The Ugly Empress

Chapter 53

Teng Yun was left in the palace all day. Xue Junliang had a very ambiguous attitude towards him and just dined together with him. If Teng Yun was not conscious of the situation, he would have thought it was just like the old days when he was the Empress. It turned out that Xue Junliang could be this gentle to anyone.

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After the meal, Xue Junliang actually took him to the garden for a walk. Teng Yun’s expression couldn’t help but change when he saw the small pavilion, remembering what happened there on the night of the banquet. He didn’t know whether his face had turned red or turned pale at this time . 

Teng Yun had not believed it before that even though Xue Junliang was powerful, he could still be a good man. However, he could believe it now. He was repeatedly uncovering new faces of Emperor Xue everyday and it was really impossible to guard against him.

As they walked along the garden, they suddenly heard a faint cry. The voice seemed to be accompanied by rustle of silk and bamboo flute, as if sighing with faint resentment.



Xue Junliang frowned at Jiang Yu and said, “Who is crying in broad daylight?”

Jiang Yu said, “The voice seemed to be coming not far from the Cold Palace. I’m afraid it’s Teng Qianyi, Your Majesty.” 

Xue Junliang answered with a smile, “Why don’t we go and have a look now?”


He said this but it was directed to Teng Yun, as if to ask him his opinion.

Teng Yun said, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Your Majesty. I am a foreigner. I can’t enter the Harem.”

Xue Junliang smiled and suddenly reached out to pull Teng Yun’s hand. Teng Yun was startled and subconsciously stumbled on his steps, he straightened and didn’t dare to move again. Xue Junliang insisted on pulling his hand and said in a warm voice: “How can you say you’re a foreigner?”


Teng Yun couldn’t get his hand free from hold, so he just let Xue Junliang hold it. The two of them really looked like a couple holding hands in other people’s eyes.

Xue Junliang took Teng Yun to the Cold Palace. Teng Qianyi was wearing a white plain Luo skirt with tears on her face. She seemed to be crying and singing her woes at the same time. Seeing Xue Junliang coming in, her face couldn’t help showing joy and threw herself at his feet and said, “Your Majesty… Your Majesty, at last, you are finally willing to come and see Qianyi.”

Xue Junliang took a step back, and Jiang Yu quickly asked someone to pull Teng Qianyi away.

As Teng Qianyi turned her head, she saw Teng Yun at the side and her face immediately darkened. She fiercely stretched out her hand to grab Teng Yun and shouted, “It’s him! Your Majesty! It was him who set the fire. It was not me, Your Majesty! Teng Ying did it. Yes, this concubine was completely unaware of it!” 

Before Teng Yun could dodge, Xue Junliang stretched out his hand to fend her off and said, “You are so bold to actually call Marquis Tengnan’s name?”

Teng Qianyi was stunned for a moment and her eyes widened in surprise. “Your Majesty, you must have made a mistake. He is not Marquis Tengnan. He is just a lowly servant. If it were not for this concubine taking pity on him, he would not even be a slave. Now he came to harm me, Your Majesty, I… I don’t know!”

Teng Yun still didn’t speak.

Xue Junliang said with a smile, “Well… It is indeed this Seat’s mistake, because Teng Ying will no longer be the Marquis Tengnan, as he will soon marry into the palace and become Concubine Teng. You have just reminded me.” 

Teng Qianyi was frozen on the spot for a long time, then burst out laughing, pointing at Teng Yun and screaming: “You are a man, not a woman! You also learned from women to climb a man’s bed? Just the scar on your face is really ugly! His Majesty can only vomit when looking at you! Pooh!”

Xue Junliang glanced at her and then said, “Jiang Yu, let someone come and restrain her mouth.”

Jiang Yu retreated, and soon a maidservant came to restrain Teng Qianyi’s mouth. The women thrown in the Cold Palace were also concubines who were punished for whatever wrongdoings they had done. Since they were concubines, men weren’t allowed to see them. The guards were also not allowed to come but the strength of these maidservants were not light. Moreover, these maid servants serving in the Cold Palace inevitably didn’t get on well with Teng Qianyi, so the way they restrained her was also very rough as she fought and struggled against them.

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Xue Junliang also asked someone to move a big chair in the hall and ask Teng Yun to sit with him. Teng Yun knew that Xue Junliang was especially showing this to Teng Qianyi. 

