The Undefined Love

Chapter 154: 154

When Lifen heard him saying that, her eyes widen, "What did you say?"

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"Haven't you heard that already? Oh you like the idea, so you want me repeat it once again", he paused for a short second and then again continued, "I said since the bed is so spacious we can share it together"

"Huh? Really? How great of Mr.Wang's thoughfullness. But sorry I can't accept it", she said and was ready to leave the room but suddenly felt a tug on her wrist.

When turned to look, he was standing just behind her. When did he come here? He was sitting on the bed comfortably then within a blink of eye, he is so close.

She shrugged of her useless thoughts, "What now?". Her voice seemed a little impatient.

"Sleep here with me", he said stubbornly.

"So that you can add an evidence against me taking advantage of you", she said flinching her hand away from his grip.

"Ohh. I just forgot about that. How can I take a risk? I know you can't control yourself in front of my charms and you too also can't guarantee your self control ", he said while his lips curled up in a mocking smile.

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"You...", she pointed her forefinger on him and agitatedly brush him and jumped on the the opposite side of the bed.

Deming smirked at her behaviour. He had known this. His words made her change her plans. His back was facing Lifen, so she can't see his lips forming a smirk.

When he turned to look back at her, he was back in his normal calm composure. "What? Aren't you going to sleep in the living room?", he asked jokingly and walked to his side of the bed.

She looked at him, squinting her eyes, "No, I will be sleeping here since your presence hardly bothers me but still I am a little scared for you".

"Scared for me? Oh out of concern for my health", he tried to reason her words.

"Scared that you will not be able to control yourself against my temptation. I hope you know that I have got an efficient training in martial arts. So don't try any tricks on me", she crossed her arms taking a fighting stance against him.

" don't have to think about that since I have my you I have harboured really hard to maintain my self control. You know you the only thing that I crave in this world. So chill, I won't do anything to scare you ", he said dipping himself into the bed.

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Then added in a low voice which was barely audible to anyone, "Even if I ever had a chance I would try to be as gentle as possible. Only for you"

"Did you said anything?", she asked getting up from the bed again.

"No but where are you going again?", he asked.

"I am not sick or weak as you so I would like to take a hot shower before getting to bed. Only if I have your permission, Your highness!", she said in a sarcastic tone and went to the closet to take a pair of pyjamas for herself.

Deming didn't utter a word, just kept his eyes closed and tugged the blanket comfortably over himself.

Soon the bathroom door opened and after a couple of minutes the mattress sunk a little giving a hint that someone has slept beside him.

The lights were switched off and the only light that was giving a little visibility in the room was the moonlight that was coming from the balcony.

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The only audible sound the room was of the steady breathing of two people which were operating in perfect sync.

After what like thirty or forty minutes, a soft sound of little shuffling of blanket was heard and soon a hard, rough hand grabbed her by her waist and tugged her gently close to his chest.

Though his hands were hard and rough, but the touch and actions were extremely gentle.

Her breathing was hitched for a moment but she didn't reacted or flinched on his touch. She just waited to see what's coming up next.

But nothing came after. She tried to get away from his embrace which was making her stomach feel butterflies but the other party didn't let her do that.

"No, not this time. Lifen please don't leave me this time. No, no, please...", he said with a voice which showed that his inner self was scared of losing her.

Instantly, her heart filled with warmth. She was sure that he was deep in sleep. Do he really missed her so much in these last two years that he is so scared to lose her.

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She steadied herself in his arms, so that he can relax. He do relaxed when felt her in his embrace but again his words came out, "I was an jerk back then, who did so much bad things in order to hurt you. But believe me I don't intend any such thing now".

"I have changed the day when I saw you broken. The pain which I intended to give you has come to me back in double amount. I wanted to mend everything but I can't go back in time and treat my idiot brain again. I can't go back in time to make my heart realise, how much I love you", he continued.

"Please forgive me. Forgive me, please. If you want to punish me, you can. I won't give any word against it. But please don't leave me again. I need you for being alive. Without you I feel all dead. Around you everything seems perfect and warm making me all comfortable. Please don't leave me this time. Please I beg you", he said tightening his arm around her waist.

Lifen's eyes welled up hearing his words, she wriggled in his embrace to set herself free. After few minutes his grip around her got loose and she set herself out of it.

She got up from the bed to rush out of the balcony. She was sobbing her heart out, remembering everything from the past. She still remember the day when Deming has confessed his true feelings to her.

Suddenly she felt a hand on patting on her shoulders. She turned to look behind only to find him standing with eyes filled with guilt and pain.

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