The Undefined Love

Chapter 230: 230

Lifen has heard every word of grandfather. But she can't blame everything on Deming.

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She was too partially responsible for the things that made this situation to arise. But still realizing the words to be true, Lifen felt suffocated somehow.

Her eyes can feel the tears building inside. So she quickly stood up and then said slowly, "Okay grandpa, it's getting late. I am feeling a little tired and sleepy. I think I should go to take a little rest first."

Li Liaoyuan nodded to her as he has caught the pain in her eyes which were getting slowly and slowly heavy with tears. Her pained expression pained him too. So he let her go and let her emotions get a little calm.

Lifen walked her way to the door when suddenly turned around to look at her grandfather.

Her eyes was full of determination as she said, "Don't worry Grandpa. The rumors are rumors and they are bound to get ended. As for Deming, I won't be as easy as before. But I have a request, give me a chance with this relationship. And about Ms.Long Jie, she will kill these rumors she created on her own and that too very soon".

As she completed her words, she turned around again and left, closing the door softly after her.

The old man was amazed by his granddaughter's confidence and determination. The pain which he has witnessed before was now nowhere to be seen.

Instead of that pain, her eyes were glowing with determination. Determination to mold everything according to her wish.

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And that was the sign of being a strong internal warrior who would never go down while facing his or her enemies. The determination to never give up.

At that moment, he felt so proud of her.

Lifen again turned and went to her room. There are many more things coming in the future and she really need to prepare herself for it.

Back in the study, Li Liaoyuan has called Huang Fei to come and see him.

After some time, there was a knock and Huang Fei came in. He knew that if his boss has call him at this hour, then there definitely be something important that needs to be dealt with.

As he entered the study, he bowed his head to the old man and then asked politely, "What are the orders, President Li?"

The old man let out a hearty loud chuckle, when he heard Huang Fei still addressing him as 'President Li'.

"Huang Fei, you don't have to address me as President Li anymore. I have taken retirement. Now you should get used to it".

The obedient secretary lowered his head as he said, "Sorry President, I think that will be going to be tough for me".

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"Fine fine do as you please. You have to take the position of Vice President in Li Corporation and have to help LiLi. I can only trust you for that. Though she has grown strong enough to handle business tactics but still she will need your help and guidance ", Li Liaoyuan said solemnly.

"...", Huang Fei nodded to his boss words and waited for him to continue.

"And there is something else I want you to look into. I want to know everything related to that girl, Long Jie. She has been fraud from beginning but she still managed to get this far. That clearly means someone else is still helping her in shadows ".

Huang Fei understood what his boss wanted so he nodded and quickly went to follow his orders.


The next day, Lifen has barely woken up. It was still early in the morning, too early to get up from bed, when her phone rang.

She ignored the ring from her cellphone and continued to complete her sleep.

But her phone didn't stopped ringing. Getting irritated with the continuous rings, Lifen drowsily took her cellphone to look at the caller-id who has been continuously interrupting her sleep.

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Her lips twitched when she found it was none other than Deming calling her. She looked at the clock on the bedside table to realize that it was still 6.45 in morning.

Before she could receive the call, it got disconnected. She ignored the call thinking that she will call him after she wakes up.

In the morning, Lifen woke up as usual but forgot about the unusual thing that happened early in the morning.

Her grandfather has went to take a morning walk as usual.

She quickly went down after she was done with her early morning routine. She has to start going to Li Corporation from today onwards.

She was calmly taking her morning tea while enjoying the fresh morning air, when a someone came and said hurriedly, "Young Miss, someone has come looking for you. We said that you are busy at this moment but he is adamant to meet you at this time".

The maid's cheeks were flushed red from the time she has come to inform Lifen. It's not that Lifen doesn't meet people at home but the thing that made the maid to say she is busy is the time.

It's seemed unusual people visiting so early in the morning.

Lifen looked at the maid and asked with a smile, "Okay! But why are your cheeks so red?".

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Hearing the question of young mistress, the maid blushed even more as she said in a 5stammering tone, "T-That Miss, the man outside is very handsome and cold that it attracts".

Seeing the maid blushing so hard, Lifen wanted to laugh when suddenly she remembered the thing she has missed from earlier.

Her eyes widened and she ordered the maid frantically, "Okay you go first and inform him to wait. Tell him that I will come in a moment"

Receiving the order, the maid quickly left.

'O shitt!! I forgot it. But why is he here this early? Haven't he messed enough yesterday that he has come today too?', she cursed internally as she made her way towards the living room where Deming was waiting.

When she has got to the living room, her eyes got stuck at the handsome figure who was standing in the middle of the room.

Hearing the footsteps from behind, he turned to look at the woman for whom he had been waiting desperately.

Lifen's time stopped. She cursed internally, 'How can this man look so dangerously handsome early in the morning?'

"Can you stop ogling me like that? First wipe off your drool or I might lose my self control", he said with a smirk. He never thought that she would ogle him like that. There was a look in her eyes that was making him lose control. He just wanted to lunge forward and capture those naturally red rosy lips that were looking so full and plump.

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