The Ugly Empress

Chapter 50

Ch50 - Instant Success

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Xue Junliang apparently heard Teng Yun’s unamused snort. He said, “I know you have your own ideas and plan in mind, but let the others hear your opinion so they can also be convinced as well.”

Teng Yun cupped both his hands together and said, “Zhang Hong is Cheng Tian’s own nephew. Only because Cheng Tian lost to the Emperor, Zhang Hong had the opportunity to kill his uncle who was already defeated and appoint himself as a king. This alone proves he is disloyal, unrighteous and heartless. Moreover, Cheng Tian had always treated Zhang Hong as if he was his own son, yet Zhang Hong killed Cheng Tian as if he’s just chopping vegetables. This shows Zhang Hong’s disregard towards filial piety. If His Majesty accepted the marriage alliance from Zhang Hong, it will taint His Majesty’s reputation in commoners’ eyes.”



Xue Houyang, who was standing at the front, couldn’t help but glance back to see. He also thought the same way as Teng Ying; Zhang Hong was obviously unfaithful and un-filial, he hoped Emperor Xue would not associate with someone like that. Xue Houyang never thought that someone would be brave enough to present their opinions so frankly in front of the Emperor, whereas he himself would be hesitating.

Whispers broke out among the court officials after they heard Teng Yun’s statement. One half of the court marveled at Teng Ying’s eloquence; they had originally thought Teng Ying would persuade Emperor Xue to accept the marriage proposal. The other half marveled at Teng Ying’s temperament when speaking so directly. 

Instead of getting angry, Xue Junliang gave a light laugh and said, “Oh …… then wouldn’t this Seat still have to thank you, otherwise this Seat would have become a foolish ruler scorned by the world?”


Teng Yun received the sentence without being condescending, “This lowly servant doesn’t dare.”

Xue Junliang’s attempt at mocking was blocked with one short sentence. He gave a brief glance at the person standing below. Had this former sword-keeper been deliberately playing foolish to save himself from trouble? Xue Junliang really could not figure him out.

“Then, in your opinion, how should this Seat reply to Zhang Hong?”


Teng Yun did not open his mouth immediately, paused for a moment, then said, “This lowly servant indeed has a solution, but… This servant has an unsolicited request.”

Xue Junliang laughed out loud, “Then say it. Teng Ying suddenly acting so polite and humble, this Seat is a bit uncomfortable.”

Teng Yun’s face burned red. He knew his tone was a bit impulsive, but he couldn’t keep his calm. This King who had killed him, had arrested and thrown his father into prison, had forced his beloved uncle to marry a man; why was Teng Yun still standing here, Teng Yun himself wanted to know.

Teng Yun sorted out his thoughts and spoke, “This servant implores Your Majesty, let the Marquis of Tengnan out of prison.” 

After he finished this sentence, the hall was immediately so quiet that even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

Jiang Yu reprimanded, “Audacious!”

Shen Yi also could not help but look sideways at Teng Ying, and thought to himself in his heart that either this man was extremely intelligent or he was crazy.

Teng Yun said, “Then Your Majesty.. What do you think?” 

Xue Junliang wordlessly stood. Slowly he walked down the jade steps, one step at a time, towards Teng Yun.

Teng Yun felt a strange buzzing in his head, black spots danced in his vision, his eyes became bloodshot and his limbs went numb until the tips of his fingers felt ice-cold. Somehow he felt he had seen this scene before, buried in the deepest place in his heart.

When Teng Yun was captured and beaten until he was bruised all over, and then he was escorted by the guards to the main hall. Xue Junliang had then walked down the jade steps, just like he did now, leading Teng Yun to the field with a smile, wanting to show Teng Yun, Xue Country’s Martial Arts acumen.

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The past hit Teng Yun like a devastating tidal blow making him breathless and suffocated. He closed his eyes and shook his head to clear it. He had never feared death, but after experiencing it once, his subconsciousness seemed to have remembered it. 

Xue Junliang, on the other hand, had originally wanted to pat Teng Ying’s shoulder for being so courageous. But before he reached Teng Ying, there was a commotion in the crowd as Teng Ying unexpectedly fell to the floor.

Without thinking, Xue Junliang reached out a hand to catch Teng Ying. The ministers closest to him saw it and jumped forward to catch Teng Ying themselves. How could they dare let the Emperor catch a lowly official by himself.


The court hall was once thrown into an uproar as several people called the Imperial physician to hurry over.

