The Undefined Love

Chapter 215: 215

After giving some information to the reporters, Lifen walked inside the banquet hall with Erica slightly behind her.

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When she entered the bodyguards that were standing at the door, bowed down in respect which seemed weird to the public. It was the first time the bodyguards serving Li's are bowing their head to someone out from the surname Li.

But before they could pay heed to that topic, their thoughts were taken away by the beauty walking in the front.

"Whoa! I haven't seen her before. From which family she has come?"

"Look she is so pretty. And her beauty doesn't seems to be fake".

"I looks like she is a nouveau. Or else why would we haven't come across her before?"

"Are you dumb? She can't be from any random family who has lifted itself to riches overnight. Can't you see her? Her aura and skin seems to be so royal".

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As Lifen entered, several murmurs spread in the air. Everyone was trying to know her and her background.

Suddenly someone said from the midst of the crowd gently, informing everyone, "Hey, she is the CEO of an international fashion brand 'ELEGANCE', headquartered in London".

Loud gasp filled the crowd. The young princess of the family who have come along with their parents seemed to get more and more excited.

They have followed the brand since Milan fashion week ended. They have seen their designs too but before they could put their hand on the pieces the dresses got stock out.

They never thought that ELEGANCE would be the result of such a angelic beauty. Some eyes were filled with admiration while some held jealousy.

Lifen walked inside when spotted Daiyu and Guang at the corner busy with themselves. They were looking pretty. She didn't mind greeting the people around since she doesn't know them and strode directly towards her friends.

"Hey girls!", Lifen said joyfully as she approached them.

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Hearing the familiar voice, the two girls turned but as they did so their jaw dropped. "Girl, your looks are truly killer today!", Daiyu exclaimed putting down the glass she was holding in her hands.

"Yeah yeah you are looking very beautiful. Look around and you will know", Guang supported as she came forward to give a warm hug to her friend.

"Thank You for your compliments but how could I even ignore this when I was knowing that my two pretty friends will be there too. I have tried my best to match with you guys", she said and make the girls roll her eyes.

Suddenly Lifen remember something, "Yeah right! Meet her", she said as she gently pulled the girl behind forward, "She is Erica. She is my assistant but more like my little sister".

Daiyu and Guang both gave a warm welcome smile to the girl and said courteously, "Thank You Erica! We have heard about you from her. We are really grateful that you took care of her when we weren't around".

Erica soon got comfortable around and started giving small conversations from time to time.

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Lifen were oblivious to the three special pair of eyes which were fixed on her. Two pair were filled with love and admiration while the third one was full of contempt and jealousy.

Jie haven't seen her coming in but when heard people conversing around, she turned to look and found her biggest enemy standing and enjoying people praising eyes.

When Deming left her she walked to a group of woman who were from high socialites circle. She has already decided that she create more scene today to highlight herself in a wrong but now seeing Lifen enjoying everything so perfectly, how can she not do anything.

How can she enjoy everything when she is losing everything she had because of her. A burning sensation mixed with jealousy, hostility and enmity rose in her heart.

Seeing their fellow mate's eyes filled with animosity, the other woman of the group asked her, "Hey Jie! What happened? What happened? Why are looking at you looking at her like you are going to murder her?"

Jie clenched her fist tightly as her nails dig deeper into her palms, "Because I am going to do so".

"What? You know her? I heard she is the founder of the brand ELEGANCE which got popular overnight after Milan fashion week", one of the socialites said as she took a sip of her drink calmly. She was expecting some kind of drama to take place.

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"I know. I know she is the one who destroyed everything. What I am facing today is all because of her", she said with gritted teeth.

"It's not good Jie. I know she is your rival in business but business should remain business. You can't make it personal. You know...", it was clear that the group was just provoking her more and more. There was nothing good they meant for her.

And Jie was getting more and more agitated, falling deep unto their traps.

"Not just business. She ruined everything. She snatched away my fiancee. It's all because of her that all are mocking me", she blamed looking pitiful.

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

Indeed the truth of CEO Wang having affair away from the country was true. So the so-called couple made in heaven has finally broken up.

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