The Undefined Love

Chapter 194: 194

Lifen's sudden appearance made Jie lose all her sense of rationality. She zoned out thinking what she could do now.

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Everything was already a mess. Since the last news got viral about the rich CEO, Mr.Wang Deming sharing public kiss in London, her situation has only worsened.

Deming has ordered the media to share the news more and more and also made sure that it remained in the top search list on everyone's tab for at least three months.

He wasn't making any comments about the news nor denying it which was making the public somehow believe this. Everyone knew with his overbearing power, the news which would cause his degradation wouldn't last even for another second but it is like this which no one has ever expected.

Above that he has strictly warned everyone to not stick his name with hers anymore , which has done nothing good to soothe her situation.

In her social group everyone were talking at her back, making fun of her. Her frustration was getting higher with each following day. And now here ...she has come up with her friend to ruin her good image in public.

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"You are here? When did you return? And why? Hasn't everything got already finished then...", Jie asked the questions without thinking anything about the people around.

Lifen's lips curled up in a smile which wasn't a simple mocking smile but more than that. She folded her arms around her front that gave off an elegant attitude of a lady which one could say only belong to her.

"Whoa!! I never expected to face so many questions from Ms.Long. It seems you were quite affected by my return. And by the way, according to your words, should my arrival have to be reported to you, Ms.Long? Huh?", she deadpanned.

" it was all your plan to make your friend insult me like that. And here you have come up to save her from my wrath", she asked ferociously.

For tackling her ferocious unreasonable attitude, Lifen let out her plain mocking chuckle which only added fuel her rage.

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"Wrath? Why would I do so? My girl doesn't need anyone's protection to deal with a woman like you. She is so self sufficient. You would have also experienced it before. Huh? Didn't you", she said as his wrapped her around Daiyu's shoulders to boast her friend's merits.

Daiyu too patted her chest saying with a smug smirk, "Ofcourse I won't need protection against this stingy vixen. I am sufficient for her all alone. She is boasting up her wrath but she still don't know my ways and tantrums".

"Exactly! My friend is so good at that particular thing especially. But Ms.Long, I won't deny your words completely too. If any time anyone of us got into any danger, the other will surely come to their aid. After all that's what friends are for? Haven't you heard of such a simple thing? Oh oh I am sorry, it almost slipped out of my mind. With such an impossible self-centered behavior like yours, there is no doubt that you won't be having any close friends in your life. Am I right or am I right?", she continued to throw her words mercilessly making Jie look more and more embarrassed.

Looking around the people, whose eyes were gazing her with scrutinizing her every words and expressions and even gossiping among in mocking manner made her blood boil.

" really think you are daring by insulting me like this?", she said taking a step towards Lifen.

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Lifen's lips curled up even more as she shook her head finding her her words very amusing. "Sorry I haven't thought that my mild words will be taken as insult. I already said before that my tongue slipped. I really didn't intended to remind you that you were self centered and that's the reason you don't have friends in your petty life".

"You...", she tried to get a few words to rebut her but couldn't found any.

Lifen took a step towards her with a dangerous glint in her eyes but her smile was saying the other way. To the people it would seem that the she was just making her words clear but the person on whom her gaze was aimed would know how scary it felt, even the bone was getting stiffened just but a simple gaze.

"I think everyone had already seen enough of us. Let's give them a short break", she paused as she tilted her head slightly to look at the table behind Jie and then at her Secretary who was politely waiting for his boss to complete, "I think you were waiting for someone special. Is he or she isn't coming anymore?".

The mock was completely visible in her words.

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"It's nothing for you to bother", Jie rebutted with arrogance.

Lifen made an innocent pout instantly, completely switching out her role, "It's not fair Ms.Long! You are taking my words wrongly. I was just trying to act polite to you. Since you see I got my friends to enjoy with, unlike someone. So I just wanted you to leave us and give us some healthy and peaceful space. That's it nothing more. I wasn't insulting you about someone who is making you wait".

Lifen has just played a trick. 'If I know her even a bit then she will just deny my words and will emphasize that no one is making her wait and it's her who has arrived prior to appointed time', she thought in her head.

Since her initial plan had take unexpected turn, she should make some changes to make it run smooth and perfect. She need to let her know some specifics before bringing some drama in future.

And as expected her arrow got at the right place. Jie said the word which she had thought in her mind. She was so right about her.

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