The Undefined Love

Chapter 263: 263

When they arrived at the Tiāntáng Hills, Deming caught Lifen's hand into his and led her inside.  Impatience can be seen in his movements. 

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Lifen felt a little anxious seeing his sudden change in his demeanor. She tried to quickly divert his attention from the current topic going on in his head, "Deming we didn't took the ingredients we bought from the supermarket".

But Deming didn't seem to hear her words. He continued to hold her and pull her inside.

Sensing this, Lifen tugged him and repeated her words again, "Mr.Devil, we haven't got the ingredients from the car. Wait here I will go get it for you".

She said as she took her hands back from his and turned to walk back to the car. Her movements were very much slower then normal.

Seeing her like this, Deming could only shook his head and mutter slowly, 'Little Cat, this will not be done here. This is to distract me but don't you know  you are my biggest distraction? Having you beside me is enough, to make my body and my mind to give in to the temptation' 

A devilish smile instantly played on his lips.

When Lifen came back with the bags, she heaved a sigh of relief as she felt the tension from before was now nowhere in his eyes. He looked all back to normal.

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"So you have brought everything. Shall we go inside now?", he asked with extra sweetness.

His extra sweetness rang warning bells in Lifen ears but when she took a good look at his demeanor,  everthing seems normal. So she ignored the ringing bells and nodded her head.

Deming held her again, this time more firmly than before. He interwined his fingers into hers, in a very intimate way and led her inside.

When reached the living hall, he called out the butler and handed him the bags of items brought, "Keep everything in the kitchen and ask everyone return back to their quarters"

The butler nodded his head and left the two people alone.

Lifen was a little dumbfounded.  She thought there weren't any butler or maids at this place since the last two time she has come her, she hadn't seen anyone.

Confusedly she asked, "When did you appoint a  butler at this place? Are there maids too?"

Deming tilted his head to her side and gave a meaningful smile, "They were always been here from the first day the mansion was built".

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Lifen's eyes instantly got widened. Did that doesn't mean, when they were sharing the romantic moments here, there were chances for them to see? Or what if they have already seen them while they kissed?

Her cheeks got in deep shade of red when she thought of all the situations they were here being all romantic, while she was oblivious to the fact of other people presence.

"What are you thinking again?" He asked although he knew what was running in her beain.

" could you? Why haven't you told this to me earlier?" She said and started throwing her hands onto him. Her punches were so soft that it didn't hurt Deming even a bit rather it gave some other reactions to his body.

He held both of her hands which were punching him before and looked deep into her eyes. His eyes getting darker with desire. Lifen was taken aback by his eyes.  Did she just made the beast return into him? No no not again. 

How can she stop him now? There is no way coming to her head, except...

She gave a cheeky smile and said, "Hehe...Deming we are not alone. There are people around, let go. It will be really embarrassing if they caught us"

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His lips instantly tugged up forming a smirk as he declared his victory, "Problem Solved". His words sounding more as "check-mate" to her.

Before she could get his words clear in her mind, she was pulled up on his shoulders. He was so quick in his movements, like he has practiced it many time to become such a pro.

In the next moment he was already carrying her upstairs. Her heart thumping faster with his every step. 

She was so nervous that only a meek voice could make it's way out, "Where are you taking me? Put me down now".

But Deming was in no mood to heed her words. He climbed up the stair and then got into the glass elevator that would take them down.

Lifen hasn't come to this place that often to know every nook of it. The only times she was here was once two years back and the other was yesterday.

"Deming tell me where are we going?", she asked again but didn't got any response again.

She was about to ask again when she felt him putting her down on the floor back inside the elevator and then pressing the buttons.

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As the doors got closed, his lips founds her, sweeping her more and more into him.

The kiss this time wasn't soft or gentle, it was more hungrier as if he was trying to devour her whole.

Feeling a  little giddy inside, he clutched hard on his clothes not letting him go away from her. She thought if he backed away even a bit, she will definitely collapse on the floor.

Soon the elevator's door dinged open and Deming detached himself from her but keeping her close to him. He lifted her again through her waist and led her toward the room to where he has brought her.

The room was more like a study but there were sofas  set beautifully in the middle with several book cabinets around.

Lifen too looked around, she was about to ask him but felt him pulling her towards the longest sofa. He pushed her lightly onto it, and in the next moment felt him pressing down on her body.

" are you doing?" She asked. Her voice laced with a little panic while anticipation built inside her heart.

"Shushhhh!! Don't worry, let me complete what you have started!" He said as he pressed his lips on hers again.

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