The Undefined Love

Chapter 138: 138

"P-President Yang, there seems to be a problem out Yang Enterprises. The b-bridge connecting the Yang Enterprises to the othe other cliff is being destroyed with dynamites", the security personnel informed with a stuttering voice. His face all pale, anticipating the punishment from the President.

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Daniel was too scared for the consequences which was yet going to come. Someone has dared to attack Yang Enterprises, without thinking about whom they are meddling with. The whole London knows, Dr.Yang Yuzhe will never let the person survive if he dared to harm something that comes under his wings.

Both were expecting the worst from President Wang. But what came next was far from their expectations.

A heartful laughter filled the room, and it was from none other than their beloved President Yang. There was not a silver line of loss or anger on his face, forget about revenge. He was just laughing heartily as if he has achieved something great in his loss.

"Really? As expected of him...Quite impressive, I must say", Yuzhe said holding his laughter for some moment but it again broke out like a melodious song.

Daniel and the security personnel were looking at him with weird expressions as if their boss has grown three heads all of a sudden.

"You can go back to your work. It's wasn't your fault. Even if you have tried, you won't be able to save that bridge because the opposition were quite determined to destroy it", Yuzhe said to the security personnel, a winning smile still lingering on his lips.

"Is he for real? Or someone else is there in place of their boss, putting up a mask? Why is he so happy in his misfortune? Is he having some problem in his mind? It make some sense as from the last few weeks the work pressure has increased ", Daniel thought in his head.

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"What? You are looking at me with an expression that's screaming 'Alien'. Haven't you heard Shakespeare's words- 'Sweet are the uses of adversity. Which like the toad, ugly and venomous. Wears yet a precious jewel on his head'. This is something like that. Though we have lost something in terms of money but I profited something that cannot be measured in monetary terms. Something that can be recorded in Guinness World book of Record", he said giving off a satisfying smile.

Daniel's brain got muddled with his boss's reason. He asked in confusion, "Recorded in Guinness world book of Record?"

"Yes ofcourse, it's proved that my little provocation can make the great Wang Deming do such insane things", he said and then reverted back the gaze at his laptop.

Mr.Wang Deming! It's him! He has done all this. Was this for taking Boss's appointment?

Daniel was getting more and more shocked as the things are getting easy to read. "Sir, was this all for getting you meet him?" he asked a little petrified.

"What do you think?", he said plainly without looking up from his laptop.

So it was for this. "Then Sir, what should we do?", he asked again and then suddenly added, "But sir, destroying the bridge, how will he come to meet you? Isn't he too he unable to come since..."

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He was about to complete his words when Yuzhe gave him a 'has your IQ decreased'.

That look instantly made him straighten his back and he frantically said, "Sorry Sir, I think the sudden events has made my brain working a bit muddle. I forgot that Mr.Wang Deming is one the top five richest in Asia. He must have his own private chopper or other sources". He gave small scratch on his head, with a sheepish smile.

"Go back to work!", he said plainly and again made himself engrossed with work.

"But Sir..."

"Do as you have promised. Call him and set the time", he said without even hearing his full sentence.

"Okay Sir!", Daniel gave a polite nod and left the room.

Leaving the room, he made a quick call to Wang Corporation to get the contact information. He got the number of one of his men who was here with him.

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"Hello, am I talking to Mr.Qin?", his voice was dripping with professionalism.

"Yes, may I know who is this?",Deming's secretary Qin Yan said with equal professionalism, showing none of them are lacking.

"Yeah, I am speaking from Yang Enterprises. As requested by your CEO, we have set a meeting today at two. If your part doesn't have any problem then, can we seal the time", he asked.

It was already half past twelve, till two there will he other one and a half hour. Will his boss, be able to accept this? Qin Yan looked at his boss who was leisurely sitting with a straight yet comfortable posture.

Deming understood and extended his hand to get the phone from his secretary. Though he won't have ever talked to secretary ignoring his prestigious position as CEO, but there was an exception and that was Lifen. He would do anything for her, without thinking about his prestige.

Qin Yan gave his phone to his boss with both hands.

"Get your boss to the 'Authentic Chinese' in the next thirty minutes. I have booked it already, your boss can save the money there", he said and cut the line without hearing his reply.

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Daniel was again left speechless. This man really knows how to make him speechless without trying much. Not only him but anyone in front of him will go speechless at his...

He was still pondering about the ways to inform this when a relaxed voice came from behind, "Let's go!"

Turning he can see his handsome boss fixing his cufflinks. His boss is really great at speculating things so perfectly. He has already known that Mr.Wang Deming will not come and will ask them to visit them. He so wanted to salute his boss for his skills.

"Yes boss, I will ask the pilot to ready the chopper", he said and quickly made a call.

"Hmmm...And also make sure the the bridge get constructed fast. Also make sure to make the each and every member of Yang Enterprises comfortable in adjoining Yang chain of hotels. If there is any problems for them to stay here then made arrangements to drop them home safely", he said.

Daniel was again touched with his words. Such a great employer he is! We really have done some great things in our previous life to get such a caring boss. Daniel said in his heart.

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