The Ugly Empress

Chapter 73

Ch73 - Words From the Heart

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Edited by Elanor

Neither Teng Yun nor Teng Xin expected that Xue Junliang would personally come to this courtyard, but they could guess without even thinking too much that the city was covered with Emperor Xue’s spies. He would definitely know all the information about Teng Yun’s whereabouts and activities. The moment Teng Yun stepped into the border of the Capital and went to the suburbs; Xue Junliang would naturally come to know.

Xue Junliang stepped through the threshold, dressed in civilian clothes; which was not very eye-catching. 

Teng Xin and Teng Yun stood up and saluted.

Xue Junliang arrived at the table and sat down smoothly on one of the rattan chairs…then frowned when his backside touched the chair; probably because he thought the rattan chair was too hard. He immediately waved his hand: “Sit down, you don’t have to be so polite. We are not in the Palace.”



Although he said this, there were only two rattan chairs and he had already occupied one. Jiang Yu hurriedly went to find another one and put it next to Xue Junliang.

Teng Yun and Teng Xin thanked him and sat down. 

Xue Junliang didn’t mention what he had heard and said when he arrived. He turned to Teng Yun and instead asked, “Why did you come back to the Capital so early?”


Teng Yun paused for a moment, contemplating whether he should say the matters that occurred in the fief right now or not.  He just said, “There are some things that this lowly subject wants to report back to the Capital.”

“Okay.” Xue Junliang nodded, then said as if he just suddenly remembered something: “By the way, you just said about recommending Teng Xin…”

When he said this, Teng Xin’s back straightened in an obvious manner and looked a little nervous.


Xue Junliang said, “Teng Xin, I have heard of you a long time ago. You are a Crown Prince and have a noble status…”

Teng Xin hurriedly said, “This sinner dare not think of himself like this. This sinner was born without the blessing of being a Crown Prince. This sinner only hopes that he will be able to fight and kill the enemies, he is willing to be a pawn.”

Xue Junliang laughed inwardly. Teng Xin seemed very modest. He knew his identity and status and acted with enthusiasm. If King Teng had not forced him into a tight corner very miserably, he wouldn’t have been so angry as to rebel against the monarch.

Xue Junliang smiled: “Aiqing, and Teng Xin need not to worry, this Seat doesn’t mean anything else, I am just praising your past achievements… I heard that you are calm and loyal, and you are not arrogant and impetuous in using the army. Houyang also told me that fighting with you has wasted a lot of his brain cells. There is a lack of such talents in this Empire. Since Marquis Tengnan wants to recommend you, it only shows that your character is good. Your achievements are obvious to all, then there is no reason not to make use of your talents.” 

Xue Junliang stood up. Teng Yun and Teng Xin also had to follow and stand up as well. Xue Junliang continued: “Some people say that this Seat is a tyrant and that he only knows how to fight. He is cruel and unkind, but he is still far from King Teng! At least, although this Seat will have revenge, he will not bear a grudge. If you are talented, you will be given another chance. This Seat will not push his own people out of the border to be slaughtered by others. Even refugees, in the eyes of this Seat, are just like the Prince, they are also this Seat’s children… ”

Xue Junliang turned around and smiled at Teng Yun and Teng Xin: “Perhaps you should do it. They also said that Emperor Xue is flippant. How many words he spoke are true and how many are false?… In fact, this Seat can tell anyone that few words he said come from his heart, but every word he said is worth a thousand words, and he doesn’t regret every one of it!”

Teng Yun was stunned for a moment. Although Xue Junliang was not wearing his Dragon robes or his crown, his momentum was still an Emperor and his prestige and majesticity was unquestionable.

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He was right. When compared with King Teng, Xue Junliang was a very enlightened and benevolent Emperor. Whether it was his original intention or not, whether he wanted it or not, he didn’t kill King Teng, but demoted him into a commoner. He didn’t kill Teng Xin, Teng Shang or even himself. He also didn’t touch Xue Yu. 

