The Undefined Love

Chapter 208: 208

When the car pulled up at the entrance , Daiyu and Guang were busy admiring the decoration of the banquet. Though they have previously attended various high class parties with their parents but none of them were at the level of Li's.

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But soon they heard the fussy questions of the reporters. And when to the direction there was no other Jie answering them. Daiyu lips instantly twitched when Jie firmly mentioned that everything that happened at Fashionista mall was between friend.

She quickly murmured to Guang, "For God's sake, who consider such a vixen to be friend? It's not me, is that you?".

Hearing Daiyu's comment, Guang rolled her eyes implying that it's the worst joke ever.

So in the next moment, she didn't hesitated to speak it out boldly, "Who are you calling friends? How could we have a friend like you?"

The heads of the reporters instantly moved towards the direction of the voice, as the other two ladies approached towards wher Jie were standing. A simple bodyguard was too accompanying them.

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Daiyu and Guang wasn't too infamous but they can't be considered as common too. The two belongs to two well known families of the country, Zhang and Zhao. One excel in education while other dealt with foreign merchandise.

Though not many people know them but recently due to the video going on internet made everyone know Daiyu and even dug into her background.

As Daiyu approached she added haughtily, "We never knew we were friends Ms.Long . But sorry to inform you, we don't befriends with people like you".

Hearing her words, the reporters were taken aback. How can someone insult Ms.Long like that. She had been famous for being pampered by the Devil. Do the two ladies not know that? Doesn't they fear Wang Deming?

"You...", Jie wanted to rebuke Daiyu for her rude words in the public but again remembered that she was still surrounded by so many reporters. Does her misfortune has begun? No one is giving her face. First it was Deming who refused to give her the invitation, then the Feng couple and not these two tails of Lifen.

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She huffed internally and tried to sound softly, "Daiyu and Guang, you two are here. You should have informed me. I would have accompanied you two. I have given such an unnecessary trouble to Mr.Feng and Ms.Xia".

Her words made Guang laugh out loud, "Really? Ms.Long when did we get so informal that you called us from our names. It's Ms.Zhang and Ms.Zhao for you. And about you for giving trouble, actually you never realized it's in your nature. You have always been a troublemaker ".

Seeing Guang to be in action, Daiyu was inexplicably happy. She has never seen Guang getting so agitated. Jie was really something. She always brings worst from both of her friends.

But something was amiss in her words, Daiyu thought. Realising the missed part, Daiyu quickly added with a glare at Jie, "And Ms.Long for giving a call, one needs someone's contact number. As I have said earlier that we aren't friends so naturally we doesn't have yours and am sure, you won't be having ours too. Why waste energy in lying to yourself and others".

The air was becoming suffocating for the reporters. They really wanted to salute the guts of the girls for talking in such a way. But when they fixed the recent video together with today's scene, it was nothing new.

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"Ms.Zhang, we wanted....", the reporters wanted to ask few questions from them to but got cut before.

"Sorry we won't be able to reply to any question asked by the respected reporters. We are here just to support and accompany our friend and won't indulge ourselves in anything that would bring her troubles. So kindly excuse us", Guang said politely and walked inside along with Daiyu under the guidance of the bodyguard.

Then only they noticed a distinguished bodyguard with an emblem of Li's accompanying them. They haven't seen him before. Now the question arises, what relation does the Zhang and Zhao's have with Li's to get such a special treatment.

Didn't the ladies just mention that they have come to support and accompany their friend. Who's the friend that can bestow them such special assistance.

Jie too excused herself and started to walk inside the banquet. The day from when Lifen has reappeared in her life, her life has become hell. None of her luck is working. She felt so envious of her. She has got everything, such loyal and caring friend and a formidable lover too.

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She was in mid of the way when she heard the announcement of the reporters, "Isn't that CEO Wang's car?"

"Yeah it definitely is. But didn't Ms.Long just said that he isn't going to attend the party".

But before the Deming's grey Porsche 911 could pull up, another car also arrived from another direction. And coincidentally or incidentally it was also Porsche 911, but in a shade of white.

The whole crowd was in awe. "Was there someone to give competition to the great Wang Deming. No it must be just a coincidence. But who is in the other car?".

"Oh my gosh...someone said it might be Dr.Yang . He was also going to attend this event as per the information of our sources".

Everyone were anticipating the people to come out but none were ready to get out first as if they were challenging each other.

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