The Undefined Love

Chapter 162: 162

Back in the Country A, everyone was enjoying the gossip of the CEO having an affair in London.

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Many women who have seen Jie before, flaunting her perfect love story and fiancee are somehow feeling a little peace and ease.

It's said people will very less encourage the ones who are rising but once they find out the their weak points, they will try every best of them to drag them down. So here they are dragging her down.

As before they were so envious of her. Having someone like Wang Deming by their side can make anyone burn in fire of envy.

At some restaurant, Jie was sitting with a group of high society girls.

"Hey, Jie! what's going on in your perfect relationship?", one from the table asks. Her voice cannot hide the contempt towards her.

Jie's face instantly turned ugly. She was at loss of reasons. Only she knew that everything before was all fake. Deming has never considered her as a woman even when she tried to seduce him. Far to from considering her as his fiancee. How can she explain this to these people when she had happily enjoyed the privileges of being future Mrs.Wang before.

"Yeah I have seen the newspapers too. Our handsome CEO was kissing a girl so passionately publicly as if claiming her as his", another lady said swirling the wine of glass and then taking a small sip.

Jie didn't dare to utter any word. What if her reasons turned to be proved fake. She will lose all her face. No, she won't let that happen. She can't lose the things for which she have strived so hard.

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She very well knew who the the woman in the picture. Even her face was blurred, she can't make a mistake. After all no other person but Deming was kissing her. This alone can point out, who the woman was.

"Jie, don't get me wrong but I am getting a bad feeling that you will soon be losing him if you didn't make a right move now", said the third lady. Though her words totally indicating her concern but her expression revealed the mockery.

Jie knew that these girls were only making fun of her and was trying trying their best to ridicule her. Her lips curled up in a fake smile as she said, "No guys. There is nothing like that. I believe Brother Ming. He is not like that. He won't cheat me. There must be some reasons".

"So aren't you going to ask him?", said one of them.

"I won't ask him because I believe him. And why to ask because I will soon be flying to him. It's just that there is still some works left in the studio, so I can't go right at this moment", she said and gave a pure innocent smile.

Pure and innocent high society princess, who will soon becoming the Queen of this country after marriage the great tycoon, Wang Deming. This was her image in country.

Though there was nothing that can make her popular or known to the masses, but since her name is connected to CEO of Wang Corporations, everyone knows her identity.

After leaving the dinner, inside the luxurious car Jie made an instant call to her secretary, "Book me a ticket for London"

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"But Mam, you can't leave right now. You have so many pending works. Your sudden absence might lead to the collapse of our brand", the secretary said meekly.

"Arghhh!!! Then do something you idiot. Complete the pending works. What are you waiting for, your death? Get it done within this week or you will be fired", she said and disconnected the call fuming in anger.

On the other side the secretary was too irritated. It's not their work left, it's work on her side. She need to review the papers and sign it. How can he do this on her behalf?

"Only God knows, why do these rich people love to waste money so much? Can't she see, she don't have the ability to run the brand? In these two years, she had only make troubles for the brand. If wasn't for Mr.Wang's help, the studio would have long gone", he cursed and got back to his work.


Back in London,

Yuzhe was shocked to find Deming in the apartment, that to in the casual clothes and slight wet hairs that only signify that he has just taken his bathe.

"Good Morning Mr.Yang! It's really...not nice to see you back", Deming said opening the door for him.

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"Morning to you too. And believe me I share the same feelings too. I never thought you would be here to ruin my morning ", Yuzhe to made a comment and walked inside the house.

"I know", he closed the door behind him and the added, "Feel free in our home. You are our guest today". Smiling he sat on the sofa gesturing him to take a seat too.

Hearing his words, Yuzhe's lips curled up in the mockery, "Your house? Do you want me to believe that?"

"It's your choice to believe it or not but I am living here with her or you can say, under her love and concern", he played his smile too to give him a competition both with words and looks.

The two most beautiful masterpieces of the world, especially prepared by God was sitting opposite to each other and flaunting their charisma.

Their charms were almost similar, no one can differentiate in between or could try to choose between them. It's so hard, next to impossible.

To put an end to their competition, the door of the room got open and came out the perfectly dressed Lifen who unknowingly has a great influence on them.

"Wow...Brother Yuzhe, you have arrived. Sorry I was a bit late", she said as she came forward to give a hug to him.

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Then again continued, "How was your trip? Did it go well? And I heard something about your night in that club. See I told you have your great charms to attract girls".

"It seems you have got some spies in my team. I must check them", he said as he patted her head adoringly.

"Hahaha...Ofcourse I have got a bunch of them to follow you, or else how would I get informations about you", she said rubbing her nose.

"Great! Here look, what I got for you", he said as he gave her brocade box.

"What's this?", she asked as she opened the box.

"Oh wow! It's so beautiful. I love it", she said and instantly put on the bracelet he has gifted her.

All this while both of them missed the expressions Deming was giving. Until he stood abruptly and said in a loud voice, "I want my breakfast. Are you here to have breakfast or talk all rubbish?".

Then he stormed towards the dining table where the breakfast was all decorated.

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