The Undefined Love

Chapter 119: 119

Jie was all excited and was getting dressed in her exquisite engagement gown. Few ladies were helping her in her makeup and hair do. She was happy because today she will get what she had wanted but somewhere she knew it was not like what she has always expected.

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But who cares, she had already put many efforts to get him. It was his problem that he can't have feelings for her. And what girl has that his heart is attracted towards her. She stands no comparison in front of her. She is the heiress of Long Industries, whereas her family only own a small coffee-shop shop.

'Wait for few more months after engagement, he will soon understand that b*tch is nothing when compared to me. He will soon give in to my beautiful charm. It's only a matter of one night, he won't be able to control himself then', she thought to herself and an evil smile spread over her lips.

"Mam, you are all ready for the event. Please check once, if you need anything more to be done", her stylist asked her after completing her work on her.

Jie glanced at the mirror in front of her. She was very much contented with her makeup. She was portraying an image of beautiful angel in the gorgeous white gown. Her face was glowing with heavy makeup. She nodded her head looking at her in the mirror, "No, It's good. I like your work. Will think of contacting you again for my wedding", she said haughtily.

"Sure Mam, I will take my leave now", the stylist said, turned and left the room with her assistants.

Jie picked up her phone and called, "Hey Jiaying jiějiě! Have you reached? I am all ready, waiting for you".

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"My girl, I am on my way to you. And here I got your room and now I got into your room", with the girl's last word, the door of the room got pushed open and next entered a girl in a pretty knee length dress.

Seeing her enter the room, Jie's lips curled up. The other girl also smiled looking her smile. She gracefully walked to her and greeted her warmly, "Jie! I missed you. How have you been? Are you happy in this relationship?"

Xi Jiaying was cousin sister of Jie. She was having a mature pretty look and a righteousness aura around her. She wasn't that familiar with Jie but she have always been very protective for her as she has always considered her as her little sister, who doesn't about the world.

"I missed you too, jiějiě [●]", she said as she hugged her back.

She continued, "And ofcourse I am happy. What do you mean by that? Haven't you seen my fiancee yet? He is handsome and rich. He..."

"But he doesn't love you. No matter how handsome and rich he is, if he doesn't love you then it's all waste", Jiaying said while reading the changing expressions on Jie's face.

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Jie's throat ran dry. She doesn't know how to answer her. She know well that how righteous her older cousin sister is. If she get any air of her plotting, she won't support her and make her withdraw from this relationship. She can't let that happen.

"Jiějiě, what are you talking?" she turned her back to Jiaying to avoid her scrutinizing gaze.

"When I was coming here, in your handsome groom's room I heard a conversation. A pretty handsome man was advising your fiancee about his decision. I must say the man that was advising was so handsome, please help me get his number. I need to know him and if possible I will try too...", she said but abruptly paused remembering something.

She then again continued, "Oh sorry! It's not about me now. I was talking about you. I heard them say that he is not interested in you and only consider you as a little sister. In fact he deeply someone else. He is with you because of some sort of promise, that's it. Now you tell me what's going on?"

Jie sighed in relief that she doesn't got any air of her lies. She doesn't know what planning she has done to reach at this point.

"Jiějiě, it's all because of that girl. She is all desperate for Brother Ming money. She is no good, her heart is so evil. Brother Ming doesn't know about her true colours that's why he is behaving like a love fool right now. Actually there isn't anything, he has always loved me. But when I was in comatose, that girl took the opportunity to covet him and here is the situation now", she started to sob.

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Jiaying somewhere felt that something was not right in the story but right now she can't point out what is it. She saw Jie sobbing hard, so she stepped forward and gently patted her back to console her.

Jie straightened herself and looked at Jiaying's eyes determinedly, "But jiějiě, I know I can change him again.I know soon he will get to know that girl's true colours and will return back to me after all I am the one ,whom he has always loved ".

Jiaying nodded her head and said in a slight suspicious tone which can't be identified, "So you mean, it's all fault of that girl. It's okay, I can see your determination. I can only pray for the success of the one who really deserves with her true heart. Because love is all about one's true feeling in heart".

Jie also nodded thinking Jiaying has believed her words and was now no threat.

Suddenly, Jiaying's phone started vibrating. She looked at her phone, and there was someone calling her. She excused herself and left the room. She walked to the corner of the corridor to take the call.

By the time the call got disconnected, she heard a conversation going on in the lobby. She can feel that something was not right there. So she walked towards the lobby to get to hear something clearly.

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"The plan is all ready. The engagement is going to be held at the terrace of the this building and as expected there will he many guest so no one will be suspicious about us. We have to just go and see everything works perfectly according to the plan. He will be dead today, we can't disappoint our boss", one of the man in the group said.

Jiaying was shocked, 'Who are they planning to murder?'

The other man in the group voiced out, "But leader, he is not someone so simple. We already know, he has some trick up his sleeves both with power and money. He is the great survivor by nature. And what about his men in security squad. We all know, how capable they are and invisible to handle".

"I know he his the powerful CEO of the country but don't worry, everything is set. Today will be his last day. Now get back to work", the leader of the group said and everyone got back.

Jiaying was still shocked. Was there going to happen a war today. Who is going to die? Who is the powerful CEO of the country? She instantly took her phone out to search online, The Powerful CEO of the country A.

The name that came at the top the list shocked her even more, 'Wang Deming'. Isn't he the the fiancee of Jie. "O my God, they are planning to murder him. I have to inform someone so that they can help him", she uttered in her breath and rushed inside. The first person she thought of informing was the man whom she had seen before advising Deming in the room. He was sounding quite concerned about him.

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