The Ugly Empress

Chapter 61

Ch61 - Hiding Evil Intentions

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Edited by Elanor

Feng Ming didn’t take it seriously, and smiled, “Marquis Tengnan is really so kind-hearted. Why didn’t I know before?”

Teng Yun stopped talking. 

Feng Ming had no expression on his face, but he just said, “How did these scars on Marquis Tengnan’s face come about? Would you like me to help you by adding more?”

Teng Yun just smiled but remained silent.



Feng Ming was so angry at his calm and indifferent appearance, but he insisted on refusing to admit defeat and said, “Do you really think this Seat does not dare to torture you? Do you really think Emperor Xue thinks so highly of you?”

Feng Ming paused and continued, “Look at the scars on your face. Do you really think that Emperor Xue likes you so much that he doesn’t care about your ugly face? He doesn’t want to look at you at all. He just wants to take away your real power in the name of making you a concubine.” 

Teng Yun didn’t even lift his eyelids, but slowly said, “I don’t care.”



Feng Ming said with a smile, “It seems that you still won’t give up.”

“It’s not that I won’t give up,” Teng Yun said, still calm, “It’s that, I don’t expect anything at all. What Emperor Xue wants to do is Emperor Xue’s business. Have you forgotten? My surname is Teng, not Xue. It’s enough for me to do what I want to do.”


Feng Ming glared at him, and then ordered a guard to bring Teng Yun down to be tortured.

Lu Shichen quickly knelt down, “Think twice, Your Majesty. Please think twice! Teng Ying is Xue Country’s Marquis Tengnan. He has a valuable position. If he is tortured, Emperor Xue will find this as enough reason to send troops. Moreover, Teng Ying is also considered a wise man. If he is tortured like this because he’s charged with refusing to be virtuous. I’m afraid no one will obey His Majesty again.”

Feng Ming didn’t speak for a long time. Finally, he waved his sleeve and ordered the guard to take Teng Yun away.


Xue Junliang didn’t agree to send Zhao Lu to Feng Country in exchange for Teng Yun and Feng Country wouldn’t let Teng Yun go. The two sides were at a standoff.

Xue Junliang issued an Imperial decree ordering Lang Jing back from the border.

Lang Jing entered the Capital. However, before he could go back to the residence to see Xue Yu, someone led him to enter the Palace. When he entered the Palace gate, he met Shen Yi.

It was the first time after a long time that Shen Yi met him in private and said with a smile, “Lang Jing, we haven’t seen each other for seven or eight years.” 

Lang Jing didn’t speak.

Shen Yi: “Do you know why His Majesty is looking for you?”

Lang Jing opened his mouth and answered, “It’s nothing more than what happened to Marquis Tengnan.”

“If only you had a clear understanding…” 

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Shen Yi paused and sighed: “Ten years of study and hard work; you were the most talented among us brothers, I think I am inferior to you. You have also seen the achievements and talents of Emperor Xue, why do you have to help Marquis Zhenjiang? You have read books for so many years, don’t you even understand this truth?”

Lang Jing glanced at him.


He stared at Shen Yi’s hair with an expressionless face, and then said, “I just entered the Capital and immediately was asked to enter the Palace. Presumably, Emperor Xue already knows that I have entered the Palace. Now you meet me here by chance. I don’t think it’s a coincidence at all… Are you here to persuade me to surrender to Emperor Xue?”

Shen Yi was seen through by him, he coughed, a little embarrassed and said, “So I’m naturally inferior to you. I have always admired you.” 

Even if he admitted it, Lang Jing said, “Marquis Zhenjiang is legally a subject, and this Lang is also Emperor Xue’s subject… I think even if I don’t say it, compared to Emperor Xue,  Marquis Zhenjiang is still far behind.”

After he said this, Lang Jing took a step forward to the hall.

Shen Yi just shook his head. Lang Jing was indeed a bull-tempered person that even ten cows couldn’t pull back, but he was also right. Marquis Zhenjiang was legally a subject, and Lang Jing was also a subject. Xue Yu seemed to be going against this and had still a long way to go.

When Lang Jing entered the warm Pavilion in the Study Hall, Xue Junliang was reading a book. He was holding the book in his hand, but his eyes were squinting and looking like he was in a daze. He didn’t know what he was thinking. 