Teng Yun had always been soft hearted and even though Teng Qianyi had harmed him so many times when they were still in Teng, he also knew that it was impossible for him to harm people, but it was necessary to guard against people. Teng Yun still felt that he couldn’t stand seeing her being handled like this.

Xue Junliang was sitting leisurely. While listening to the crisp sound of slaps and struggles, he said, “Teng Qianyi, did you know that this Seat caught a fish that slipped through the net. He seems to be called… Lang Jing.”


Upon saying this, Teng Qianyi obviously widened her eyes and looked over here.

“Lang Jing is a very skilled person, but he is not a thief, nor a killer. However, he has made meritorious recommendations. This Seat can’t kill him for the time being… Lang Jing said that you instigated the arson.” 

Teng Qianyi was even more shocked and shouted, “No… not me, Your Majesty!”

“Oh?” Xue Junliang said with a slow smile, “Could it be that there is another secret that you’re keeping?”

Teng Qianyi nodded desperately, crying and said, “There is a secret! There is a secret! This concubine was used and was instigated by Lang Jing. I was confused for a while, this concubine was just confused for a while… Your Majesty…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wef Aeciljcu rjlv, “Tbe pera rjlv j ktlif jub atja la kjr Kfcu Tlcu, yea cbk sbe’gf rjslcu la kjr Ojcu Alcu. Pa’r tjgv obg atlr Vfja ab yfilfnf sbe. Qtja rtbeiv P vb?” 

Kfcu Hljcsl mbcalcefv ab mgs, “P mjc mbcogbca Ojcu Alcu! Pa kjr tlw ktb lcralujafv wf. Tbeg Zjpfras rtbeiv yfilfnf wf. Lf kjcafv ab tfiq Wef Te gfyfi jujlcra Tbeg Zjpfras jcv rfa atf olgf!”

Xue Junliang sneered inwardly. If Teng Qianyi confronted Lang Jing, he still would not know who was really behind it all , but he was waiting for this sentence. As long as someone could prove that it was Lang Jing’s instigation, it was enough for now.

When Xue Junliang had achieved his goal, he took Teng Yun away from the Cold Palace and allowed Teng Yun to leave the Palace and go back to his residence. He had to persuade Lang Jing to surrender. After his surrender, he would persuade him to tell him who was really the mastermind of the arson.

Teng Yun returned to the Marquis Residence. Although he mostly sat in the Palace and didn’t even walk a few steps, and only a short walk to the Cold Palace, he was extremely tired. When standing with Xue Junliang, he had to be careful about being plotted or trapped. Then he thought again that even if he was careful, nine times out of ten he would still be plotted against. 

Lang Jing sent someone to send a message to Teng Yun. He said that he didn’t need any servants and help and asked to inform the guards at the gate about him; he didn’t want to be accused as an assassin.

Teng Yun informed the bodyguards at the door of the residence to keep the door open and also asked them to retire early.

Lang Jing stayed in Marquis Zhennan’s residence in the south of the town for a whole day. The guards sent meals before they left and Lang Jing brought them into the house and personally fed Xue Yu.

Xue Yu still looked deranged. He threw the dishes all over Lang Jing and laughed crazily, clapping his hands as if the sight of Lang Jing covered in food seemed very interesting. 

Lang Jing finally had some changes in his eyes. He seemed to show a little rare sadness. He sighed and said, “Lang Jing knows that the Lord is angry, but the Lord, just think about it. If I didn’t go at that time, how could I save the Lord now?”

Xue Yu stared at Lang Jing, still laughing, and said, “Are you blaming me now?”

Lang Jing lowered his head, and his voice returned to calm, and said, “This humble Lang has received great favors from the Lord, and doesn’t dare to blame.”

Xue Yu fiddled with the empty bowl and continued, “Lang Jing … Don’t tell me, you didn’t want to walk away, and didn’t come back until I got in this situation . Are you very proud?” 

Lang Jing looked up and stared at the other party and slowly said, “This Lang has thought about leaving. After all, the Lord didn’t listen to my advice, but this Lang had never wanted to ridicule the Lord. If the Lord thought so, it would make this Lang heartless.”