However, Xue Junliang was not a person who was very kind. Those who could not be killed, those who had no place in the court, those who could not be used by him, those who were degraded and demoted, and were of no use for him were not grateful.

In Teng Yun’s stunned moment, Teng Xin timely said “Your Majesty is indeed wise.”

Xue Junliang said, “It’s useless to say so much. In fact, I just want to tell you, Teng Xin. Although you are not originally from Xue Country, this Seat will give you food and salary, an official position and a battlefield where you can display your ambitions. From now on, you will be a person of Xue Country. If you want to lead the army, you can show this Seat your strength.”

Teng Xin knelt on the ground with his legs trembling in excitement, kowtowed repeatedly on the ground and said, “Thank you for your great kindness! This lowly minister will definitely live up to Your Majesty’s expectations!” 

Xue Junliang said with a smile, “Don’t kneel anymore, get up.”

Then he turned to Teng Yun and asked, “How’s Marquis Zheng An’s army?”


Teng Yun replied, “According to what this lowly subject has seen in the past two days, Zheng An’s army is strict and well controlled in its management. It will take some time to subdue it.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qtfgf lr Kfcu Vtjcu? Glv tf rajs yjmx?” 

“Tfr lcvffv. Ktlr ibkis reypfma mjwf yjmx ab atf Jjqlaji olgra ab gfqbga. Zg. Kfcu lr ralii atfgf.”

“Qlat tlw atfgf, P’w nfgs gfilfnfv.” Wef Aeciljcu rjlv, “Qlat Kfcu Wlc, Lf Itbcu, Lf Tl jcv Lf Efc lcmbgqbgjafv lcab atf Itfcu Cc jgws, ktfc Kfcu Vtjcu ajxfr bnfg atf wlilajgs qbkfg, atfgf klii yf obeg wbgf Klufg Xfcfgjir lc atf Itfcu Cc jgws.”

Teng Xin knelt down again to thank Xue Junliang. He was so grateful that he almost cried. His biological parents didn’t value him so much. How could he not thank an outsider for paying so much attention to himself?

Xue Junliang nodded and said, “The scenery here is good. This Seat is not in a hurry to go back to the Capital. Teng Xin, go and organize your things and get ready to move out.” 

Teng Xin agreed. In fact, he could also read between the lines that Emperor Xue wanted to excuse himself and talk to Marquis Tengnan alone.

Teng Xin was a well-advised person. As Crown Prince Teng, who had been doing his duties for so many years, he certainly knew what to listen to and what not to listen to. At present, he respectfully bowed his head and withdrew from the garden.

Seeing that he had left, Xue Junliang said with a smile, “Teng Ying came back so quickly. Did you miss me?”

It was rare for Teng Yun to see Xue Junliang so domineering and dignified, and in an instant returned his usual joking appearance, but he had to say that Xue Junliang being like this made it easier for him to relax and lower his guard. 

Teng Yun said, “This lowly subject had put spies in Marquis Zheng An’s residence and have found a very crucial news that prompted this lowly subject to immediately return to the Capital.”

“Oh? What kind of news is more important than my Imperial Noble Consort coming back to this Seat?

“Your Majesty…”

Xue Junliang coughed and said with a smile, “Alright, I’m listening. Please tell me, I won’t interrupt this time.” 

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Teng Yun sighed helplessly and said, “The Princess of Feng Country was furious with  Marquis Zheng An. She ran away a few days ago.”

Xue Junliang nodded and responded with an “En”, indicating that he heard it.

Teng Yun continued: “It’s been a few days that the Princess has left, and this lowly subject didn’t get the news that Marquis Zheng An has found her. By now the Princess may have already contacted the people of Feng Country. Once King Feng hears about the maltreatment of the Princess, he will take this opportunity to send troops to war.”

“But Feng Country has not recuperated enough.” 