When Xue Junliang heard the voice, he immediately came back to his senses but didn’t let Lang Jing get up. He said, “Lang Jing, do you know why this Seat sent you to Ming River?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“For war, Your Majesty.”

“Pcvffv…” Wef Aeciljcu rjlv, “Dea atlr Vfja ibra j ugfja Xfcfgji. Pr atlr sbeg kjs ab wjxf eq obg sbeg wlrajxfr?”

Ojcu Alcu rjlv, “Ktlr ibkis reypfma tjr tlr bkc kjs ab ifa Mfcu Jbecags gfaegc Zjgdelr Kfcucjc.” 

Wef Aeciljcu rcffgfv jcv rjlv, “Ktlr Vfja xcbkr cbatlcu mjc vfofja sbe, rb vb la. Qlatlc atgff vjsr, atlr Vfja klii kjca ab rff atja Mfcu Jbecags gfifjrfr ws Xfcfgji… Yatfgklrf, atlr Vfja klii jrx Zjgdelr Itfcpljcu ab atgbk sbe lcab qglrbc tlwrfio.”

Lang Jing’s expression didn’t change. He didn’t even frown. He just begged Xue Junliang for leave, kowtowed and left the hall.

Three days was indeed a little short time, but it was not impossible to spread gossip to Feng Country.


On the second day of the Morning Court in Feng Country, someone reported that Court Official Lu Shichen, had an evil heart and was a traitor to Feng Country. In fact, when he was said to be abducted, he had already defected towards Xue Country.

Lang Jing sent someone to spread the rumor, saying Lu Shichen didn’t actually escape from Xue Country last time, because there was no way that an unarmed scholar who didn’t know any Martial Arts and Swordsmanship, could escape back without being hurt at all and that also could escape on a thousand mile horse.

It was also said that Lu Shichen treated Marquis Tengnan so well because Lu Shichen had rebelled in his heart long after receiving the great kindness of Marquis Tengnan, but he had not found the opportunity. Moreover, Lu Shichen personally prepared the letter to invite Marquis Tengnan to make peace this time and proposed to exchange Zhao Lu for Teng Ying, which was clearly a trick.

Just imagine that if Emperor Xue doesn’t change his mind and still refuses the exchange, he can only go to war. Lu Shichen clearly wanted the two countries to go to war, so he deliberately planned it like this. Xue Country must have been armed, preparing their defense at this time, waiting for Feng Country to throw himself into the net. 

Third day of the morning court.

In fact, Lu Shichen has become the target of public criticism. Although he knew in his heart that it was Feng Ming’s selfish intention to propose to exchange Zhao Lu for Teng Ying, the court officials could not publicly accuse the King. That is the way of kings and ministers.


Lu Shichen didn’t refute a word. Feng Ming didn’t expect that such a situation could be turned into just by exchanging a traitor back, and Lu Shichen’s attitude obviously wanted to carry the black pot and his loyalty to Feng Ming showed as he was willing to be a scapegoat.

Feng Ming knew that if he said he was the one who really wanted the exchange, there would be more rumors. If he didn’t speak up, all the court officials would insist for Lu Shichen to give up his position as court minister. 

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At this morning’s court session, Lu Shichen took off his official hat, put his hands on the ground and said, “This lowly subject has no second thoughts. This Lu can understand the people’s doubts about this Lu. This Lu is willing to hang his hat to show his innocence before the matter is clarified.”

Lu Shichen hung his official hat, and the ministers proposed that he could only return Marquis Tengnan without an exchange to calm the matter. In case of losing the hearts of the people and the army, it would be the most terrible.


Early on the third morning, Xue Junliang called Lang Jing to the palace once again and asked Lang Jing how things were going. Lang Jing said, “Your Majesty, you can send someone to Ming River now.” 

Xue Junliang also heard about the rumors being spread. The reason Lang Jing was very resourceful was that he knew how to attack the heart without using even a single soldier.

Xue Junliang was thinking about who to send to Ming River. Now that he knows who Marquis Tengnan really is, it was inevitable that he felt a bit of a knot in his heart. He was not disgusted with Teng Yun, but he always felt erratic.

Xue Junliang thought for a moment and asked Jiang Yu to leave the palace and go to Marquis Wannian’s residence to deliver a message. He told Teng Shang that Emperor Xue asked him to set off the same day and go to Ming River to pick up Marquis Tengnan.

