The Undefined Love

Chapter 219: 219

The old President Li announced very proudly the identity of her granddaughter. Only his heart knew how much patience he has applied to get to this day.

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Lifen has been his reason for contentment. Whether it was for her academics, or sincerity, or achievements or complying to the filial duties, she has always lived more than his expectations.

Even after her parent's death, she has always been a sensible child, different from the other children of her age.

This announcement was enough to send a wave of astonishment to everyone present. No one has ever heard that the old man has someone in his family left. Everyone has believed that the Li lineage has already been over after that dreadful accident.

But now the old man suddenly got her granddaughter from somewhere.

Soon the loud whispers start getting spread inside the hall. The old President Li gestured Lifen to come to him.

Lifen nodded as she walked to her grandfather. He held her hand tenderly with one hand while the patting it with the other.

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He continued, "My granddaughter has been looking into the company's since she was twenty as an advisor. Most of the proposals were accepted and made by her leading the Corporation to the height where it is today"

"She had never left the life she was born with. She has always loved to be simple. Though her achievements were already enough to prove her capable for taking over the whole Li Corporation. But still she requested to let her establish her own brand to success before everything is handed to her".

"She went abroad two years back and achieved the goal she had made. And still you all are accusing her for being using tricks to acheive them. Did she really need to use tricks to get what's already served in her plate.", President Li let out a mocking chuckle towards the crowd.

The women from before never thought that Lifen held such a high identity with which one shouldn't think of trifling. If they have known they wouldn't have said what they have said before. They have thought her as a person who has been new to the circle and has no strong backing to support.

But now they come to knew that she herself is a strong backing that can support them without giving much efforts.

They came forward to apologise as they can't let their families be in the bad books of Li's. They have to mend the situation to experience less consequences.

Very swiftly the judging eyes of the guests were overturned to respectful ones. The world has always been like this. There is no guarantee that they will stand on one side till the end.

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Their views changed as minutes changes in the clock. The moment they hear something from one, they will believe is immediately and the other moment when things start getting lighter with the real truth, their views will change in no seconds.

After listening the apologies from the girls and reading the guilty eyes of the other guest present, the old man re-announced, "So from here on I announce, my granddaughter, the heiress of Li family, Li Lifen will officially take over the position of CEO of Li Corporation"

Not only the guests but Lifen too was taken aback by the announcement. She turned her head to look at her grandfather with wide eyes.

"Grandpa? You...", Lifen was confused. Haven't hee grandfather said the she will be taking the responsibility of the Vice President position then now how does it turn to be the CEO .

Did her grandfather tricked her into this?

The elder gave a warm smile to his granddaughter as he said softly, "I believe you. You can do it better than me. And I will definitely guide you from backstage ".

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"No need to get 'buts' and 'ifs' in between. Can't you see I am getting old and unable to keep the orderly tracks of the things going in the organisation. And above all the employees favours you more in comparison to me", President Li said loud enough to let everyone listen.

With his words he wanted to make clear that his decision will not change and also the power Lifen holds among the employees of the company.

Lifen gave a gentle nod of approval as she reverted her gaze back towards the guest, "Hope we can do better in future. Kindly guide me and look after me".

Everyone came to congratulate her and even tried to leave good impression so that they could get favourable help in the future.

Jie has long been lost in the crowd and there wasn't any trace of her in the party.

When Lifen got free from greeting the guest, she turned to look at her two friends, only to find them sitting at a table with both hands on either sides of their cheeks and staring her dumbfoundedly.

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At first she was nervous, how her friends will respond to the revelation but now seeing their expression, she can say they are still her friends and isn't mad at her. Seeing their expressions, Lifen couldn't control her laughter as she walked to them.

As she reached them, Daiyu pulled her hard and slumped down on one of the chair beside them. Erica was pretty amazed by the close relationship her boss share with her friends.

"Lifen, what was all that? Was that all true? I am still unable to believe it. It feels like I am inside some story where you are the lead actress whose identity is suddenly revealed to be so high and heavenly ", Daiyu said with a look that says 'I am still dreaming'.

Guang too nodded at her friend's words. They still doesn't know, how they should take these unbelievable information about their friend with whom they have almost shared half of their life.

Their friend was someone they have always been protective for but now it's suddenly revealed that she held such power where their protection meant nothing.

Lifen pressed her lips to control her laughter as she pinched hard on her friend's arms to let them believe the reality. But before she could say another word to explain everything, a familiar voice came from behind, "Congratulations!".

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