Teng Yun shook his head and said: “This lowly subject thinks otherwise. Although Feng Country hasn’t recovered enough, the same is true with us. Xue Country first took Tengnan, then fought Cheng Tian and afterwards with Teng Xin, followed by Zhang Hong. As far as recuperation is concerned, Feng Country has recovered enough. Since ancient times, Feng Country has been famous for carrying out battle campaigns for justifiable reasons, otherwise it will lose the support of the people. Feng Country will finally make trouble under a certain pretext and we cannot ignore their unique skills.

Xue Junliang listened to his speech and was “elated” by his usage of the words “us” and “we”. Although Teng Yun was still very polite and respectful to himself on ordinary days, only when he was acting like a rogue would Teng Yun appear very helpless, but somewhat subconsciously, Teng Yun’s heart had already put himself on Xue Junliang’s side.


Xue Junliang was in a good mood. When Teng Yun was away from the Capital these past few days, Although Xue Junliang still went to the morning court as usual, criticized and corrected the memorials as usual, and went to the Warm Pavilion to discuss business with the ministers as usual, he was always uncomfortable and uneasy. He  kept looking at the map hanging on the wall in the Warm Pavilion in a daze. Suddenly he remembered the feeling when the Empress’s death had occurred and panic struck in his heart. What would he do if Teng Yun never returned?

Only at that time did Xue Junliang really feel that he was also a human being, that he would also get exhausted, and that he had something in heart that he needed to say to someone, and that this person was Teng Yun. Except for Teng Yun, he would not let another person see this side of Emperor Xue looking so exhausted and ugly. 

Xue Junliang suddenly reached out his hand, held Teng Yun’s hand, pulled him into his arms and sat on the rattan chair together.

The rattan chair was suddenly overburdened and gave a “squeak”. The rattan chair looked very simple as it must have been made by Teng Xin himself. Teng Yun was nervous; his whole body was tense. If the chair collapsed, it was fine for him to fall to the ground, but with so many servants present, if Emperor Xue fell to the ground, he would lose his reputation.

Teng Yun was stunned once again when he thought about this. Why should he think about this person? He had killed himself once and he would never forget the feeling of that arrow piercing his heart. But even after the Emperor did this to himself, no one in the world had paid so much attention to himself except Teng Shang.

One good and one bad, don’t they have equal merits and demerits? They should not owe each other, but there was something definitely wrong with Teng Yun’s heart. He would always think about Xue Junliang’s well-being involuntarily. This feeling seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and he was unable to extricate himself. 

Xue Junliang said, “Rest assured… After so many years of fighting and constantly in war, I have also reflected on myself. I have been standing in my thirties for a few years, of course, I still have ambitions, but they are not as tremendous as before. Now I only want the country to be safe and hope that the two countries can co-exist for many years. However, if Feng Country were to send troops, I, Xue Junliang, would not be unprepared. I have already let Houyang secretly send troops.”

Teng Yun, while sitting on Xue Junliang’s lap, felt that his posture was not very elegant and wanted to stand up, but when he moved a little, the rattan chair “squeaked” louder. Xue Junliang also stepped up his efforts; he wrapped his arms around Teng Yun’s waist and burrowed his face against it.

Although their skins were separated by their clothes, Teng Yun seemed to feel Xue Junliang’s breath directly on his skin, burning hot, as if it had passed through the layers of his clothes.

This kind of small gesture, which was neither light nor itchy, made Teng Yun feel more at a loss. His whole body was stiff, letting Xue Junliang hug him without any complaints from him. 

Xue Junliang sighed, “I really missed you. I have been thinking about you these past few days, especially the mire that Xue Changjing couldn’t stop doing. He had schemed against you before, entangling you on the streets, how could I be at ease that he wouldn’t plot against you?”