Teng Shang was hit hard by the news of Teng Yun’s death in Ming River. When Feng Country sent someone to say that Marquis Tengnan was not dead, Xue Houyang was almost happier than Teng Shang. Naturally, he thought that Minister Teng could finally stop being sad . 

Xue Houyang then prepared a salute for Teng Shang. He didn’t point out Teng Yun’s identity. He didn’t know how to tell Teng Shang that he knew. He just said: “Sir, you should be careful what tricks the Feng Country has when you go, and I don’t know if there are any residual soldiers of Zhang Hong on the edge of Ming River.”

After so many ups and downs, Teng Shang didn’t know what his state of mind was. Only Xue Houyang treated him exactly the same, he naturally understood.

Xue Houyang said again, “General Zhao Lu specially sent Zhao Tong to accompany Minister Teng this time… Minister Teng has always been more cautious than me, so Houyang won’t talk more.”

Teng Shang nodded and smiled after a while: “There are some things.. I don’t know how much you have found out. This time when I come back, I may have something to tell you, but I don’t know whether Marquis Wannian will appreciate it or not.” 

Xue Houyang looked at his expression, nodded fiercely and said, “Naturally, I’d like to listen! When Sir wants to speak, Houyang will listen.”

Teng Shang didn’t speak any more. Zhao Tong had already arrived, so they rushed to Ming River.


Feng Ming was helpless. 

The only way to settle the court officials and people’s suspicions was to release Teng Yun. So he sent a messenger to Ming River to relay the news. As soon as he said that Teng Yun would be released, the envoy of Xue Country had already arrived at Ming River.

Feng Ming asked Qi Zijie to accompany and escort Teng Yun to Ming River. Teng Yun didn’t expect that Teng Shang would be the one coming to pick him up. Teng Yun’s battle time in Ming River was not short. He didn’t know that his identity had been seen through by Teng Shang for a long time. It was not only Teng Shang, but also Xue Junliang and Xue Houyang.


When Teng Shang saw the other, he just bowed to Teng Yun without much expression, pretending to be calm. He thanked General Qi and presented Emperor Xue’s letter to show that he was willing to reconcile with Feng Country.

Teng Shang’s boat was already docked along the edge of Ming River. Teng Shang gave way to let Teng Yun pass first and said, “My Lord, please get on the boat.” 

Teng Yun nodded and without saying much, boarded the boat. Zhao Tong then asked people to support the sail, and the boat braced the wind. Only then did they leave the border of Feng Country and went to the other side of Ming River.

Zhao Tong was prejudiced against Teng Yun before, but he gradually changed his mind when he heard about his exploits in Ming River. When he learned that Teng Yun battled alone against the enemy, he was even more impressed.

Teng Yun was not tortured in Feng Country during his capture, but his health was not well maintained. The wind on the water was not very calm. He was not very comfortable due to the turbulence, so he came out to the deck to get some air.

Zhao Tong had been standing cautiously outside. His entourage was to protect the safety of Teng Shang and Teng Yun. He didn’t dare to slack off. At this time, when he saw Teng Yun coming out, he wanted to make amends and felt really embarrassed. 

As soon as Zhao Tong walked over, he heard Teng Yun suddenly yelled, “Be careful!”, and a cold arrow was shot over. Zhao Tong dodged, only to think that Teng Yun was standing behind him. As Teng Yun moved his body to avoid the arrow, he hit the mast, and the arrow grazed his arm.

At this time, everyone saw that there was a small boat on Ming River. It was difficult to notice that it was rowing over because of the heavy fog. Zhao Tong was young and energetic, so when he saw someone injured, naturally he didn’t want to give up. Teng Yun rushed over and pulled him hard. They threw themselves on the board together and avoided another cold arrow.

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Although it was only a small skin injury and a little skin was scratched, Teng Yun felt his body feeling heavier and he was getting dizzy. He turned his head to where the arrow that grazed him had fallen, and knew immediately that the tip of the arrow was poisoned.

Zhao Tong was shouting something at him, and although he could hear him, he couldn’t understand the words as he laid there in a daze; he seemed to be losing consciousness. 

Teng Shang also heard the commotion and immediately came out. He saw Teng Yun on the board with blood on his sleeves and he rushed over to his side anxiously. Unfortunately, Teng Yun couldn’t hold on anymore and finally collapsed on the board, unconscious.

