The Undefined Love

Chapter 22: 22

The school has arranged an induction program for the junior students. The seniors were there to lead the program and make the juniors to accompany with the environment. The fact that Zhang School of Business is the hub of pure potentials cannot suppress charm of the students studying there. They all are handsome and beautiful.

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"Ahh! Why am I feeling that I have entered the heaven. There are so many eye soothing faces around", Daiyu exclaimed

"You are becoming pervert, Daiyu. It's our first day, take some time", Lifen chuckled. Then Lifen ,Daiyu and Guang interlocked their arms with each other and walked towards the counter where they have to register their names.

They lined up in the queue. On the registration table, two seniors were present, joyfully welcoming the juniors. "Looking at those seniors, it feels like they will be good to their juniors and will able rely on their help", Guang said looking at the seniors but her eyes was fixed on one of them.

"Hello, You are really pretty junior. It's lucky to have such beautiful juniors around. Welcome to the school. I am Su Yan, your handsome senior who will always be at your service. Please register your name here", a boy with pretty handsome face said to Guang.

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Guang blushed, "Hello Senior...Thanks for your appreciation". She quickly registered her name and moved out the line. "You have to wait near that room, soon we will be starting", Su Yan said while directing the way to Guang.

She waited for Daiyu and Lifen to complete the registration process and then walked towards room directed. There were many students waiting. They were introducing each other.

The friendly environment emitted warmth. "Guys let's make some new friends ", Lifen said excitedly. Daiyu then informed that she has to look for her father in his office and she will be back soon. So she left and Lifen and Guang moved to make to the bunch of students standing in the front.

Guang's phone rang and she left to pick the call.Lifen was busy knowing her new classmates. She was having a cheerful smile on her face. She was getting compliments for her beautiful smile. Then someone patted her shoulder from behind and the people in front of her were amazed.

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Sensing the pat on her shoulder, she turned to look back. She trembled when she saw the beast standing in front of her and emitting devilish aura around. The cheerful smile vanished from her face. Though she knew that she would have to face him today, she didn't thought that it would be so early.

"We meet again, Little Cat", Deming chuckled. Everyone was astonished. He continued, "I know our previous meeting was not good but we have a chance, let's start over, since we are now classmates ".

Lifen knew it was his trap but she didn't wanted to create a scene on the first day, so she put a simple smile on her face, "Yeah sure, I am Lifen and will be with your classmate for two years". Lifen put forward her hand to shake with him.

There was suddenly a smirk on Deming's face which made Lifen alarmed. He forwarded his hand to hold her hand and spoke in a devilish tone," So your name is Lifen. I am Deming and I will be with you for the rest of your life". Lifen choked, she didn't expected him to be like this in front of so many people.

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Soon the rumbling sound of whispering can be heard around," Did I hear wrong, he just said he will be with her for the rest of her life".

"No , you heard it correctly even I have heard so.Do they know each other?"

"I think something is going on between them. Look at his eyes, it's gazing her so intensely "

There was someone fuming in anger in the midst of the crowd. Zhao Xi clenched her fist so tight that blood oozed out of her palms. The girl standing with her consoled her," Zhao Xi don't get mad. It's not like it looks. She must have played some trick to get Mr. Wang's attention".

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"Yeah it will be like that. She doesn't hold the qualification that would make Mr. Wang intrested in her. You are the should not lose to her", the other girl tried to coax her.

When Guang returned she was surprised with the silence of the crowd. The time she left to get the call, the excitement can be heard in the crowd but now everyone was focused silently one direction. She followed the gazes of the crowd and found that Deming was standing in front of Lifen, and the rest can be easily be imagined by her.

She rushed to Lifen ,held her with her shoulder and asked her firmly, "Lifen , what had happened again? He bullied you, tell me?", Guang was concerned because of Lifen's look.

"Why are you portraying me as a bully. Why would I bully such a beautiful girl?" Deming pretended to be innocent. Guang glared at Deming and then again shifted her concerned eyes on Lifen.

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