Seeing the chaotic situation in the hall, Xue Junliang ordered Jiang Yu to withdraw Teng Ying from the Court hall to the side room. The Imperial physician came and examined Teng Ying’s pulse. It turned out, the former guard had a heart disease. In the future, he must not have emotional fluctuations that were too much, because it could worsen his heart’s condition and in critical cases it could even lead to loss of life. 

After giving some prescriptions, the Imperial physician saw the scars on Teng Ying’s face. He considered treating the scars too, but he had heard that this general was the one guilty of setting fire to Yunfeng Palace. Afraid of inviting trouble for himself, the Imperial physician did not suggest any medication for the scars.

Teng Yun slept very uncomfortably, even in his sleep he was struggling and mumbling something. Seeing this, the Imperial physician added some soothing herbs to the prescription.

Xue Junliang impatiently asked, “When will he wake up?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“This servant will apply some needles, then he will wake up immediately.” 

Wef Aeciljcu cbvvfv jcv jiibkfv atf qtsrlmljc ab qgfqjgf atf cffvifr. Kfcu Tlcu kjr ralii abrrlcu jcv aegclcu, tf kjr jirb wewyilcu rbwfatlcu lc tlr vgfjw. Wef Aeciljcu jrxfv, “Qtja lr tf rjslcu?”

Ktf Pwqfglji qtsrlmljc kjr jqqislcu rbwf cffvifr, rb bo mbegrf tf tfjgv ktja Kfcu Tlcu kjr wewyilcu. Dea tf vlvc’a vjgf afii Llr Zjpfras; atf qjalfca kjr wewyilcu Swqfgbg Wef’r ulnfc cjwf.

Xue Junliang saw him dilly-dallying and stammering, so he simply waved the man away, and just when he lowered his head, he heard Teng Yun mumbling ‘Xue Junliang’.

Xue Junliang was stunned, his eyes were a bit complicated as he looked at the person on the bed. Suddenly he remembered that time when the Empress had a fever and was unconscious. When she was unconscious, she had also mumbled his name just like this. 

Of course, a man’s voice and a woman’s were different, but the tone was very similar. So similar that it left Xue Junliang with many complicated feelings that he didn’t understand.

After the physician applied some needles, Teng Yun immediately woke up, although he still looked groggy and a bit confused.

Xue Junliang examined the many scars on Teng Ying’s face, some were big, some were small. The scars, paired with the unfocused gaze, left him with an inexplicable impression.

Xue Junliang spoke indifferently and said, “All right, enough pretending to be dead.” 

Teng Yun very slowly got up and sat on the bed. Xue Junliang said, “You’ve said your request. But this Seat has yet to see if you really have the ability. If you are able to fulfill, this Seat promises you,  let alone releasing Marquis Tengnan from prison, this Seat will also immediately raise your status and let you replace Marquis Tengnan’s position.”

Teng Yun smiled bitterly. Was this how he would take over his own father’s title? He never had wanted to be above everyone or get the title of Marquis.

If Zhang Hong’s proposal was rashly rejected, Zhang Hong would certainly feel humiliated and attack Xue Country just to retaliate. Although there was no need to worry about the war, it was still better to have less war than to have wars that lasted for years.

While absent-mindedly massaging his left chest which still had slight pain, Teng Yun said, “How about this? Your Majesty can first send a letter to Zhang Hong, accepting his marriage proposal. Zhang Hong is greedy, naturally he would expect Your Majesty to send troops and army provisions in exchange for his sister’s hands in marriage. Then, Your Majesty can send a troop of a few thousands of old, weak and injured soldiers, as well as some hundreds of barrels of grain to Zhang Hong. Seeing the soldiers, Zhang Hong would be so angry that he would rip Your Majesty’s acceptance letter. Because of that, the marriage alliance would be broken not because Your Majesty did not accept the proposal. Zhang Hong would have no ground to attack Xue Country, and could only turn back to concentrate on dealing with the Feng Country.” 

Xue Junliang listened to the plan and nodded; this was indeed a great plan. Early the next morning, Xue Junliang ordered Teng Yun to reveal his plan at the Morning Court. When Teng Yun proposed his idea, everyone was shocked.