Upon hearing this, Xue Yu looked up and their eyes collided. Lang Jing looked at him, and the other party’s eyes were a little red.

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Lang Jing sighed again and said, “I know the Lord has suffered these days. Have a good rest. This Lang will go to Marquis Tengnan’s residence tonight and will ask to withdraw the guards tomorrow.”

“You have to work for Xue Junliang!” 

Lang Jing smiled bitterly and said: “Who does this Lang work for is not forced upon him by the Lord. I am afraid that even if I work for him, I still can’t escape death. I can only hope that the Lord will think twice before he acts in the future.”

After he said this, he bowed and turned away.

Xue Yu struggled. He still wanted to scold Lang Jing, but it was a pity that he couldn’t speak. Lang Jing’s words were like parting from life and death, which shocked him a bit.

When Lang Jing came to Marquis Tengnan’s residence it was already night time. In fact, he didn’t have the ability to know everything. He just wanted to make others feel unsettled and have them convinced with half truths and lies. 

The gate was open. He went in cautiously and was not stopped. Lang Jing walked inside and came outside Lu Shichen’s room where he was under house arrest. There were guards at the door and this was what he expected, but no one stopped him and let him go in .

Lu Shichen didn’t expect anyone to come this late at night. Since what happened with Zhao Tong last time, Lu Shichen didn’t dare to sleep deeply. He was really afraid that someone would touch him and kill him when he slept. To tell the truth, he was a weak scholar. How could he not be afraid of death? But Lu Shichen felt that if he lost his backbone, it would be more terrible than death.

He thought many times how Marquis Tengnan would persuade him to surrender, but the past few days have been calm and the so-called Lord Tengnan has never been to see him even once.

As soon as Lang Jing went inside the room, Lu Shichen immediately woke up. Lang Jing didn’t come forward, he just paid respect to Lu Shichen. 

Early the next morning, Teng Yun ordered the servants to go over and serve Lu Shichen, but the servants came back in a panic and said: “My Lord, Minister Lu has run away!”

Teng Yun was stunned for a moment. He personally went over to check and saw Lang Jing sitting at the table drinking tea leisurely in Lu Shichen’s clothes.

Teng Yun said, “Where’s Minister Lu?”

Lang Jing’s face remained unchanged and said, “He’s already gone. I gave him an unparalleled thousand mile horse and sent him out of the city. I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch up to him at this time.” 

This matter was immediately reported to Xue Junliang. Surprisingly, Xue Junliang was neither worried nor angry. He just asked someone to bring Lang Jing into the palace.

Lang Jing and Teng Yun went into the palace together and paid their respect to Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang said, “Lang Jing, do you know your crime?”

Lang Jing said, “This lowly subject is not only innocent, but meritorious.” 

“Really? Then speak to this Seat with your iron mouth.”

As Xue Junliang said this, he waved his hand to Teng Yun and motioned to Teng Yun to go over and sit next to him.


Lang Jing said: “Lu Shichen is an upright man and you will never succeed in persuading him to surrender. It can be said that even if he is beheaded, he would never surrender. It was better to send him on a good horse and let him go out of the city and go back to Feng Country… Although King Feng trusts Lu Shichen, he can’t block the leisurely talk of the public. They would talk, how did a prime minister– if he fell into the hands of an enemy country, how can he escape back to the country without getting hurt and get a thousand-mile horse? Lu Shichen will definitely be suspected.”

Xue Junliang listened, he finally smiled and said, “Although it was a good idea, it was a little too careless. It really makes me feel sorry for myself. After all, he was such a great talent.” 

Lang Jing said: “It can only be said that Lu Shichen is ignorant of current affairs.”

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Xue Junliang seemed to think that what Lang Jing said were quite to his own mind. He couldn’t help sighing and said, “You helped this Seat a lot, but it is unfortunate that you are a dying man.”

Lang Jing smiled and said, “This lowly subject thinks it may not be necessary.”

“Oh…” Xue Junliang’s face sank and said in a cold voice: “You still don’t admit instigating Teng Qianyi to set fire and murder the Empress!” 

Lang Jing was not deterred by this and said, “This lowly subject did instigate Teng Qianyi to set fire at the Empress’ residence, but it may not be the Empress who died in that fire.”

