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Xue Houyang could see that Lang Jing was a master in martial arts. The person always spoke without any expression on his face, and it seemed like he only listened to Xue Yu’s words.

The next day, escorted by Xue Houyang, Xue Yu arranged for his soldiers to stay at the army camp and then he and Lang Jing entered the Imperial Palace. 


Xue Junliang got up early in a good mood and saw the Empress was pretending to be dead; her back was to him and her head was buried deep under the quilt as if trying to suffocate herself to death.


He called Jiang Yu in to help him freshen up and change his clothes, then deliberately said, “The Empress was very exhausted last night, don’t wake her up in a hurry, let her rest a little longer.”

Jiang Yu complied. His actions and speech became light and gentle for fear of waking up the Empress. 

At this time, Teng Yun was already awake. Hearing Xue Junliang’s words, he almost ground his teeth to powder. Last night, he was forced to help Xue Junliang find relief. He barely slept last night; he felt the palm of his hand burning.

Teng Yun had been very disciplined for so many years and never believed in love. He’d never met anyone who made him want to believe in it, let alone someone who wanted him to help them find release. Teng Yun was an iron-fisted Great General who was not afraid to die in battle, but apparently he was afraid of Xue Junliang’s shamelessness…

At the morning court, Xue Junliang gave Xue Yu the warmest welcome as if Xue Yu was his favorite brother. After the court, Xue Junliang announced a welcoming banquet for Xue Yu and invited all the court officials present to join the banquet for welcoming back the family.

Xiu Yao helped her mistress freshen up, then she folded the clothes given by Emperor Xue carefully and put them in a cupboard. Giving a knowing smile, she said, “Next time, you must wear it again, Your Majesty.” 

When it was almost noon, Xue Junliang sent Jiang Yu to invite the Empress to the banquet. The banquet was intended to welcome a family member so the Empress and the Crown Prince needed to attend. How could the Empress miss this occasion?

Jiang Yu led Teng Yun to the garden where the banquet was being held. When they passed through a winding corridor, they ran into Marquis Zhenjiang who was entering the garden from the other side.

Xue Yu, who was only followed by Lang Jing, froze for a moment when he saw the Empress before saying, “Chen-di pays respect to the Imperial Sister-in-law.”

At first, Teng Yun didn’t recognize who this person was, but by his greeting, Teng Yun realized this must be Marquis Zhenjiang who had been causing such a buzz even before arriving at the Capital. 

After accepting the greeting, Teng Yun was not keen on having any longer contact with the marquis. He started to walk again but was stopped by Xue Yu. Teng Yun thought Xue Yu still had something to say but he didn’t expect Xue Yu to suddenly reach a hand and touch his temples, touching the place where there was scar left by the assasination attempt.

Jiang Yu was shocked by Xue Yu’s action. He was about to remind Marquis Zhenjiang to conduct himself with decorum but then he saw a group of people coming over from another side of the winding corridor. The person at the lead was wearing black official robe with gold accents and a jade-beaded tassel crown.

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