The Undefined Love

Chapter 258: 258

Jie's eyes got wider in anger. If the world really worked according to her then, Lifen would have long disappeared from it. 

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Words of Lifen was only making it more impossible for her to keep her voice and agitation in a control check. 

Earlier she has thought that Lifen has accepted her defeat in front of her but now it felt like it was just her wishful thinking. 

Feeling insulted once more, she looked around. The employees were all staring at her. Their eyes were filled with disdain as if they were all mocking her along with the woman who seemed to have pledged to make her life a hell.

She looked back at Lifen and said under her gritted teeth, "Ms.Li, I think you are crossing your line. Why would my employee apologise to your people. It wasn't his fault. Your people started it first".

Lifen raised her brows lightly and then looked at the manager who was standing at the back while nodding his head continously.  

Looking at the manager's action, Erica had an urge to laugh but she controlled herself or the matter might go out of their pockets.

"Really? But what did my people actually say. Even if they said something,  it's there place. The place where they work whole heartedly for the whole day. They have the right to joke around and talk according to their will", Lifen paused and pointed her chin towards the manager.

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"While you all have arrived here to have some peaceful professional talks with us for getting some good benefits. Don't you think you should be more professional and respectful towards us? It's not like my people have come forward to offend you"

Jie was tongue-tied by her words. She was right , though the people were gossiping about her, their voice were barely a mimble. It was their skillful ears that worked so efficiently to hear all their words.

While at the same place, the voice used be her manager was intentionally loud enough to make the people embarassed. She felt like her own people were of no good. Because of them, she was again insulted.

Thinking like this, Jie looked over her shoulders and gave  a tough killing glare to the manager. But her glare didn't seemed to have any effect on him as he was already trembling from the voice Lifen has used earlier.

"Ms. Long I would repeat my words once again. Tell your staff to apologise and then fire him straight away, or else I could only say that we won't be able to cooperate with you . We can't share any proper business relation with people who don't even have respect for our people", she concluded with firm words.

Jie bit her lips but she can't find any word to dominate her.

"Are you giving me an ultimatum?", Jie asked looking at Lifen but her gaze kept faltering. She can't match the sharp gaze Lifen was holding in her eyes.

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"It's all about people's perspective. You are taking it as an ultimatum while I think I am helping you to sort right people out from the bunch of useless. You people really don't know how to choose capable people out of such glib tongues", a gentle smile played on her lips but her eyes were still sharp making the people in the front of her realize that there was no way they are allowed to play their uncouthed ways here.

Jie took an enraged step forward but her assistant hurriedly held her back. He can't let this mindless woman to make her fun anymore and ruin the things again. The group is known by its leader and unfortunately he has got such a useless one.

"Ma'am we need their help. We can't be rigid at this moment. The manager has some drawbacks at work too and he has also joined the studio recently, so we can...", before he can complete,  Jie tilted her head to look at him. 

There was warning in her eyes but it didn't flinched the assistant from his words. He still added, " Ma'am it's the only way left for us. You need to understand ".

Defeated Jie reluctantly accepted the terms and made the manager apologise first and then fired him in front of everyone.

The manager was still floating over the cloud of delusion, unable to believe that he simply just lost his job just like that. He wanted to beg but before he could pull any such acts, few men came and moved him out of the building.

Erica showing her professionalism, led everyone to the waiting room while the employees got back to their work. This small stunt has got its effects. They felt overwhelmed at the way Lifen stood by their side.

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It beacame the story that will always be remembered by the employees and will be passed on to their juniors. 

Inside the meeting room, 

As Lifen got in, she gestured Erica to which she spoke up on her behalf.

"With all due respect, Ms.Long we would like to inform you about the partnership proposal you have offered us. After discussing it with several departments of our company,  we still believe that this proposal can't meet the requirements Li Brand is looking for. So we are sorry", completing her words Erica pushed a file ahead towards the side where the people from GLIMMERS were stitting.

"What do you mean by the proposal doesn't meet your requirements? These are the best proposal that any company could offer. How could you..", Jie yelled at the top of her voice but got cut in between. 

"Ms.Long, hope that you could mind your tone. She is my assistant and is just doing her work. If you can't find the flaws in your proposal then it's your problem. Not our fault. Our team has gone through it but they weren't satisfied. That's all. And for your convenience I have asked them to point out the flaws, if it doesn't hurt your pride then ask your people to take some look and make due adjustments in future", the voice full of nonchalance silenced the room without making any serious attempt.

Jie could only look grudgingly. Why does she have to get dominated by her every time? Why she has to be insulted like this?

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Looking at the ugly expression on their boss's face, Jie's assistant stood up and said politely, "President Li, I am Ms.Long's assistant.  Please grant me few words to speak".

Lifen nodded giving the acceptance to his request.

"On behalf of our CEO, I would like to ask if there is a way we could form an alliance with the respectable fashion giant of the our country. It would be our pleasure ", the words were polite enough that Erica was awed with the fact how can such a polite person be there with GLIMMERS. 

Lifen's lips curled up in a warm smile too. She looked at Erica to start, "There is a way but..."

"We will accept it", Jie said hurriedly interrupting everyone. 

It was so fast that even her assistant couldn't believe.

"Erica, take the guests out and let them know the plans. I have some things to talk with Ms.Long", Lifen said looking at Jie , light smile dangling on her lips.

Erica nodded and led the assistant along with three more staffs out.

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