Xue Junliang didn’t expect that the person the envoy was picking up would arrive lying down, injured and unconscious. The envoy has not travelled with an Imperial Physician with them. Although Teng Yun was seen by the local physicians, the wound due to the poisoned arrow was very toxic. Teng Yun’s blood was poisoned too fast, and his body itself was too weak, which led to him losing consciousness.

Xue Junliang ordered someone to take Teng Yun directly to the Palace. Some people persuaded him not to do so, saying it was against the Imperial etiquettes and was not allowed, but Xue Junliang only said: “He is first and foremost my Imperial Noble Consort, but he was asked to go to join the army and risk his life on the battlefield because all the generals and officials of this country were inferior to him.”

Everyone was speechless. 

Emperor Xue took Teng Yun directly into the Imperial Palace, but did not arrange for him to go to the back palace.

Jiang Yu asked Xue Junliang which side hall Teng Yun would be placed in.

Xue Junliang just faintly uttered two words, “Main hall.”

Jiang Yu didn’t know the relationship between Teng Yun, the late Empress and Teng Ying. Although he didn’t understand why Xue Junliang was so attentive to the Marquis all of a sudden, and he could see worry in the Emperor’s face, he still didn’t talk much. He just did what Emperor Xue ordered. 

Xue Junliang called over several veteran Imperial physicians from the imperial hospital. In the eyes of these seasoned Imperial physicians, the arrow wound seemed to be no big deal. They just have to take care of Teng Yun’s body as he had a heart ailment. It was not advisable for him to be overjoyed, too worried and too angry. If his heart ailment gets cured, then his body would be able to hold on.

Xue Junliang listened to what they said and put his heart back into his stomach a little. He asked the Imperial Physician for a prescription to repair Teng Yun’s body and restore his health. He was used to looking at Teng Yun with scars on his face.


The Imperial Physician suddenly asked, “Your Majesty… I don’t know if the wounds on the Marquis’ face need to be treated or not?”

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly frowned and said in a cold voice, “Naturally, it needs to be treated and cured.” 

The Imperial physician was stunned when he said this and said, “Your Majesty, please forgive this lowly subject. The scar on the Marquis’s face has been around for a long time. Although it can be cured, I’m afraid it can’t be completely removed .”

When he finished speaking, Xue Junliang’s face sank again, but Xue Junliang knew that the reason why the scars could not be completely cured was actually his own responsibility. At that time, he didn’t want to make Teng Yun feel better, but at this time, Teng Yun’s identity changed and Xue Junliang’s mind had also changed.

Xue Junliang paused for a long time and said, “Try your best to heal him.”

“Yes, Your Majesty…” The Imperial physician quickly knelt down and kowtowed: “This old physician will try his best and dare not neglect. Please rest assured.” 

When the Imperial physician left, Xue Junliang stood by the bed and didn’t speak. He just stared at Teng Yun.

Jiang Yu stood not far away. Although the Emperor wasn’t staring at himself, he felt goosebumps all over his body and didn’t dare to speak. Emperor Xue’s mind has been a little uncertain recently.

The sky was getting dark, but Xue Junliang was still at Teng Yun’s bedside. Jiang Yu had to cough lightly and said, “Your Majesty… Do you want your meal to be served here?”

Unexpectedly, this sound woke Teng Yun up. Teng Yun felt his head was heavy and there was a humming sound in his ears. He struggled to open his eyes and tried to move his hand slightly, but he could not feel it. 

Teng Yun remembered that he had been hit by an arrow, and then he lost consciousness. His heart suddenly turned cold, thinking that his arm was incapacitated and struggled to get up.

Teng Yun’s right hand couldn’t use force. His body tilted when he struggled and was about to fall off the bed. Xue Junliang himself watched him wake up and suddenly felt embarrassed to be caught staring, so he closed his eyes and pretended not to see it. However, at that moment, seeing Teng Yun about to fall off, he didn’t think much and quickly stretched out his hand, holding his body to stop him from falling.

Teng Yun was dizzy from his sudden movement. He closed his eyes to clear his head then realized someone was holding him, he opened them again and saw that it was Xue Junliang. His mind didn’t have any reaction for a long time and looked at his hand again.

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Xue Junliang knew that Teng Yun didn’t have any sensation on his hands, and said, “Your hand is fine. It would be completely all right when the poison is cleared from your system and the swelling subsides in a few days.” 

