The Undefined Love

Chapter 265: 265

Deming has already set his house in accordance to Lifen's necessities two years back. He has personally got the butler to arrange everything for her, so that one day when he made her accept his love, the house would be all ready to welcome her.

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He wanted her to feel her presence in their house the moment she stepped inside. He even thought that it would make her feel his innermost sincerity. 

Lifen was a little dumbfounded by his words when heard him first. She looked at him and then asked, "You have arranged a separate room for me here!! Were you really that confident that I will come back to you?"

Deming turned his body straight towards her as his uncomfortable member from before has become a lot comfortable now.  

Staring straight into her eyes, he walked to her and gave a slight bent towards her face, "I won't say that I was confident that you will come back to me or not, but I was confident in the most important fact".

He paused and then lifted her chin up, " I was confident that your heart has me and only me. So no matter what time you would need I will wait patiently for you. Wait for you, chase you, be sincere to you but would never give up on you. That was my plan from the beginning "

He said maintaining his deep gaze on her soft delicate face.

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Lifen just looked at him. She doesn't know how exactly she should respond to his words. The only thing she knew was that her heart was deeply touched.

She must have saved the whole country in the previous life so in this life God has blessed her with him.

She felt her eyes getting a little wet.

Sensing her tears at the edge, Deming quickly added, "But I never thought my woman to be that gullible.  I don't have to put much efforts and the fish I wanted was already inside my net". He said this just to ease the things for her. He doesn't wanted her to shed a single drop of tear,  even if it was tears of happiness.

Without thinking much of her actions, she removed the fingers which was holding her chin carefully and crashed herself onto him. Tightly wrapping her arms around his waist, she placed her face on his firm abdomen. 

He couldn't tell what she was thinking but the last he remembered, her eyes held some guilt inside it. But why was she feeling guilty?

Did she felt wronged after forgiving him so easily?

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He mocked his thought. But at this moment only this thought made real sense to him.

He wanted to ease her a little so he tried to gently pull her a little away, so that he could atleast have her face in his view but her arms were so firmly wrapped, that his gentleness doesn't held the power to move her.

Trying his efforts again was not him, especially when it is related to her. If she wanted to hug him like that then it's a just hug, he will oblige it happily. He just wanted to know, exactly for what she was feeling so sad inside, because he can feel her tears now wetting his shirt.

She was shedding her precious tears!

"Little Cat! Sweetheart! What happened? Why are your crying? Have I scared you to that extent, you started crying?" He tried to cajole her while caressing his finger through her soft hair. He always loved her hair. It made him feel really comfortable everytime he put his fingers over it to smoothen.

Still he felt her giving small sobs. With every sob her arms grew a little tighter around him. After satisfying her whole heart with the sobs, her soft voice was heard.

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Her voice laced with unknown guilt that was squeezing her from inside, "I am sorry. That was my fault for taking you wrong. It was me who was wrong not you. It was all my fault. I am sorry!! Really sorry!!"

Hearing her words his heart clenched. Her voice held the pain, the pain that was jabbing her every cell inside.  He can feel it too through her voice.

"Shhh...shhh..little cat. It's okay. You weren't wrong. It was me who have hurt you first.   What I did with you, makes me deserving the worst. But you were still the forgiving one. There is nothing for you to be sorry. I should be the one asking for your forgiveness"

He said as he slowly bent down on his knees to take her petite fair face in his hands. 

Her head was lowered, her arms were limped on her sides over the sofa and face drenched with tears.

Taking her face gently into his hands, Deming slowly lifted up her face to match her eyes while caressing her cheeks with his fingers , wiping the the tears off.

As he looked into her eyes, he was sure of his words from earlier. There was definitely the guilt that was glazing her eyes with tears. But what was that guilt really for?

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He was sure it was not for what he was thinking. It was something more deep graved in her heart. 

"What is it, Little Cat?", he asked softly wanting to know what was paining her so deeply. It was paining him see her like this too. He wanted to make her smile not to cry like this.

Lifen looked at him. She was snapped back. Sensing that she has almost lost her control over herself, she shook her head. "It's nothing. Let's go I am famished. You also have to cook the dinner first. My stomach is already grumbling", she tried to distract him from the topic.

She wiped her face with both hands and stood up ready to go holding his hands into hers. 

But the moment she took her forwards she was tugged back into him. Her back colliding into his body. Wrapping both of his hands around her, one crossing over her shoulders while the other wrapped around her waist.

He bent his face lower near her shoulders, brushing his lips over her ears, "What is it, Little Cat?"

He asked again, his voice getting a lot firmer than before.

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