The Undefined Love

Chapter 226: 226

Deming has heard the old lion roaring at him and giving him warning to stay away from the woman he loves the most and has now become the most essential requirement to live in this world.

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How can he control his anger listening to the warnings which forbades him to stay close to her.

The old man was glaring him to retreat his way back but Deming will never follow the order which will lead him away from his happiness.

He gazed the old man will equal feriocity as he made his way towards the woman who was at the verge of taking a wrong decision.

He knows it. He can read her eyes which telling him that there was a storm building in her heart which is influencing her brain to make a decision that will be definitely against her happiness.

How could he let her take a wrong decision that will definitely make her regret in the future?

And above all at no cost, he is going to let her get away from him when he just got her back.

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He made his way toward the girl who has already zoning out, ignoring the deadly glares the old man was giving him.

As he kept his hands firmly on Lifen's shoulder he asked, "Little Cat, do you trust me?".

After pondering for some moments Lifen nodded as she looked deep into his eyes.

"Deming, I know what you mean. And I will not neglect your wishes too. But I make one thing clear, my grandfather has a great place in my life. I know he won't be thinking any wrong for me. It's just ....", she was so messed with her thoughts that she has lost her mind and was unable to figure out whom she should support and whom not.

He nodded and gave a warm smile to the girl who has got so confused and said assuringly, "Don't worry sweetheart. I won't ever be disrespectful to him. He will always be like my grandfather, whom I have never seen", he said as he moved one of his hand to her face to caress her cheeks lovingly.

Lifen blinked her eyes saying him that she got his words and she believes him.

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"For now can you give me some time alone with him. I want to make my sincerity a little more clear to him", he asked her as he gently drew small circles on her cheeks with his thumb.

Lifen looked at him,  didn't answered directly and looked at her grandfather who said mockingly, "Don't worry LiLi! I won't hurt him yet. I will give him time to back out himself and let you make decision on your own accord".

She gently removed Deming's hands from her face and walked out of the room.

She walked across the corridor towards the balcony who was giving an attractive invitation to her by making the moonlight peek inside. She has always had some mysterious relation with the sight of beautiful full moon. It has always made her nerves calm and has always give her the sense of  in regard with this selfish world.

She went in the balcony and leaned at the railing to look up at the beautiful moon. Suddenly she felt that the problem will soon get solved. It's just not the right time. She believes in her grandfather's love. She believes in herself and now on Deming's love too.

Everything will definitely get sorted out. It's just that the time is not right at this moment to begin with.

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Back in the room,

Both young and old domineering personalities were sitting across each other, staring deep into each other's eyes and measuring the depth of each other's powers.

"Dear Grandpa, I just wanted to make a firm request to you. Please don't keep Lifen away from me", his voice seemed to be soft and respectful but the hidden warning never went unnoticed by the old experienced eyes.

"Mind your addressing words too. I am not your grandfather", the old man sneered.

"Hmph! you dare to challenge me for that. My granddaughter doesn't concern you. I will do everything that will be good for her well being. So don't teach me. You haven't reached that level yet", he paused and then said daring him straight with his eyes, "Just go and fool will other woman. Don't mess with my granddaughter ".

Deming let out a low chuckle listening to the words with which the old man has confronted him, "Really I haven't expected that the old legend Li to have such a weak ear that will make the decision according the rumours going on in the blind market".

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President Li snickered as he brought his face a little forwards, "I don't. But every story can't be wrong. I have came across numerous stories regarding how you dotes on her and helps her studio to get through the rough time easily. How can everything heard be wrong? Out of hundred at least two could be the true".

"She is just a little sister to me. Nothing is between us", he commented plainly and picked up the kettle nonchalantly to serve himself a cup of tea.

Deming was well aware about the stories that was going around about him and Jie. He never cared for that all stories as he never paid attention to what other thinks about him. But now it has become a hindrance that was keeping him away from his Little Cat.

He instantly made a note that it will be the first matter that will be taken care of after he leaves this party.

"Just a little sister. Who let's the world call a little sister to be his brother's fiancee. Huh...and you still has the audacity to reason out this here and with such plain words", his eyes glinted with a dangerous light as he continued, "I don't know anything and doesn't want any of your useless excuses. Just stay away from LiLi".

"And don't ever dare to say that you love her especially in front of me. I have known all the deeds you have done to her, two years back. I just don't want to mention those hurtful memories to her. I hope you get my words. Now leave!!", the old man said as he stood up and turned his back to him.

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