Xue Junliang laughed, “This Seat has promised, naturally this Seat will fulfill it, otherwise this Seat would be no different than a lowly villain like Zhang Hong. Send someone to the prison right this moment to free Marquis Tengnan, but he would no longer be a Marquis Tengnan, instead he would be demoted to a commoner. Teng Ying, your scheming mind and courage, this Seat values a talented man like you. From now on, you will be titled Marquis Tengnan. If you are loyal to your position and duties, you will be a wealthy and well-respected man. If your behavior is respectable, no one will oppose you. But if you show hereditary rebellion, then no one will tolerate traitors.”


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After His Majesty dismissed the Morning Court, many court officials approached Teng Yun to congratulate him. This was the true example of an instant success. How many people worked hard all their lives and still could not get any official rank? But this Teng Ying, with just one strategy, became a Marquis Tengnan.

True to his words, Xue Junliang sent people to release Marquis Tengnan, who had already been stripped of all his titles and demoted to a commoner. Teng Yun didn’t go to the prison to see his father nor send someone to pick him up. After everything, having his father released from prison was a kindness enough, and Teng Yun considered his filial duties fulfilled. 

Marquis Tengnan’s residence in the Capital city was renovated, its house plaque was taken down, and the front door was decorated with red curtains, it was only waiting for Teng Yun to move in.

Teng Yun looked at the gold plaque and he didn’t know what he felt in his heart. The residence’s servants were lighting some firecrackers, saying they hoped this would drive away all of the previous owner’s bad luck. At this time, Jiang Yu personally came to deliver a plaque. On it ‘Marquis Tengnan’s Residence‘, was personally written by Xue Junliang.

It was a great honor to have Emperor Xue himself write a house’s plaque. The servants immediately hung the new plaque to replace the old one and then lined up to welcome Teng Yun into the residence.

The residence was quite huge, the servants were all old servants of the Marquis. Living in one courtyard, there were also several beauties and concubines left by the previous Marquis. 

Teng Yun shook his head in dismay. This residence was very grand and luxurious and had too many beautiful women. Seemed like the person who used to live here, lived a very happy life.

Teng Yun dismissed the concubines and some of the servants. Some were reluctant to leave. To them Teng Yun laughed, “If you insist on staying, my salary is not high, I cannot support all of you.”

A few days later, someone reported to Emperor Xue that everything had gone according to Marquis Tengnan’s strategy. Zhang Hong had almost fainted due to anger, before tearing down the marriage alliance letter, loudly vowing he would never marry off his sister to a scheming villain like Xue Junliang.

Seeing that currying favour with Xue Junliang was useless, Zhang Hong had no choice but to deal with Feng Country by himself as he had already provoked Feng Ming. Now, he could not turn back and attack Xue Country; that would be equal to having a wolf in front and tiger at the back. Zhang Hong had to fight with Feng by himself. 

On the other hand, Feng Ming really sent people to sneak attack. Zhang Hong did not dare to rashly repair and dig the river to fill the city. The moment he started any work, soldiers sneak attacked and it was becoming very annoying.

Feng Ming then sent a large army to openly battle against Zhang Hong. The two sides fought but were evenly matched, therefore both sides called for their soldiers to retreat. At this time, Feng Ming ordered the scholar who won first place in this year’s imperial examination to take short trips to the frontier every day. The scholar wasn’t told to fight, only to find his friend and have a nice and relaxed talk.

Zhang Hong ordered his commander to kill the scholar, but the general under his command said he would not kill an innocent man who knew no Martial Arts and was no match for him in a fight. It was not a victory.

Zhang Hong was suspicious. These two people met almost everyday, yet they didn’t try to kill each other. This must be some kind of a trick. 

Later, in Zhang Hong’s army camp a rumor circulated that the commander and the scholar used to live in the same village. People concluded that the commander wasn’t originally from their country, but from Feng Country instead. This led to speculation that the commander might have a heart to rebel and therefore should be eliminated.

Zhang Hong was secretly alarmed in his heart, to think that there was a spy among his own people. His adviser suggested Zhang Hong to invite the general over for a feast, which the general certainly could not decline.

Also, in the feast, a few swordsmen were placed just inside Zhang Hong’s tent’s entrance and ordered to slash any person entering the tent.

The guard on duty outside Zhang Hong’s tent secretly reported what he had seen to the general. The general didn’t immediately believe the guard’s report, but he still brought five martial arts experts with him to the banquet. 

As soon as the general arrived at Zhang Hong’s tent, Zhang Hong immediately ordered the swordsmen to attack, while his adviser shouted “The General is a traitor!”.

Fortunately, the general had come prepared. He and his five trusted men fought, broke out of the encirclement and fled to the edge of the Ming River, with no way forward.


