The Undefined Love

Chapter 145: 145

Next morning, Lifen woke up in a room filled with bright sunlight and soft fragrance of plumeria. This was what she have wished her morning be like.

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She has always love bright sunlight grazing in her room and about plumeria flowers, she has always loved its sweet mixed fragrance. With them together she always believe that her day will be going to be all good and lucky.

She has already moved to her new place which was found by Yuzhe. She has already demanded that the place shouldn't be high end as she don't want to live that lavishly yet. She knew well that she was destined to live like a princess the day she was born in Li family but still at this moment she is not used to it.

And still she was dependent on the money she was earning from her fashion boutique. She never asked her grandfather to finance or boutique or any thing that may help her to leave a luxurious life. So she was planning a house that will fit under her budget.

And Yuzhe too didn't forced her, the only thing that matters to him was her safety and security and that he will surely ensure.

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Lifen thought that she was paying for her small residence which was quite affordable according to her pocket. But little did she knew that what cost was the real cost of that residence in Sky Arcs, whose security was top-notch.

For making her to agree for taking that residence at Sky Arcs, Yuzhe has to buy the whole property and then has to made available a limited area of that residence to be at a discounted rate.

And that was not all, he has to make the lady believe that it was all real and he is not getting himself at a loss by using any secret deal.

Lifen was happy with her current place. It was just as she love. A small cozy, two BHK flat with a beautiful balcony full of plumeria flower gardening and an awesome night view.

She got up and quickly done with her daily washroom routines. Then she went to her kitchen to make a quick breakfast for herself. Yes, a breakfast for herself. She wasn't going to have her breakfast with Yuzhe today, because he has went to Australia last night on a short notice.

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She prepared some mild toast bread and omelette for herself and sat on the dining table to have it when her phone rang. A knowing smile spread on her lips as she knew who the caller was.

"Brother Yuzhe, Good morning! You don't have to worry about me. I have already prepared a healthy breakfast for myself and will complete it soon", she said without even waiting to hear the voice from the other end.

"Okay then I will believe you. I have just called to remind you. Don't stress yourself too much and yeah, since all the preparations are already done for the fashion week. Do take some serious rest and also let your employees get some rest too. After delegating the further work to the team I have appointed there, provide a small vacation to everyone", he said.

"Okay, I will see to it but won't be able to promise", she said as she took a small bite of her toast bread.

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"And yeah, there is still some work here. So I might have to be here for some more time but I will try to wrap everything soon. Till then please take a serious care of yourself. Don't let Grandpa Li rebuke me", he again added the same thing to make sure that his words het more clear to her.

"Hahaha...My grandfather lives you more. He won't ever scold you. But don't worry, I will take care of myself, I won't let your efforts go waste. Take care of yourself too", she said and then hung up the call.

Aften done with her breakfast, she soon locked the door and went to get her car. But the moment she stepped down to the parking lot she was stunned.

He was standing there, all ready with his handsome look, ready to capture every girl's heart. But why is he standing here, at this hour in early morning.

Deming too looked at her. He was waiting for her here downstairs. After she left yesterday with Yuzhe, he asked Qin Yan to follow them. Then he came to know that they were looking for a place for Lifen.

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The moment he knew that Lifen was moving out from Yuzhe's place, he was overjoyed. He knew she hasn't moved yet. Her heart still has him. But he can't delay his actions anymore or he will soon lose her again. He has to show her his true sincerity for her and make her believe that he truly loves her.

Lifen gave a short glance at him, clutched her handbag a little more tight to gather some strength and then took some steps towards him.

Deming looked at her with a warm smile but then she abruptly walked past him, again ignoring him as if he doesn't exist.

But as she was walking past him, he grabbed her wrist gently but firmly, "Lifen, you can't leave like this again. You can't ignore me like this again".

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