The Undefined Love

Chapter 201: 201

At Wang Corporation next morning,

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Everyone was keeping their eyes fixed on the screens of their computer. Some were standing in groups and were discussing about the recent viral video they are contemplating on the screen.

Undoubtedly, the one who was on the screen was their boss fiancee, Ms.Long who was getting humiliated by another woman. The face of the latter was blurred to an extent that no one could even dare to make wild guesses on it.

The video was getting so much in talks that in just few hours, it had become the the second top search in the country after the pictures of Deming kissing the woman in foreign land of London.

Late at night at the peak of night-lover's time, the video got popped up in every screen giving them a notification feed 'New Goddess has come into the league to rule' and requesting them to watch it. Since the video was being posted by a trusted source, no one hesitated to watch it at their will.

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The video had worked as an eye opener for the netizens who have always avowed her pure innocent lady like ideal figure. In the video they could clearly see the stinging anger on her face and to their astonishment there wasn't any innocence and purity in her eyes.

In fact Jie's self was completely strange to everyone. Seeing her on the video they won't ever believe that she was the same ideal princess whom they always praise.

In the first half of video, she was intentionally creating fuss over unreasonable things and even deliberately insulting Zhang Daiyu's friend. It was looking like she was craving to settle some kind of grudge but instead made herself humiliated when a certain woman in grey casual tshirt.

And in the second half of the video was where the simple words of a little four years old girl led her towards extreme humiliation. They would have known the woman who was having such logical reasoning tongue while humiliating someone but when she gave her card to Jie, the audio of that portion of video is being muted, intentionally hiding the identity of the woman.

Hundreds of thousands comments were being posted. Everyone was busy contemplating her actions. Some were talking against her rude behaviour and low professional ethics while some handful people were still being blind to support her actions perceiving it with some hidden facts.

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"Do the news about our President dating some western woman was true?" an employee gave out her words while perceiving the video.

"Obviously!! Don't you see how frustrated our Lady Boss looks. She has completely lost her composure. "

"That's true. But don't you think you misspelled something. We can't be sure if she would e our lady boss or not. Haven't you seen President's attitude. He isn't denying his kiss with that woman in London. Even the video is still streaming at the top search list".

"Yeah actually! What do you think? That other she from some reputed family or just some common chick that seduced our President".

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The employees were so busy in their world of gossip that they didn't heard the strong resounding steps of their Boss that were coming closer and closer.

Deming has heard the last comment clearly. And it was clear to him that whom they were referring as 'common chick'. His face darkened instantly and deep dark cloulds were deriving his deep brown eyes.

Suddenly every one felt burning heat boring inside their back. And then came the coughing voice of Qi Yuirong, making everyone stiff at their place.

When they turned to look at their boss, they so wished that they shouldn't have looked. They so wanted to dig a big hole to jump inside and hide themselves from his burning rageful eyes.

But to their astonishment, their boss didn't yelled nor said anything just proceeded to walk towards the conference room.

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Usually Deming rarely visits this floors. His office is on the top most floor, he only come to visit this floor when there is some meeting in the conference room. That's the reason the employees on this floor rarely expects him to come. It was just a completely black bad luck for them.

When they saw Deming's ignorance towards their comments, they heaved a sigh of relief thinking their life has got spared.

But suddenly a cold voice emotionless voice rang in everyone's ears, "Ms.Qi, make sure to replace all the twenty five employee of this floor. And also the one who was wearing that cheap blue checkered formal shirt, make sure he doesn't get jobs according to his qualifications anymore, not in this company or in any other company. Make him some 'common chick' of the streets ".

Qi Yuirong nodded and immediately led him towards the conference room.

The dreadful words from their Boss, rang in everyone's ears making them insane. Did they just lose their golden egg laying job. Especially the one who has commented 'common chick' comment before was now feeling like the whole earth got shattered on his head making him unconscious.

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