The Undefined Love

Chapter 234: 234

Li Liaoyuan was still climbing the stairs, when Deming stopped him with his words, "Grandfather! Don't you feel you are being a little too rude towards your future grandson-in-law?"

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Lifen felt a bolt of high electricity from within. This guy really knows how to stir trouble! Is he really determined to ruin her hard work and ruin the remaining chance of mending his relationship with her grandfather?

Erica was speechless. She has definitely got everything correctly before. Definitely this handsome person who has shared a surprise kiss with her boss was his boyfriend. Or how could her boss would let him do something that bold with her?

The expression on Yuzhe's beautiful charming face haven't changed a bit as if he was expecting Deming to do something like this.

The old man climbing the steps of the staircase halted. He turned to look down in the hall. 'This boy is really too bold for his own good', he thought.

He then looked at her granddaughter. She has closed her eyes shut as if waiting for something worse to come.

He then looked back at the man who has been continuously getting on his nerves.

Lifen was really expecting something harsh attacks for Deming. She was expecting her grandfather to yell at him again but nothing such came this time. She thought was her ear started to show any problems that she wasn't able to hear anything!

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But something happened that left her blink her eyes in confusion. She was completely bewildered by the change of attitude of her grandfather. 

"Will you be my future grandson-in-law or not is not yet fixed? Let future talks be for future. But being rude with CEO Wang, I don't remember any such good deed from today", the old man said nonchalantly as if he wasn't throwing any taunts at him.

Deming has also long lost his sense of formality in front old man. He just want to follow the third law of motion with his words around him.

He has decided, the level on which the old man will get on to insult him, he will too get on same equal level of arrogance to irritate him further.

"Ofcourse you have done it grandfather. Just few moments ago. You haven't asked me to have breakfast with you all. After all I am destined to become your grandson-in-law. What other things can the coming future change?", he paused trying to pretend that he is thinking about it.

"But don't worry. How can I let my woman and her family get embarrassed and get into wrong talks of the society? I will help you by having breakfast with you all even if you have forgotten to invite me", he said in nonchalance and turned to face Lifen.

The old man was truly speechless. This boy really knows to make everything in his favour.

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Lifen has still had her arm linked with Yuzhe. Deming first looked into her eyes deeply and then moved his eyes to her arms that were connected with some other arm.

He then gave a plain smile to Yuzhe and reverted his eyes back to Lifen. Staring deep into her eyes, he walked to her and in a blink of his one eye, he pulled her out from Yuzhe's touch.

In just a fraction of second, Lifen was in his embrace. Her face slammed on his broad chest. She could hear his calm heart beat which were slowly and slowly getting a little louder.

She pulled her head up to look at th he man's eyes. Her expression was more like a blank than confused. She just lost the track when heard Deming's words when he was giving his weird logic to him.

"Sweetheart! I am really famished. Can you ask your chefs to cook something special for me too", he said in his most charming voice.

Lifen quickly pushed him away as she looked around feeling the stares of Erica and few maids standing at a corner.

She quickly tugged her stray hair that was falling on her face, behind her ears. 'I should always put my guards on around him. He really knows how to make me embarassed ', she thought in her head.

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She doesn't had the strength to lift her head and look at his grandfather or either turn to look at Yuzhe anymore.

She just said hurriedly, "Erica, just go and ask the chefs to prepare the breakfast and serve them on the table soon". Saying this she hurriedly walked inside to get into her room.

Suddenly something got into her head, she stopped and then looked in the direction of the maid.

"Anything else, Madam?", the maid asked politely

"Just ask the chefs to avoid sesame seeds in the dishes", she said and walked inside.

She has remembered that Deming was allergic to sesame seeds. She still remember how bad his condition got last time when he took sesame seeds in his food.

Deming smiled looking at the girl disappearing fast. The only word that can describe her actions in his brain is 'CUTE'.

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Yuzhe looked at Deming staring the way where Lifen got disappeared. "So I still has a chance", he remarked plainly.

"No, you don't ", he denied instantly without giving any thought to his words.

"Of course I have my chance. Grandpa Li doesn't seems to like you. The path of your relationship is still not clear so I shouldn't lose my hope", Yuzhe said as he took his seat on the sofa.

"No one has any chance. I have still have many cards unrevealed in my hands. I will be his grandson-in-law, whether he likes it or not", he smirks as he too took his seat on a different sofa.

His expression was calm but it was a facade, something was already cooking in his brain. 'I have to keep her by my side most of the time. Or I will be by her side so that no other stand a chance even in his dreams', he thought internally.

And at the same moment he remembered a very interesting card that was still there up in his sleeves, which will definitely be useful at this moment.

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