The Undefined Love

Chapter 158: 158

Lifen was all dumbstruck hearing his sudden announcement of having a date with her.

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"So here we are. Wait for me, I will get you", with that he quickly stepped out the car and walked to the passenger door to get her like a gentleman.

Opening the door, he held her hand and lead her towards the mall. But something was differ in the mall today.

This is the biggest and the best shopping point for every girl in London and is inevitably the busiest too. Even during the week days and working hours, there is bustling of people inside.

But today, though it seemed normal but still there isn't much people there, only a few are there standing and presenting the facade that everything is normal as usual.

Lifen curiously tilted her head to look at the man, walking beside her to get the answer or you can say an explanation. But he wasn't a guy who will spill out things that easily. He love to make her surprise and irritated.

Sensing her questioning gaze, he can only chuckle and ask, "What? This time I haven't done anything. Everything is purely normal".

Really? He wanted me to believe his obvious lie. And soon her instinct turned to be proved right. Several staffs from the mall came running down and people behind them hurriedly rolled down a soft carpet on the floor.

"Welcome President Wang. We were informed about the acquisition deal of this mall. We are happy getting under the wings of the prestigious Wang Corporations", the man who seemed to the leader among the group said in a polite and humble tone.

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Lifen outer self was calm hearing the words of the man regarding the acquisition but only her inner self knew what was stirred up inside. He had just acquired this huge mall in the span of mere six hours. What more is he planning and exactly what is he thinking?

She was thinking deep in her trance and the man looked into her way with an ambiguous smile and then placed his hand in front of her to greet her.

"Seems like our Lady Boss is here. Since Boss can only make such special arrangements for someone special in his life. It's our honour to serve you, Mam!", he said smiling ear to ear.

Lady Boss! What the hell? There is nothing such in between us. A big misunderstanding again. She quickly turned her head towards Deming only to find him giving an impressed smile to the man. He look quite satisfied with the words.

There is no use to ask help from him at this moment because he isn't going to clear this misunderstanding.

"Oh, I think you have been mistaken sir. I am no Lady Boss here. I am just...", she tried to explain quickly but suddenly felt a warm hand on her waist.

And then came his rough but fruity voice, "I guess, my decision was so right to acquire this mall. The staffs here are quite sensible with their words. Hope they are well accustomed too with such situations "

What does he mean by that? I was trying to solve the misunderstanding created earlier but his words of praise towards the staffs just proved them correct.

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And what does he mean by 'well accustomed too'? She looked at the staffs in the front smiling and the lady staffs were giggling and then again turned to look at Deming showing off her charming smirk.

"We understand sir. We will try our best to provide the best services. Please come inside and honour this mall", the man said and then gestured them politely to enter the mall.

Soon everything returned normal as several many other people seem to be entering the mall after they got in.

Lifen turned again to look at Deming as if wanted to ask him something. Desperation can be vividly seen in her eyes but she can't question him in front of so many staff that were still following behind them.

Deming knowing her hesitation, gave a look to the staffs behind and soon they got dispersed leaving us alone.

Getting the opportunity, she folded her arm in front of her chest and looked at him, "What was that? What have you planned?"

"What?", he asked in nonchalance as if whatever happened earlier was a all right and perfect.

"Why they called me as Lady Boss, when I am not?And even if they misunderstood us in that way, why did you clarify things to them? You know this will lead to unwanted rumours ", she said.

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"Hahaha...I think you are ignoring some facts about me Little Cat. I don't explain myself in front of anyone except you. And why to clarify things when there is nothing wrong. I am head over heels for you. I even confessed it to you. You are well aware of it and again I have made a promise to you and myself both that the girl I will marry will be you. So that's perfectly makes you their lady Boss. Why to correct them when they said nothing wrong?", he said and raised his brows as if asking her.

"You...But I haven't agreed and I won't ", she said as she pointed her finger out at him.

"I know and I will wait for you, even if I have to wait forever ", he said and then held her hands and took her inside a clothing brand.

She didn't wanted to admit but his words are moving her heart deep inside. The walls made against inside her heart was softening too. Because of which she didn't rejected his touch and walked with him inside the shop.

"And what regarding about the acquisition of this mall? What made you decide it so fast?", she asked looking at him. She knew this was not as simple as it being seen on outside.

"'s not decided abruptly. I have long thought about this. I have long planned that whatever place we went for with you as a date will be acquired by me", he paused and then turned to look at her.

Her brow furrowed in a slight confusion and then frown. "Hey...don't think like that. This will definitely be profitable for the company too. I long studied this plan. And above all, I want to lock all my memories with you. I want to feel them whenever I want them. I want them under me or under your command", he said looking deep into my eyes.

Their eyes got locked for few seconds and then she averted her gaze and walked inside the shop leaving him behind.

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'How childish he can be? Who thinks like that?', she thought and breathed out a long breath which she didn't know she was holding.

After that, things seemed to overflowing smoothly. Lifen haven't planned for the shopping so she didn't shop much. She went to the billing counter to bill off the things she bought but the staff said that all their bill are on Wang Corporations tabs.

She looked at Deming and wanted to change his mind so that she can pay but he just gave smile to her.

Suddenly his phone rang, and he went to to pick the call.

When he returned, he found Lifen talking to a guy. His figure and face features made him conclude that he might be some Italian.

He can see her giving a beautiful, cheerful smile on the guy's words. He can't hear them but she looked happy. She looked beautiful. He stepped further in her direction to know what were they talking that was making her laugh so cheerfully. And some where he knew, he was getting a little jealous too. He wanted her to laugh at his words.

At that instant, a girl abruptly came in front of him. She looked quite young and beautiful, might be in her early twenties.

Deming looked at her in confusion and then just tried to walk past her but she again came in front of him.

He gave a cold glare to her on which she shivered and said hastily, "You look so handsome. I think I like you. Will you please date me?". Her voice was timid and innocent too.

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