At this time, Feng Country’s scholar brought his men over with a boat and said with a laugh, “General, it’s been a while. Why are you in such a mess?”

The pursuing soldiers dove into the water and tried to overturn the boat. The scholar ordered the people on the board to chop those soldiers’ hands. Because of this, the soldiers dared not touch the boat and had to let the escapees go. The same day Feng army had a banquet to celebrate the addition of a great and valiant general in their ranks. 

While at the front line soldiers welcomed the surrendered general, Feng Ming also arranged a banquet at the Palace. The court officials were all in high spirits. After all, they managed to  suppress Zhang Hong’s effort, how could they not be happy?

After a few toasts, someone who didn’t know the recent news, inquired about Marquis Zhulu to King Feng. Feng Ming’s expression darkened in an instant. He immediately ordered the arrest of the offending person and beat him thirty times with a wooden plank. He said, “In this world, there is no such thing as Marquis Zhulu! Or are you all ridiculing me? Now that you all are gathered here, right this moment I will vow, one day I will meet with Zhao Lu in a battle, that day I will show him the true face of my Feng Kingdom!”

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Despite starting in a happy mood, the banquet ended in an unpleasant one and everyone left discontentedly. Feng Ming on the other hand, decided he hadn’t had enough to drink. He invited Minister Lu and had his own private banquet. Feng Ming cried and drank, as if trying to replace his tears with wine.

Lu Shichen had no capacity for alcohol. Affected by Feng Ming’s grief, Lu Shichen also couldn’t help but cry. The two of them cried and laughed together, and compared notes of each other’s ambitions. 

Lu Shichen knew that though King Feng looked strong, inside he was actually very sensitive and soft. If Lu Shichen didn’t volunteer to be King Feng’s listener, perhaps King Feng would’ve gone insane, either driving others crazy or driving himself crazy.

Lu Shichen said, “If there was no war, everything wouldn’t be this difficult to decide.”

Feng Ming laughed, “Actually, just sitting on the throne, there is no one who doesn’t think of war.”

Lu Shichen sighed, “It’s unfortunate that I’m just a lowly scholar who only knows about literature. I know nothing about the principles of military campaigns or expanding territory. I cannot be of help to Your Majesty.” 

In the end, Lu Shichen drank too much. Feng Ming allowed him to stay in the palace, but the old-fashioned Lu Shichen refused, insisting he had to follow protocol and leave the Palace. Feng Ming didn’t force him, only let people send him a good horse.

Minister Lu was famous for being frugal, he didn’t bring any servants. Lu Shichen went home alone, swaying right and left on his horse.

However, in an area not far from the Palace where the grass grew quite tall, Lu Shichen’s horse suddenly neighed in alarm. It stood on its hind legs, throwing down Lu Shichen from its back.

Lu Shichen was an ordinary scholar who never trained his body. So after falling from the horse he could barely get up. When he was finally able to open his eyes, he saw that his horse had run away and there was a small puddle of blood on the ground. 

Lu Shichen was not a fool, his heart lurched when he realized someone had wire tripped the horse. Someone was trying to rob at the edge of the Imperial city?

When Lu Shichen looked up, there was someone wearing a simple but elegant dress. When they saw Lu Shichen, they rushed over to help him up and said, “Minister Lu, are you alright?”

Realizing the person was Rui Xue, Lu Shichen’s heart calmed down. Despite believing it was taboo for a man touching an unmarried woman, he was too in pain to refuse Rui Xue’s help.

Lu Shichen said, “Rui Xue, why did you come back? Were you ordered by Zhao Lu?” 

Rui Xue used one hand to support Lu Shichen and the other hand was rummaging through the folds of the clothes. Next instant Lu Shichen felt the coldness of a dagger at his neck.

Lu Shichen’s blood ran cold in a split second and he immediately sobered up, “What are you doing?”


Rui Xue only laughed, but her laughter didn’t sound like that of a woman’s. As soon as Lu Shichen realized this, he fiercely pushed the other person, only to fall to the ground again.

The stranger squatted down, the dagger still slightly touching Lu Shichen’s neck, before finally pointing at Lu Shichen’s lower body. 

Lu Shichen’s heart was even more shocked. He said, “You’re not Rui Xue! Who are you?”

The man laughed, “You have guts, at times like this you can still talk to me like that?”

Lu Shichen froze, “Zhao Tong?”