Teng Yun realized that he had been leaning against Xue Junliang. He quickly got up to get out of bed and kneeled then said, “Thank you…”

But before he could finish speaking, Xue Junliang waved his hand and pretended not to care: “Teng Ying has done great this time. There is no need for thanks.”

After that, he lifted Teng Yun up and helped him back to the bed and said, “You do not need to kneel. Just lie down.”

Teng Yun didn’t know why Xue Junliang was suddenly so “friendly”. Maybe he just woke up and was not really fully awake yet. His thoughts could be seen all on his face. Xue Junliang suddenly felt helpless. Even if he had doubts, he shouldn’t show it so obviously. 

Jiang Yu had keen understanding. Seeing the awkward scene, he came over and helped Teng Yun lie down.

Xue Junliang said again, “You have a rest first. Wait a while and I will ask someone to make some medicated meals to replenish your body.”


Knowing that the latter half of the sentence was for himself, Jiang Yu hurried out and ordered to prepare the medicated meals.

Teng Yun was a little surprised, but when he thought of his achievements this time, maybe Xue Junliang was behaving like this because of it. He was feeling weak and fell asleep in bed again, so he forgot to take a look around. This was obviously Xue Junliang’s bedroom. 

When Teng Yun woke up again, it was already night time and there was a lamp lit in the hall.

Xue Junliang was sitting behind the desk not far away and reading a book. From time to time, he would raise his eyes to look at the person on the bed. When Teng Yun woke up, he naturally knew, but Xue Junliang thought that if he immediately reacted and showed that he noticed that the other party had woken up, would he not lose the demeanor of an Emperor?

So after waiting for a long time, he pretended to “inadvertently” find that Teng Yun had woken up. He stood up and walked over the bed leisurely and said, “Teng Ying is awake? How do you feel? Can you eat? Would you like to eat now?”

After he finished asking, he looked at Teng Yun’s stunned expression. He was surprised to see his expression, only to realize how many questions he had asked at one breath. Even if the other party was once his Empress, they were once mortal enemies and he should not care so much. 

Teng Yun paused and quickly got out of bed and said, “This humble subject is much better.”

“Hmm, okay.”

Xue Junliang turned around again and sat back, “Jiang Yu, bring in the medicated food for Teng Ying.”

Jiang Yu responded and went out to bring in the medicated food that had been heated on a low fire. Although it was medicated, Xue Junliang ordered some light food. He was afraid that Teng Yun would feel sick when he woke up because of the toxin on his body. 

Teng Yun was a little puzzled about Xue Junliang’s reaction. At first, he was not fully awake. Now that he had slept enough, and was fully awake, he felt that Xue Junliang’s behavior was really strange.

For all of Teng Yun’s unique skills and talents, it didn’t cross his mind that Xue Junliang already knew his identity. He kept thinking for a while, deliberating on matters, finding any reason why Xue Junliang was being too weirdly concerned about him. Maybe Xue Junliang had thought of another way to make things difficult for himself, or perhaps to embarrass himself. At this conclusion, Teng Yun just sighed internally.

Jiang Yu personally fed Teng Yun his meal. Thinking of the feast in front of him, Teng Yun became more respectful, not wanting to show any clues to what he was thinking or to make a fuss. The Emperor of the country was approving some memorial booklets, so how can he eat as a courtier? So he just made a gesture of taking a sip of the medicinal soup and didn’t move again.

Xue Junliang absently looked at the booklets and said, “Doesn’t suit your appetite?” 

“No… no it’s not that,” Teng Yun immediately knelt down and said, “This humble one doesn’t deserve it.”

Xue Junliang naturally understood that his kindness was regarded as a trick by the other party. He wanted to get angry, but he couldn’t get angry. He didn’t know whether Teng Yun was too cautious or his reputation was too bad.

Xue Junliang sighed and said, “Get up. It’s already late tonight. The gate of the Imperial palace has been closed. You will stay in Yunfeng Palace for now and go out tomorrow… You have made great contributions, and you can take good care of yourself.”

Teng Yun still knelt on the ground and thanked Emperor Xue for his grace before he stood up. 

Xue Junliang knew Teng Yun was wary of himself, so he had to let Jiang Yu lead Teng Yun to Yunfeng Palace for this night.

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