As soon as he said this, Xue Junliang was slightly stunned. Teng Yun immediately froze and immediately lowered his head to see Lang Jing kneeling on the ground.

The man’s tone was very calm, and said: “This matter is of great importance, please hold back your decision to behead me, Your Majesty.”

Xue Junliang didn’t know what he meant, but the sentence “It may not be the Empress who burned” has made him, a normally calm person, unable to return to his senses for a long time. 

Xue Junliang, with narrowed eyes, wanted to stand back and interrogate the man more, but Jiang Yu said, “Your Majesty, it’s time to go to the morning court. Why don’t you… come back and hear what he has to say.”

Xue Junliang thought for a while. It was indeed important for him to attend the morning court, and the ministers could not be allowed to wait, so he told Lang Jing to wait in the hall and not take one step, until he came back from the morning court.

The ministers waited for a while, and Emperor Xue finally came out– together with Marquis Tengnan. Seeing the two of them attending the morning court together, it was inevitable that everyone was in an uproar, but they didn’t dare to make a noise; they could only look left and right, sending questioning looks to their fellow ministers.

As soon as Xue Junliang came up, he announced to the ministers that someone had read the stars for him a few days ago. The content of this divination was similar to what Lang Jing said. Then he said that someone must accompany him around all the time, or he would become a tyrant of this dynasty. 

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t know what Xue Junliang wanted to do. After all, he had just rejected the marriage proposal of Zhang Hong a few days ago and also dismissed the triennial selection. Who would be the beauty that he would choose to marry?

Without letting the Ministers guess, Xue Junliang continued to speak slowly, “The wandering magician said that Marquis Tengnan, is a master of water. If this Seat accepts Teng Ying as an imperial concubine, then he would gain the virtue of Yao and Shun.”

This time, the ministers could not help but to whisper. No one expected that Emperor Xue would marry a man, and this man was still a surrendered minister. Forget the person being a man or a woman, Marquis Tengnan’s known character alone could not convince the public.

Xue Junliang remained silent. He waited to see who would stand up first to oppose, but no one dared to speak their mind. Suddenly someone from the Military Department came outside the hall and asked permission to go to the hall. 

Unless it was an emergency related to military affairs, no one dared to come when Emperor Xue was holding the morning court. Xue Junliang allowed the person to come in, and Jiang Yu took the military report and handed it to him.

After a few glances, Xue Junliang asked Xue Houyang to come up and read the report.


As soon as the court ministers heard the report, the whispers in the court became louder. Zhang Hong had tried to invade Feng Country and was driven back 80 miles by the Feng Army. He would be afraid to attack Feng Country again.

After being driven back by Feng, he had now set his eyes on Xue Country. He had already arrived at Ming River and was ready to cross the river to attack Xue. 

Although Zhang Hong was brave and resourceful, he was also foolhardy and suspicious, he could not afford to face this fierce force. His army has already stepped on the border, so he has to go out to fight the enemy.

Xue Junliang glanced at the crowd and said, “How about it? Didn’t you want to say pleasantries just now? Now, who has a countermeasure?”

Some people said that Marquis Wannian could send troops to meet the enemy. Xue Houyang has made outstanding achievements in war. If he went to war, he would surely beat back Zhang Hong.

Some of the ministers didn’t think it was necessary for Marquis Wannian to go to war, they didn’t think Zhang Hong would really dare to actually invade Xue. After all, he had just been beaten by Feng Country, and they must hate him. Now that Feng has driven Zhang Hong back, they would certainly come after him. 

Xue Houyang frowned thinking about the situation. If he went out to fight on his own, Zhang Hong must have already crossed Ming River and rushed to the border, this would not be conducive to fighting. It was absolutely impossible for Zhang Hong to come and attack if he did not take precautions.

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Xue Junliang waited for a while, but no one spoke again. Finally, he said, “Teng Ying, you seem to be very much at ease, surely you have a clever plan to defeat the enemy?”

Teng Yun was named, he stepped forward and said, “This court official really has a plan to make the enemy retreat.”

When they heard that Emperor Xue was going to accept him as a male concubine, most court officials disdained him. At this time, hearing the Emperor ask his opinion, they even scoffed at him, but they also wanted to hear what he had to say. 

