The Undefined Love

Chapter 168: 168

It was broad daylight outside, but not inside the Pastèl Club. The club well known for the ones who need or feel an urge to enjoy their lives or get drown in their sorrows.

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The people who gets in this club is either their to enjoy their lives or forget their heartfelt sorrows.

Entering the club you get strongly engulfed in darkness which lighten your mood. The people rocking the dance stage gives a sight of enjoyment while at the same time you can see people sitting in the sidelines of the bar downing the alcohol to let go their sorrows.

At this moment, the man in loose joggers paired up with a pitch black hoodie steps inside. His facial feature were quite distinct from the masses making him an eye candy to every girl present. If looked closely no one would be able to catch his real age. He looks far more younger in the attire he has come dressed up.

Though his features were sharp with a hint of formidable air, his eyes still can give anyone calmness which can't identified as dangerous or non-dangerous. No one can identify him clearly because of the hoodie he has worn on his head.

Ignoring everyone around, he swiftly walks straight to the bar, signalling the bartender to serve him, "My preference ".

One look and the bartender instantly understood what the man sitting in the front want. He quick gave a nod and started to prepare the shots according to the man's preference.

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The previous look from the waiter can easily be assessed that the man was not new for him but the shock also revealed that he hasn't been there for quite a long time.

The man didn't bother to look at the masses around himself. He was carrying an air of indifference around him, only downing the shots one by one as if it was helping greatly in relieving the pain, he was holding inside.

While he was continuing to get drunk, a slim lady with a good curvy body couldn't resist but approach him, "Hey! Would you like if I join you?"

"...", the man didn't bothered with the lady who was clearly trying to get him interested in her.

The woman felt insulted when he didn't even looked at her. She challenged herself to get his attention anyhow or even get him all for herself. She can see the gazes of the other ladies around her who were continously checking out this man.

She inched closer to him and started brushing her finger over his neck and shoulders.

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"Scram off", his deadly tone was enough to make the lady forget her plans. She quickly retrieved her hand and got far away from his sight.

He again started with is former action as if there wasn't any interruptions in between.

He was about to gulp down another shot when something caught his attention. He looked at the distant where a girl was argue with a couple.

"Baby, who is she? Do you know her?", the lady asked looking at the man with whom she had linked her arms.

The boy sized the girl in front of him before replying his girlfriend, "Baby, do you think my choice is that bad? Look at her, how can she even get my slightest attention? She is not at all worthy".

"Matteo! you are the biggest jerk, I have ever encountered. Truly an assh*le! Do you really think I am here for you? Give me a break PLEASE!! I am not like you slut, who will stick to you like a leech", Erica said and looked at his girlfriend in girlfriend.

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The lady was instantly got provoked by her words, "You b*tch, dare say that again".

"Don't challenge my guts, woman. You better have a look at yourself and then at the man you are dating", Erica words were holding a power that was dominating the women.

She paused and then look back at Matteo, "And about me...huh! I am unworthy of you? Really? Who was the man, who came to me begging to complete the assignments to pass out his graduation exams and then regularly with the presentations to secure his job in a so-called C-grade company. At least I am much more worthy than a jerk like you", she lashed out her words in contempt.

Matteo didn't ever thought that this fragile girl standing in front of her would have the guts to insult him publicly like this.

His face turned red with anger. But Erica still wasn't had enough. She tuned sideways, picked a glass of beer and threw it over is face without giving much thought to it.

"Go to hell with your slut. I don't give a damn. I was blind to get attracted to such a jerk only because you were a hypocrite, showing me a facade of goodness under your jerky thoughts. I have long moved on from you and I deserve someone far better than you. so just leave the thought of me", she said and was about to leave the scene.

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But at this moment, her wrist was gripped by Matteo and his other hand was raised enough to strike her hard.

Erica closed her eyes thinking that there was no way she would be able to dodge it. She can only pray that the slap won't leave any bruise on her face.

She waited but the slap never came on her instead came the horrified scream of Matteo.

She instantly opened her eyes and saw a man in black hoodie twisting Matteo's wrist which was raised to slap her.

She was confused with the man's identity as his face wasn't clearly be seen because of his hoodie. "Thank You", she uttered shyly which made the man turn his head towards her.

The moment she got a clear view of his face, a surprise gasp left her lips, "President Y.A.N.G"

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