The Undefined Love

Chapter 111: 111

Jie gasped in astonishment when the door was pushed open. She didn't expected him to come. From the day he dropped her off at Carnation Hills after dinner, he hasn't come to visit her and neither have received her any calls.

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"Brother Ming, you are finally here. I thought you are mad at me and that's why you weren't picking up my calls. I really missed you so much", she said coquettishly and ran to hug him.

But he didn't reciprocated to her hug. His hands were pressed on his side and there was no intention in his eyes to hug her back, not after knowing that she had become one of the main reason for Lifen's ignorance. He knew that his thought at this time was a little childish and immature but he can't help because he was too experiencing this first time and has no control over it.

Jie waited for quite moments, waiting for him embracing her but it never came. Her mood turned sour, seeing the dejection in his behaviour. She bit her lips to suppress the anger growing inside her.

She knew the reason behind his such behaviour but won't accept it ever. He will only belong to her no matter what she have to do for that. Only she deserves to be with him, no one else.

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She pulled herself little away from him and said innocently, her anger due to insecurities were completely hidden in the facade of innocence, "Brother Ming, do you know I have already made preparations for our engagement. You don't bother about it. I know you always busy in your company so I thought of sharing your loads. And soon it will become my duty to help you. I am so excited for it, Brother Ming", with that he again hugged him tightly.

Her words again made him realise the emptiness in his heart. Reminding him again, that soon what he will be losing and will never be able to gain again. The uneasiness in his heart rose high enough to suffocate him. The feeling of disconcertment was replacing his calmness.

He hands tightened as he roughly grabbed Jie by her shoulder. "Ahh! Brother Ming it hurts", she cried in pain.

Deming pushed her a little away from him as if her touch was making him feel apprehensive. Her mere touch was making him remember the most fearful truth of his life. A life in which he was going to lose the most important part of his heart, in which he was going to lose her.

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"Jie, I have something to talk to you. First listen to me and we will decide afterwards whether we should get engaged or not", he said with a slight uneasiness in her voice.

"What do you mean by that, Brother Ming? Is there something wrong? We have already decided about it long time back then why today you are saying like this?" Jie knew that something was going in between that petty assistant and him but didn't thought that he will disregard their relationship without giving any thought to it. Right now she was was really fearing what was coming next.

"Jie, first hear me out. I know what I am going to say, won't liked by you and would even make you hate me. But I won't complain for that. You can hate me", Deming said with guilty eyes.

"What are you saying, Brother Ming? Why would I hate you? I won't hate you. I can't", Jie said suppressing her sobs.

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"Jie, I care for you but sorry I don't love you. I can't share any love promises with you. I can't because...", he said but was cut off in between.

"No. No, stop it. I don't want to hear. You love me. You sure do. How can can you say that you don't? You have always loved me and soon we are going to be engaged. Now how can you say that you don't...", saying this she started sobbing her heart out, shattering over the floor.

Seeing her like this, Deming felt very guilty but he can help it. He can hide the truth from her. He again continued, "Jie, at this moment I can only say that I don't love you and won't ever love you. I am sorry but I can help it. It's not under my control, I have already have someone else in my heart. I can engage with you because she wants me to fulfill my promises but I won't mark any promise any further. Even after engagement I can't promise you that I will marry you because I have already fixed my heart on her. I have already planned to persue my love, no matter how difficult path it may be but I will still try to get her and her love. To me only she can be my fiancee and my future wife, no one else can. But for her wish and to repent my previous misdeeds I will go as her wish. I will share the ring with you, but don't expect any promises with that".


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"I am bound to act as per her wish but you are not. You can still choose not to engage with me and it it will best for you. Because you deserves someone better who loves you back and share mutual feeling with you. And as for me, I really can't", Deming said. He thought that if he can't break off the engagement, Jie still can.

He looked at her waiting for her reply. "Brother Ming, I know I can't remember about our past but I remember you saying that in our childhood you have promised me to always care about me and to be with me then why today you...", she sobbed, " What about me Brother Ming? I have already you in my heart then why I have to suffer like this".

"I know I have promised to take care of you and give you all happiness. I will fulfill my promise to you but I can't give to my heart because it's not with me anymore", he said helplessly.

Jie sighed. Was all her efforts gone to waste? How can she be ignored like this just because of some girl? How her feelings didn't matter to him but Lifen's punishment does? How it took her so much planning and plotting to get him but Lifen got him this easily? No, she can't lose to her like this, not to that cheap girl. She can never be compared to her.

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