The Undefined Love

Chapter 205: 205

Without wasting another second, Deming withdrew from the airport immediately dialling Qui Yuirong on his phone.

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His steps were hurried. He didn't even care about the people surrounding him, nor that he ever cared but still he had always remained calmed and composed like a devil in front of the public.

His movements were bound to create speculations in the country. But the thing they can't speculate even in their dreams was that his anxiousness wasn't bearing any fall in share market or crisis in the business world, rather it was all the result of unboundable love in his heart.

Fastening his speed, he got into the driver seat of his Maybach waving off his driver who was ready to comply his sudden order of driving.

When the call got connected he commanded in a deep voice which sounded so calm but still wasn't able to hide the inner excitement, "Ms.Qi, just get someone to find out the whereabouts of the CEO of ELEGANCE at this right moment and what are their current plans. Get it done in the next ten minutes".

He didn't even gave her the time to even get his words clearly and hung up the call. He quickly drove his car back towards Wang Corporations.

Hearing her Boss's words, Qi Yuirong was still pondering what exactly would have happened to make her Boss to be interested in that studio. Being still in fashion news for the last few days, this uprising fashion studio wasn't unknown to her.

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And also she knew that the studio managed by Ms.Long, GLIMMERS was too interested in collaborating with this studio located in London. So she assumed that her Boss was just getting information so he could her Ms.Long with this matter.

She quickly got the contact number of ELEGANCE and connected to know the desired information.

While driving he got a call from an unexpected person. He quickly answered the call, "How are the things going? I think you should come back now".

From the other side, warm voice of Murphy came, "It's all done and there is an important thing that you would be interested to know. Right now I am already heading back to B city and will meet in next four hours".

Deming hummed in response when Murphy quickly added, "Okay it's time to board the flight now". He said and then disconnected the call.

Few minutes later, he got a call again.

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"Boss, I have contacted to the studio. The CEO is currently not in London. She has come to Country A to tend to the invitation by Li's, maybe it's for the party tonight. And about their future plans, they haven't indicated anything particular but from the facts presented it seems like they are going to collaborate with Li's to expand here", Yuirong informed diligently.

"...", Deming too gave some thought and then ordered, "Hmm. Okay quickly arrange everything. I will be attending today's party too. Get everything ready. I will be arriving at the company in half an hour".


What the hell? Didn't he said that he won't be attending the party because he has something important up in London? And for that he had also made everyone work with 5x speed and now he was simply going to attend the party. She thought but again she knew it wasn't her area to point out.

So she quickly motioned to fulfill her boss orders.

On the other side, it was already getting to the time of the party. Elder Li was sitting in the living room with Huang Fei accompanying him.

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"Is everything ready for the event?", he inquired.

Huang Fei nodded in head, "Yes President ".

His elderly eyes darted upstairs towards Lifen's room, "I want everything perfect tonight and do care about her security from now on. I don't want anything to repeat again. She is the only one left to me so you should protect her".

He paused and then looked at Huang Fei, "What about the team of bodyguards which was selected to protect her? Why haven't they arrived yet? Revealing her identity will surely awaken those bast*rds. They will again come for her. The reason for which I have hidden her identity wasn't just because of her wish but also for her safety".

"Don't worry Grandpa Li. Nothing is going to happen to her", at this moment a voice made it's way from the entrance.

A man with warm formidable air came into the elder's sight . Beside him was the elder man as old as him. Looking at them, Elder Li's lips instantly tugged upwards, "Yang Jiang Chen! Long time no see. I see you are losing your age by not your charm".

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Elder Yang too smiled at his friend's words as he made his way inside the house with his grandson, "Who is getting old, Oldie? I am still young unlike you. Look I am still walking without a walking cane".

"Fine I won't deny it. I am getting old with you too", said Elder Li and both old men laughed heartily.

Yuzhe bowed down slightly to show his respect to Elder Li, "Grandpa Li!"

"Ahh so Yuzhe has come too. Thanks for taking care of Lifen. I was carefree here because I know your reliable ability", Elder Li patted Yuzhe's shoulders and gestured them to sit.

But before taking seat, Yuzhe didn't forget to show his respect to Huang Fei. He knew this man's ability and also respected his loyalty towards Li's. He knew how much Lifen respects him and also the undeniable reliance the elder shows to him.

Huang Fei gave a small smile to him with a nod. Yuzhe again looked at Elder Li and added, "Grandpa Li, you don't have to worry about Lifen's safety. I have already appointed a team of best trained bodyguards to her. They were always protecting her in London without coming into the sight of anyone. And they have too followed her here".

Elder Li nodded and then added, "I know. Bust since she is going to take her position officially now. She should have her set of guards too. I won't ask you to remove your guards around her as we all know the danger which is waiting in future but we can always add up to her security".

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