The Undefined Love

Chapter 105: 105

"I will reframe my question again, Deming. Tell me at this moment if anyone informs you that someone is in love with Ms.Long and if everything goes well there is a chance of Ms.Long falling in love with that person too. Then what will you do? Are you going to break off this engagement and let that person have this opportunity to covet your fiancee", Murphy asked him again.

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There wasn't any change in Deming's expression, he was quite calm as expected by Murphy. Seeing him like this made Murphy smile, 'This little boy really don't understand his own heart. Sigh!!'

" that case I will him have that chance if Jie is willing to give him that chance. There don't seem any problem in that case", he said nonchalantly as if it was the matter of fact and can't be ridiculed.

"Is that so? Your heart won't ache letting her go. Won't you....", Murphy said averting his gaze towards the magazine that was kept messily on the coffee table, but was cut in between by Deming who was quite impatient now. He wasn't able to get the intentions of Murphy while asking such useless question to him.

"What's so bad with that? If she could get her happiness with some other guy then why would I become a barrier for them. I will always care for her, that's it. If that ends your questioning session then can you explain what were your exact motives behind asking all this useless stuffs", he was now feeling much more better than before. Murphy questions and words has somehow calmed him down a little.

"Not yet! Last question and after that you would understand everything by yourself. You won't ask me explain anything", Murphy shaped his lips in a small smirk.

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"Huh? Then please ask that question and cut the chase. Why are are you making me feel impatient?" Deming frustratedly propped his head on his hands, slightly closing his eyes.

"Okay, I will present the question but do think carefully first. What if some guy ,consider he is someone you know. He is quite capable too and is in deeply in love with her, ask you to help him to impress Little Lifen. What will you do? Are you going to help him?" Murphy asked casually flipping off the pages of the magazine without giving any heed to its content.

All this while, he haven't looked at Deming. When he turned his head to look at him, he wasn't looking any good. His head which was propping on his hand was now lifted up and was glaring at him.

One could feel the blazing fire in his eyes which was ready to burn the whole world. His hands were all clenched into tight fists, ready to smack hard on anything that comes in between.

With a ferocious tone, he asked "About whom are you talking? Who is that someone? How did he know her? And from where did he get the guts to court her? Help? Really? Bring him and I will smack him hard on his face. How dare he ever think of such..."

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Murphy burst into laughter which was soon restrained by his stern glare, "My boy, take that easy. I have mentioned 'if' in the question. And that was only to be assumed, there is no one courting her but soon there will be someone. With her personality, the person who can get her heart won't be anyone ordinary. So now answer the question. Will you help him?"

Without waiting for any other moment, his answer flew straight in a single word, "No".

"Why won't you help him? It would be good if Little Lifen gets her happiness. Don't you want your friend to be happy in love?" Murphy pointed out.

"I don't want to talk about this question again. Its just a simple 'No'. That's it!" Deming said straightforwardly.

"But what reason supports your 'No'. Just think it once, how happy she would be holding that guy's hand and walking her whole life with him. They will get happily married and then after few lovely years they would have little ones which will be a symbol of their love", Murphy said while walking back-forth in the room. He knew that Deming was getting angry to his highest limit and there might be a risk to life standing in front of him now, but he knew too that at this moment he must clear all his feeling in his heart.

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As expected by him, the glass was all shattered on the ground. Next came his horse voice which contained extreme coldness, "That won't happen. She won't let anyone close to her heart. She loves me. And about that guy, I won't give him any opportunity to get close to her heart, not even close to her shadow".

"But why? There don't seem any problem. And about love. Didn't you say that that she has decided to move on and about are soon going to be engaged. Then what's the problem. No one waits for anyone. Life is too short for that, isn't it?" Murphy maintained his nonchalance.

He again continued after taking a peek at his expressions, "But Deming, there is something troubling me about your behaviour. Don't you think you are behaving odd. When I asked you if you fiancee dating another, you behaved quite cool and even accepted it. But at the same time, when I asked exactly same question about your friend you just rejected it. How can you be such hypocrite?"

Hearing these words, Deming understood Murphy's intentions. He gazed him with a mixed expressions, bit now his confusion was no where to be seen.

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Murphy smiled while nodding at the same time, "Exactly! Now you got your heart. My boy, life is too short, don't waste anymore time confusing your feelings. Get hold of it before it gets too late".

"Uncle, are you saying that my heart has feelings for Lifen?"

"No, Deming. I am not saying anything. It's your own heart which is clearing your thoughts. I am just showing it a way to do so".

"But Uncle, what about Jie? I have promised her. Won't that break her heart and my promise to her?"

"Then are you planning to let go your love. It's fine. You can let go but which promise are you breaking. If I remember, you never said that you would marry Ms.Long .You had promised her that you would always care for her and will return soon, there was no promise about the marriage."

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