Zhao Tong took off the mask on his face, “You’re so smart. But don’t think your being smart will make me let you go. Today Laozi will show you” 

As he spoke, his hands trembled on purpose, which made Lu Shichen want to run, but he couldn’t stand due to his earlier fall, let alone run away.

Zhao Tong laughed, “Minister Lu is quite good. Very admirable. As soon as my master left, you dared staying in the Palace even after dark. How was King Feng, is he great in bed?”

“Presumptuous! You.. Shut your filthy mouth!”

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Lu Shichen’s face turned red. He had never married, had no experience regarding intimate matters, let alone having fun with a man. It was such a blasphemy to even hear about it. 

Zhao Tong pulled Lu Shichen up, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to admit it. I don’t even care about people like you. Be a good boy and come with me or Laozi will castrate you!”

Lu Shichen’s face went redder, it was almost dripping blood in shame. Zhao Tong carried him away like a chicken.

Zhao Tong loaded Lu Shichen into a sack, changed into men’s clothes and rushed back to Xue Country.

Zhao Lu had found out that Zhao Tong wasn’t in the army camp and ordered someone to look for him. A few days later, Zhao Tong returned carrying a sack on his shoulder and immediately went to the Palace to seek an audience with His Majesty. 

He greeted Zhao Lu, “Master, wait until we meet with His Majesty, then I will give him to you so you can take out your anger.” The sentence made no sense at all for Zhao Lu.

Xue Junliang was having deliberations with his ministers in the warm pavilion of his study. Teng Yun was naturally present. These days, Teng Yun was favoured. Every time there was something to talk about, Emperor Xue would ask Teng Yun’s opinion. Only Teng Yun knew that Xue Junliang was deliberately putting him on the spot, so if he said one wrong thing, Xue Junliang could immediately punish him and execute him. This forced Teng Yun to be always vigilant and on high alert.

At this time, Jiang Yu came over and said, “General Zhao Tong requests for an audience… It seems like an urgent matter.”

Xue Junliang took note of Jiang Yu ambiguity and ordered Zhao Tong to quickly enter. But he did not expect Zhao Tong to carry a sack and come in and throw it down, then he knelt down to greet the Emperor. 

Knowing that Zhao Tong was still very young and arrogant, Xue Junliang felt that the situation might not be very agreeable. Zhao Tong didn’t always act according to the rules. Hence telling him off would not have any effect.

So Xue Junliang smiled and said, “Zhao Tong, what kind of treasure are you offering?”


Zhao Tong said, “Not a treasure, but a despicable person.”

Everyone in the room exclaimed, “What? There is a man inside?” 

Zhao Tong opened the sack, and an unconscious Lu Shichen rolled out of it, everyone looked even more shocked. They didn’t know it was Minister Lu from Feng Country; they only saw a man who was in a terrible state, and looked as pale as a corpse.

Xue Junliang said, “Who is this?”

Zhao Tong said, “He is Minister Lu from Feng Country.”

As Zhao Tong finished this sentence, even Xue Junliang froze. Teng Yun had heard the great name of Minister Lu. He ducked down and checked the pulse of the fainted person. He said, “I wonder if the general can tell us, how many days has this Minister Lu not eaten?” 

Zhao Tong was quick to answer, “I travelled day and night from Feng Country till here. I didn’t even have time to take any rest. How could I have time to give him meals?”

Xue Junliang rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache was coming. He had, of course, heard about Minister Lu’s reputation and had wanted to recruit him for himself. He had thought of many strategies to invite Minister Lu to join his side, but never once thought the ‘invite’ would happen this way.

Fortunately, Feng Country was still focusing on Zhang Hong, otherwise if they noticed that Minister Lu was missing and was captured by Xue Country, Feng Ming for sure would have sent troops to attack.

No wonder people said that newborn calves weren’t afraid of tigers… 

Teng Yun could see Zhao Tong had a personal grudge with Lu Shichen, fearing that Lu Shichen would suffer if he was in Zhao Tong’s hands, he hurriedly said, “Lu Shichen is a well-educated and talented person. Please, Your Majesty…”

Before he finished his words, Xue Junliang already understood and laughed: “Am I that cruel? Since Aiqing mentioned it first, might as well you take him and try to persuade him to surrender.”

Teng Yun actually didn’t want to take the task of persuading Minister Lu. He had never met Lu Shichen in person, therefore he didn’t know if he could persuade him. But if he could not do it, Xue Junliang might try to put the blame on him again.

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