The Undefined Love

Chapter 246: 246

"No matter whatever happens, Dark Scorpions will never let down the promise made by them, especially when it was made by their leader. She will be with you even if it brought her to death", the faint smile on the old man face got more evil with his each word.

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As the old man finished his words, he picked his phone and dialed the number.

"Hello, tell your leader. Old Gao has called to remind about the promise made seventeen years ago. Remind him that she has come and has already got her position in the Li Corporations.  It's time to fulfill the promise"

In the abyss of darkness, some footsteps were heard shuffling as the person holding the phone crossed the pique of darkness to reach the faint light that was lit over a  dark throne.

On the throne there was someone sitting with head held high and face covered with a dark mask that could alone send one into great terror.

The air around felt really cold and dangerous but the people that were acc.u.mulated in the room didn't felt it as if they were long accustomed with the coldness surrounding them.

As the man reached the large throne, he handed the phone to the leader whispering the previous words of the old man in the ears of their leader.

Hearing the words, a  sinister smile crept over the leader's lips as the phone got held near his ear.

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"Old Gao, you really got damn guts to remind the Dark Scorpions about the words of promise they made. Did you forget that it could cost you your life and and the heads of your descendants"

The voice was much more like warning endangering several lives but still it sounded so casual that one would think that it was like someone was offering Christmas presents to their close friends. 

And this thought wasn't wrong after all. The one that was talking on the phone was none other than the leader of Dark Scorpions.

How can causing someone's death not be so casual to them?

Even if they kill the whole state, it would be very ordinary to them  because it was what there business was all about. 

They were the group of top assassins that were pro in killing their target without batting their eyelids or leaving any trace behind. How can that not be casual for them?

The cold threatening voice sent shivers down the old man's spine. He quickly gulped down mouthful of water to wet his throat which had got dried up.

"I-It wasn't my intention to offend you. I was just being anxious for my grandson's future. He is at his prime age to get married and I am growing old too, so....", he stammered his words out of fear but was mercilessly cut off even before he could complete it.

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"Enough! Since it's a promise made by Dark Scorpions, there is no doubt in its fulfillment. You don't have to remind us our word. Just ask your grandson to get her under his grip of charm otherwise what's the use of getting him into the successful partnership in Li Corporations for so many years", finishing his words the leader didn't wait for the response to come and hung up the call.

The old man gritted his teeth. But he can't do anything because the one who treated him like this was not someone with whom they could dwell with their power and money. They were God of Deaths itself. 

If they felt even an ounce of offense, they will be assassinated without any warning.

He looked at the his grandson who was still standing with his head lowered, "Look because of you I have to go to such extent. Don't you feel pity of my old age? At this age too I have to worry about family and future generations ".

"Grandfather! I am...I am trying my best", Gao Ren tried to ease the air around his grandfather. 

"Enough of your useless excuses. Just go and think of the ways to make that girl fall for you. Can't you use your charm on her? Only knows how to play around with those sl*ts of yours", the old man said throwing the glass towards him.

Gao Ren quickly dodged the glass thrown by his grandfather and it got shattered near his foot. He looked at his grandfather enraged face which was getting more and more red because of  the anger. If he stayed there standing little more, he would definitely cause his own death.

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He quickly turned and left the room without wasting another moment. 

It's not that he wasn't interested in Lifen. He had seen her on that evening.  She was the one kind of her own impeccable beauty.

Which man will not want such a beautiful woman in their life?

But when he remembered the fierce eyes of Deming, he can't take this matter that easily. It's rumoured in all the neighbouring countries of Country A that Deming is ruling over both business and underworld.

But still even after such a daring relevation, no one can afford to measure his power. The thing that was undeniable was his tyrant and arrogant nature.

And he himself have encountered his strength on the last date. How can he dare to  take everything so easy when the person who was on the other side is none other than the infamous,  Wang Deming.

He can't! He just can't!


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On the other way, Lifen quickly reached on of the restaurant which was near to Li Corporation. 

As she got inside the restaurant,  she quickly spotted the person, she has come to meet. He was sitting on one of the farthest table dressed all in formals.

Her lips curved upwards in a form of arc as she walked to him, "Uncle Angel !". She tugged her hair behind her ears as she lioked forward towards the particular direction. 

The man turned his head to look at the cheerful voice. 

Earlier in the morning Murphy has asked her to meet him. He has just returned back to the Country A last night with the information which has utterly amazed him.

After relieving himself from his previous jetlag, the first thing that came to his mind was to meet Lifen. 

In the last one and half year he has been out of the country in order to get information about her whereabouts but never thought that he could find her real self actually. 

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