“Your Majesty… at that time, this lowly subject heard that someone had arrested the Prince of Marquis Zheng An and beat him up. He was also locked up in prison for half a month…”

Xue Junliang admitted frankly, “Yes, I did it. Jiang Yu personally arrested that person.”

In the back, Jiang Yu quietly wiped his sweat. These two were so in love with each other, but why did they have to involve him? Sure enough, when people were getting old, they had to serve the old. It was better to retire quickly and return to his hometown….. 

Teng Yun frowned and said, “Excuse this lowly subject for saying this bluntly, Emperor Xue should not have done this kind of thing. If the Prince of Marquis Zheng An was not as cowardly as everyone thought, wouldn’t you let him bear a grudge if you caught him and beat him?”

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Xue Junliang buried his face deeper on Teng Yun’s waist and abdomen. Instead, he laughed, “Ha ha ha!”, making Teng Yun’s whole body feel strange.

Xue Junliang said, “I am glad that you care about me so much.”

“This lowly subject…” 

Teng Yun was about to say that he didn’t care about him, but thinking about what he had just said now, it would be hypocritical to explain again.

Xue Junliang turned him around and let him lean against his arms. Fortunately Teng Yun was thin and light, otherwise the rattan chair that Teng Xin made would have really collapsed.


Xue Junliang suddenly changed the subject and said in a stern voice, “If Feng Country wants to go to war, are you willing to go to the battlefield?”

Teng Yun was stunned by his question, and then answered, “If you need a place for this lowly subject, this lowly subject naturally will not refuse.” 

“I want to hear what your heart wants to say… You didn’t answer right away, but just vaguely stated, indicating that in your heart, you don’t want to go.”

Xue Junliang pulled him gently, making Teng Yun lean on himself even more, and gently kissed Teng Yun’s earlobe, “I know everything about your vigilance against me. Tell me what can touch you to be impressed with me?”

Teng Yun said with a smile, “Your Majesty, you are used to wandering among the flowers. This lowly subject is a man and doesn’t need these sweet words.”

Xue Junliang said, “But I want to say this to my sweetheart.” 

“Your Majesty…”

Xue Junliang said, “Although as an Emperor, there are many words I speak that don’t come from the heart, but these words I am saying to you now, are sincerely coming from my heart… I care about you. I want to be good to you. I want to think about you. I want to make you happy.”

Teng Yun fell silent.

Xue Junliang bit his earlobe. Teng Yun moaned an “ahh”, as he was caught unprepared, opened his eyes in surprise and looked back at Xue Junliang. 

Xue Junliang said with a smile, “What are you thinking about? I want to take care of you and be attentive to you. This is my business and what I want to do. There is no need for you to be burdened with anything and no need for you to make a response to it.”


When Feng Ming willingly allowed to marry off the Princess, naturally he would put people around the Princess. After the Princess fled from the fief, she soon found the person who had followed to support her. After disguising herself, she returned to Feng Country without any trouble.

The ninth Marquis of Feng Country was a veteran of two generations. How could he give up on his daughter after being bullied so much? And the Princess cried all the time, which was even more distressing. 

Feng Ming summoned all his ministers to ask for their opinions. The ninth Marquis naturally immediately agreed to send troops, but Feng Ming also raised objections.

“At present, the prefecture next to Ming River has not been re-built, and has suffered much during the battle with Zhang Hong. The people are still recuperating. If we go to war rashly, I’m afraid it will cause people’s dissatisfaction. How should we deal with this?”

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Lu Shichen was not in the imperial court. He had long been sent to the front line of the Ming River.

Qi Zijie said: “The most important thing in battle is to have a just cause. Now that we have found a justifiable reason to go to war with Xue Country, it is the best time. Xue Country has also gone through large and small battles, and both countries are recuperating. This is the best time… As for the discontent of the people, you can ask people to draw up a document and post it in the streets and alleys to state Xue Country’s crimes.” 