Teng Yun said: “Zhang Hong invaded Feng Country and was defeated by the Feng army causing him to retreat. In such situations, King Feng would definitely not pursue him. After a war, the country is empty and weak and Feng Country would be naturally happy to see Zhang Hong turn around. It was good to not pursue a retreating enemy. Now Your Majesty and Zhang Hong would fight and this would give Feng country to distribute their troops. Why not do it? If precautions are not taken, then when the times comes, we could only let Zhang Hong seize the counties north of Ming River…”

After Teng Yun finished speaking, everyone was quiet, they seemed to agree with this point of view.

Teng Yun then continued: “This court official has heard that the climate south of Ming River is mostly humid and rainy, while the climate north of Ming River is so cold that even dripping water would freeze… Most of the soldiers in Xue Country are northerners and are not suitable for water warfare. Although most of Zhang Hong’s army are also troops who can’t fight in water, the two armies will inevitably lose their soldiers and their generals in the confrontation, I am afraid that Feng Country would benefit from it. The Emperor might as well let the soldiers take Ming River, and let the soldiers set camp on the river bank. After a cold night, the water on the river bank would freeze. Naturally, the enemy’s forces and horses would be in great disorder. At this time, you can set fire to the area and drive the enemy into the water. ”

Xue Junliang couldn’t help laughing and said, “This Seat didn’t read you wrong.” 

He paused and said, “Teng Ying’s intelligence reminds this Seat of an old friend.”

As soon as he said this, Teng Yun’s back froze. He was not at all comfortable with the Art of War he had just cited. Thinking about Lang Jing’s previous words, Teng Yun naturally thought that the old friend that the Emperor mentioned was the Grand Princess of Feng Country –  the late Empress of Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang said, “In this way, this Seat feels that there is no need for Marquis Wannian to go out for war. After this court meeting, Houyang will order someone to send a message to the troops in Ming River immediately and let the soldiers act according to the plans.”

After the military issue was addressed, Xue Junliang asked the court once again about their views of taking Marquis Tengnan to be his Imperial concubine, and this time, no one dared to say anything against it. Many of the court officials understood why Emperor Xue wanted to take this man into the Imperial Harem. Teng Yun’s wisdom really made these Xue people afraid. 

After the morning court session, Xue Junliang didn’t let Teng Yun leave, he asked Teng Yun to write the military order with Xue Houyang. After all, the plan was his idea, so he needed to write it down and had to improve it.

Xue Junliang went back to the palace by himself. Lang Jing was still kneeling there and hadn’t moved a step.


Xue Junliang said with a smile, “This Seat asked you to wait. This Seat didn’t say you were to kneel all the time. Why don’t you get up?”

Lang Jing said, “The Emperor asked this lowly subject to wait and didn’t let this lowly subject to get up. This lowly subject is afraid of offending the Emperor.” 

Xue Junliang laughed. “This Seat really admires you very much, but sometimes this Seat also hates your mouth very much.”

When he finished speaking, he didn’t give Lang Jing any more time to say anything, and then said, “Just tell this Seat of what you were going to say a while back, go on.”

However, Lang Jing knelt back on the ground and kowtowed with his head banging on the ground and said in a loud voice, “Your Majesty, please remove the guards from Marquis Zhenjiang’s residence in the south of the town first, and Lang Jing will tell you everything.”

“And if this Seat won’t?” 

“Lang Jing is a pedantic scholar, not more faithful than Lu Shichen, but his disposition is somewhat similar to that of Lu Shichen.”

Xue Junliang didn’t say anything and remained expressionless. He called Jiang Yu and asked him to withdraw the guards from Marquis Zhenjiang’s residence in person. Then he smiled and said, “Lang Jing ah, Lang Jing ah, you can save him once, but can you save him all his life? Open your eyes and see who you should be loyal to.”

A bitter smile flashed across Lang Jing’s face and said, “Can the great Emperor grant his golden words that he would save this lowly subject from death?”

Without waiting for Xue Junliang’s response, he continued, “His Majesty cannot kill me. Even if His Majesty wants to kill me in his heart, but he is unable to find a reason to issue the death sentence, lest he is seen as a tyrant by the people. My Lord has saved this lowly subject. Who should be followed in this case? Your Majesty can judge fairly from his heart.” 

When Xue Junliang didn’t speak, Lang Jing waited for him to send away the nearby attendants.

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