The Undefined Love

Chapter 26: 26

Deming was walking lifting Lifen in his embrace, while Lifen was continously resisting his grip around her, "Hey, Let me go off. What the hell are you doing? We are at school. Don't you have any conscience?"

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Deming looked at her with a stiffness in his eyes, "Let you go? Where? To that crazy lover of yours".

"Crazy? Do you really think anyone can be more crazy than you? You are the master of craziness. No one can surpass you in that. You are such a beast", Lifen said with an resistive expression.

"Be quiet, Little Cat or you will really face the beast inside me",Deming said with grin on his face.

He took long strides towards the parking lot. Lifen was still resisting in his arms. Reaching near his car, Deming bent a little to put Lifen down on her feet. Sensing the action of Deming, Lifen was ready to escape but before she could initiate her plan, she was blocked by Deming's long broad hands.

She was resisting Deming having her back pressed on the door of his car and in her front was Deming blocking her escaping points using his body and hands. "Do you really know ,what your acts can lead to? Your resisting movements are awaking the beastinside me",Deming said by reducing the distance between them.

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Lifen was totally blank. She till not haven't understood what happens to her when she gets so close to Deming. Her heart starts racing extremely fast and her mind goes blank. She can't think straight.

Few moments passed, they were still, staring deep into each other's eyes. Suddenly Lifen's phone vibrated, she was about to pick the call but Deming snatched her phone away and switched it off.

"How many times should I remind you Little Cat, you can't take any calls when you are with me", Deming said it as if it was a struct rule which she should follow or something would turn bad.

"I think you really need a psychiatrist. I don't think you are in your right mind. Give back my phone. I need to make a call", Lifen jumped to take back the phone but she can't reach the height at which Deming has held the phone.

She jumped many times but it was of no use. She grabbed Deming shoulder as a support and jumped to get her phone. The next moment Deming left the phone in the air and grabbed Lifen by her waist.

Feeling the strong grip on her waist, Lifen was again blank. The phone was scattered on the ground in the several parts. "What do you think you are doing?", Lifen said with her blank eyes.

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Deming put her on ground back gently, "You are asking me. You should ask yourself. What if you got your ankle strained?". This was the first time she has heard Deming's rough for her, but there was concern in his eyes.

"Sorry", Lifen said subconsciously looking into Deming's concerned eyes. When she heard what she had uttered just before she rebuked immediately at him, "What, I have just said sorry to you, without any fault. I have got insane. No no I think your craziness is actually a communicable disease. It is affecting me. Please stay away from me".

Deming got flabbergasted with her reaction and he laughed hard. Lifen looked at Deming laughing hard, she can see his genuine shiny eyes, which she haven't noticed before and she was a little attracted to it. But next moment her expression changed, she thought in herself, "What am I doing? Why am I being affected with his concerned eyes and now his shiny eyes".

Thinking these things inside her mind her eyes fell on the broken phone scattered on ground. Her eyes was reddened suddenly and tears fell down her cheeks. When Deming saw the chang in her eyes, he followed her eyes and found her phone which was broken.

She bent down to pick her phone up, tear were welling out her eyes continously. "Why are you crying over a phone? I can get you a new phone", Deming said without thinking much.

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Listening his words, Lifen gave him a glare. She didn't uttered any word after that. She tried to walk away but was grabbed again by Deming, "You really think you can get off so easily".

Lifen looked into Deming's eyes with her teary eyes and Deming left her hand abruptly. Something ached hard in his chest. He couldn't figure out what was that.

"Tell me why are you crying. It's just a phone, you can easily replace it", Deming said the words as a matter of fact.

"You can't replace everything. This is the gift I have received from my brother and is the last thing he has left for me", Lifen said in a sobbing voice. "You won't understand it. Now if you allow can I leave", she stepped without waiting for his reply.

Deming was still at his place, but suddenly he walked to Lifen with a lightening speed, held her wrist gently and put her inside his car and went to the driving seat.

"Again! What's your problem?",Lifen rebuked.

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"Shhhhh!!", Deming put his finger on Lifen's lips, "Be quiet, let me fix something". Deming started the car and left the campus of Zhang School of Business with Lifen.

Daiyu and Guang were searching for Lifen, all over inside the campus when they suddenly saw Deming's car leaving the campus. The ran behind the car but soon the car was out of their sight. "What is with this guy? Where is he taking Lifen?",Guang said with a huff in her voice. "What do you think? Should we follow them?", Daiyu asked back.

"According to his personality, I don't think he would harm Lifen. Let's wait for Lifen to return", Daiyu with her eyes in the direction where the car went.

In the car, Lifen turned to look at Deming, "Where are we going?"

"Your future home", Deming replied with a smirk on his face. Lifen was dumbfounded. Has she fallen into his trap?

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