Feng Ming nodded and said, “We are going to do just as Zijie said, but there’s another problem. Emperor Xue had stationed troops in the lower reaches of Ming River early. If we send troops, how can we take them by surprise?”

Qi Zijie said: “According to the report of the General stationed on the frontline, the terrain in the lower reaches of the Ming River is very dangerous. Emperor Xue sent troops to guard the fortress. It is no longer suitable to break through here. If we make a strong attack, I’m afraid the loss will outweigh the gain… Although Xue is strong and powerful, the only thing they are inferior in is water warfare.”


Feng Ming said with a smile, “It’s true. Xue Country goes deep into the mainland. There was no lake or sea to train their soldiers in water warfare.”

Qi Zijie said: “It should be noted that naval warfare is totally different from land warfare. Untrained sailors will get seasick when fighting on board the battle ships, and their spears and swords won’t be stable. Therefore, the King only needs to send troops to guard Ming River and prevent Xue’s army from crossing the river. Then when Xue’s soldiers are short of food and provisions, we will cross Ming River again and kill them while they’re unprepared. Then Xue’s borders will be ours to take. ” 

Feng Ming said, “However, I heard that Xue Junliang didn’t kill all the people of Teng after he accepted the state of Teng. They are a country in the south, and water warfare is their strength. If these people have pledged their allegiance to the state of Xue, they are likely to help Emperor Xue train the army for water warfare.”

“Therefore, speed is important. It is a good measure to send troops soon before their army has been trained!”


Teng Shang took a walk around the fief. It was rumored that, when the Marquis of Zheng An had just gotten his father’s title, he was dissatisfied that his brothers had more military power than him and didn’t want to be an empty shell Marquis. He was now trying to kill all his brothers. 

The brothers panicked when they heard the rumors. On the other hand, Teng Shang took advantage of Xue Changjing’s invitation for dinner and persuaded him to take over his brother’s military power.

So the relationship between the two sides became rigid for a moment. Several sons of the old Marquis secretly invited Teng Shang to a banquet and said it was to discuss major issues. They asked Teng Shang to give them advice on how to avoid being forced to death by their brother.

Teng Shang finally said at this time, “Who is bigger than Marquis Zheng An in this world? Who can abolish Marquis Zheng An with just a word?”

A few suddenly realized, clapped their hands and said, “Of course it’s Emperor Xue!” 

Teng Shang said, “Give your military power to Emperor Xue to show your loyalty. Naturally, Emperor Xue will not have the heart to take your military power. At that time, he will let you manage your own army, but Emperor Xue will remember your loyalty. How can Marquis Zheng An move a plot against you then?”

Several of the brothers said it was a good move, “However we are far from the Capital and can’t get out of the fief without being detected by the Marquis. How can we hand over our military power to Emperor Xue?”

It was difficult for Teng Shang to pretend that he didn’t have a solution. Several of the sons saw that he had a way, so they urged him to say what his idea was. Teng Shang didn’t say anything. After they begged for a long while, Teng Shang finally said, “I’m afraid you’ll think I’m a villain if I say this way, but this is the only way. I don’t know what other solution could work.”

The sons knelt down to Teng Shang and worshiped him as their new parent. Teng Shang said, “If you can trust me, give me the official seal of the army, the Tiger Seal and write a letter to Emperor Xue to explain the reason. I’m leaving for the Capital tomorrow and can bring it with me. Other than Marquis Zheng An, I’m afraid no one can leave the fief again except for me.” 

At first, they hesitated, but when they heard the words “Marquis Zheng An”, they didn’t hesitate. Immediately, they planned to write a letter, and then put the Tiger Seal in a small box and handed it to Teng Shang.

Teng Shang set out the next day and sat leisurely in the carriage. He opened the brocade box where the four official Tiger Seals were placed. Under them was an envelope sealed with red wax.

Teng Shang didn’t even look at the letter or read it. He lit the candlestick at hand, put the envelope close to the flame and burned it.

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