The Undefined Love

Chapter 184: 184

"Girl, you got us these precious dresses. I so love you for this. I forgive you for everything", Daiyu exclaimed as she twirled around with the dress in her hand.

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Lifen's eyes too glittered looking at her friend's excitement. She felt somewhat proud that her friend is actually supporting the work of ELEGANCE, not because it was her brand but because they actually liked it.

It was like an accomplishment for her!

Guang was never so much into fashion stuffs. The thing that excites her is books. She wasn't a nerd but not less than a books alcoholic. So clearly haven't heard anything about this brand named 'ELEGANCE'.

But she had heard each and every word of Daiyu very minutely. And the thing she had concluded was the dress she was holding at this moment is something very high end and one can't get hold of it without any connection.

She took small steps and stood beside Lifen who was busy smiling to herself and admiring her friend's kiddish excitement.

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"Babe tell me something. How did you got these dresses for us?" Guang asked looking intenly at her as if not wanting to slip off details in girl's changing expression.

Lifen took a two step away from her so that there could be some space between them. She can't let down her guard, when she has so many explosive in her pockets. And her friends are continously poking to take them out.

"Uhmmm it wasn't so difficult for me you know! I just have to ask for it", she said with a sheepish smile on her lips.

She haven't said anything thing false here. It wasn't difficult for her to put her hand on these clothes as it was her own brand and she was the boss.

"Really? How so? This is the newest collection that was launched two days before and was made available to public of Milan yesterday. It still haven't shipped to any other city, don't think of a different country", hearing Lifen's strange words, Daiyu's ears perked up and she can't help but gave out information left in her stomach.

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Guang's eyebrows raised up making her eyes go more intense on Lifen. "Hahaha Daiyu weren't you busy ogling the dress? How can you eavesdrop on other's conversation?", She said giving fake smile and at the same time glaring at her.

It was like the child has slipped out one of the funny home secret out making the parents embarrassed.

"Huh? Ofcourse I liked this dress but it was you who was slandering my favourite brand", Daiyu said quirkly as if she has been wrongly accused.

"Me? Slandering ELEGANCE? When did I do that?", Lifen asked in fallacy.

"Just now! You slandered it telling that it is easy to get their clothes easily. Do you really think you can say anything without thinking twice and that too about my favourite brand. I am a loyal admirer of their beautiful designs", she said pointedly like a child.

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"Haha! Why would I slander thing from which I am earning my daily bread?", Lifen scoffed.

It took time for Daiyu to take in Lifen words and decode it according to the language her brain works with.

But somewhere in the brain of Guang it was making instincts that the girl's simple smile was now no more as simple as before. There are changes that she could sense in both her features and aura she was carrying.

To her she has turned into someone with more charm, confidence and mystery. She has suddenly turned into a book which can't be read anymore.

"You are working for this brand. That way you could get this dress easily. Now I understand. Wow Lifen , you are great!! No, you are the greatest among us three. No no no...wait you are a way more...", Daiyu let out the admiration again and again. Her eyes were shining with shimmers and glimmers.

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Lifen shook her head and a smirk got plastered on her lips, "Yeah I am definitely working fot the brand but not in the way you are talking".

She paused as she turned her bact at both of their faces then again continued, "I am the boss of ELEGANCE. The CEO managing the whole brand. That's make easy for me to bring these two latest designs for you guys. Now tell me ,how can I slander my own brand?"

She didn't got any response. When turned to look back at them. Daiyu was dramatically lying on the bed as if she got fainted from the sudden shock while Daiyu's eyes were gawked open widely to her.

Daiyu then suddenly stood up and looked at Lifen as if she had grown three big heads on her head and has come from outer space.

"The mysterious CEO of ELEGANCE, about whom the whole internet and media is talking is YOU. O MY GOSH!! I can't take this sudden shocking information ", Daiyu exclaimed as she twirled around Lifen, not able to control her sudden anxiety but at the same time feeling so happy and proud for her friend.

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