The Undefined Love

Chapter 156: 156

The next day, when Deming woke up the other side of the bed was all cold, making him realise that the person sleeping there earlier has long left the place. But the clock was showing the morning of 5 a.m. The sun hasn't risen yet.

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He firmly got out of the bed, he went to check the bathroom but it was all empty.

He went to the living hall but it was empty too, then suddenly he heard some clinking sound coming out from down the kitchen slabs.

He walked to the kitchen only to find her sitting on the floor with her knees half folded touching her chest.

There was something that made him laugh aloud. She has put on the spoons to cover her eyes in each hand. The thing that was looking most beautiful on her half visible face was her red plump lips.

He slowly walked to her and sat down on his one knee. Gently holding her hand, he parted it away from face, "What are you doing early in the morning?"

"My eyes are all swollen from last night, so just trying to relax my swollen eyes muscles. It's all your fault", she pouted and glared at him.

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"How so? I haven't done anything and last night you said that you are willing to give me one last chance to let me prove my sincerity. Then suddenly, what have I done?", he asked still holding her hands.

"I haven't said that I will get impressed by your sincerity. Neither have I told you that you can pursue me because your efforts will all go to waste. Once the glass is broken it can't be made perfect like before and so is heart", she paused and looked at him.

"But again I am no one to stop you too. You can take your decisions yourself, I won't determine it for you. If you want you can try your best but I know my heart best it would never again give in to your tricks. Sometimes you can't whole life for someone, similarly my heart has long moved on from you", she continued.

"Now your words asking forgiveness from me can only bring tears to my eyes. It can't move my heart. And what about your promise to Jie and you even promised me that you won't break your promise again, like you once did with me?", she asked.

Her voice didn't showed any hint of agitation or irritation. She was very calmly making him realise him the thoughts of her mind. This gave him a little ease in his heart.

"I never broken the promise I have made to you. As I said you before that I will get engaged to Jie only if you have really moved on in your life, so I did arrange for the engagement event for her but that day. That day you did show me your true feelings for me. You proved me right that you haven't moved on. You still cared for me that's why you took that deadly bullet to save me even at the cost of your own life", he said with his eyes slightly teary but no tears were allowed to shed down.

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Maybe because he didn't wanted to show his tears to her but he didn't hide his weak side from her.

"And after that, after knowing that your heart still have me, what did you expect me to do. When I loved you and even you feel the same for me then how can I get engaged to someone else. And prior to all this, I have already said that as for the position ofmy girlfriend or for my wife. It should be filled only by you. No one else. This is the promise that I made to myself and to you too. How can I break this", he said cupping her face in his palms.

Lifen looked into his eyes for few moment feeling his words. They were coming deep from his heart. She was sure that this was not some fake promise, it was sincere but still this time she can't give in to him this easily. She can't let him hurt her feelings again. This is the thing she had learned in these two years for sure.

She averted her eyes away from his deep intense gaze that was pulling her heart deep inside like a black hole.

But wait a second, he said that he didn't got engaged with Jie then, what about the news that are broadcasting about their relationship almost every day.

He again looked at his face, squinting her eyes on him. "You are again lying to me. Great! I just thought your words to be sincere but again I was proved wrong. Just Great!!", she said in frustration, stood up and walked in the living room.

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Deming was too confused because of her sudden words that were claiming him as a liar.

He too followed her in the living room. "I haven't lied to you. What are you saying? Can you be a little more clear? I can swear to my feelings that are pure for you", he said sitting down beside her.

"You said that you aren't with Jie then how come everyone back in Country A is still claiming you both as the best couple. A couple made in Heaven. Huh?", she asked without any hesitation.

It's not that it mattered to her any more but still she can't let anyone to toy her heart again and again, she thought.

"Oh, It's definitely not true. You can believe me on that. We aren't engaged but the people still don't know about this. And I didn't care to clarify this because I was all focused in finding you. But since it's bothering you now, then I will make sure no such news ever be heard again", he said as he took his phone to make this thing happen instantly.

Lifen did feel a little satisfied in her heart but she won't accept it because her mind won't let her do this that easily.

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She said haughtily, "You don't have to do any such things. It's your life. You can be with anyone, I can't stop you because I am no one there and similarly I can too. Now since there is still time, I would like to complete my sleep. You can do whatever you want", she said and went towards her room.

"Okay, I will do as my heart says. You go complete your sleep while I will try hard to make you believe me. I might not fix your heart at perfect as before but I can at least try. Who knows I can create a masterpiece there which can't avoid to love", he said without moving from his place.

At this moment, something else was haunting him. He has heard clearly, what Lifen has just said. She said she won't be like before. A d no one can deny, sincerity can move anyone's heart. What if his sincerity fails against someone's else sincerity.

After all he can't deny the fact that Yuzhe has persistently loved Lifen and in these years they have grown more closer. He has felt the care in Lifen's heart for him. His confidence is now wavering because his rival is quite strong.

"No, I have to strive hard. I can't live without her. I will stake everything for her. This time I have to do everything I can to keep her by my side, all happy and fine", he made his mind.

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