The Undefined Love

Chapter 268: 268

When Lifen walked into the closet she was taken aback. It was not a simple closet to begin with. It was of the same size or one can even say a slightly more spacious than the one she has at her place.

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But that wasn't the thing that surprised her. Rather it was the man who was leisurely sitting on the puff stool while fidgeting for something inside a cabinet.

She blinked her eyes twice to confirm her eyes. 

"You aren't having any good dreams, Little Cat. I am really present here in my original form", he deadpanned.

Lifen's lips twitched instantly giving a scrowl, " are you doing in my room? Get out...get out!! Quick".

Saying her words, she charged to push him out of the closet. 

She grabbed his arm to push him out but in the next moment she felf an opposite force. Before she could know what was happening,  she was already on his lap, sitting at the edge of his knee, at a comfortable distance.

Again getting at such a close proximity with him, she felt her bones stiffening.  Her lips trembled when felt his breath over it. Her eyes got lowered in shyness.  

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be here. Haven't you said, this is my room then why...", she tried to reason out why he shouldn't be there.

Seeing her like this, he wanted to burst into a loud laughter. Her face full of shyness was too adorable. It just made him want to place small pecks all over her adorable face.

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"What do you think, what am I doing? Don't you feel I want to seduce you in agreeing my terms and then..." he wanted to tease her more. But seeing her lifting her gaze abruptly after being shocked by his words made him lose his rein over his laughter that he was holding.

Hearing his loud laughter made her more embarrassed.  Sensing that his words was just to tease, she punched on his chest and stood up,  to get a little distanced from him.

Her face held a little disappointed about which Lifen was oblivious herself.

"What? Are you disappointed? Want me to seduce you in real? I will be more than happy to please you", he asked with a smirked face.

"Shut up! Who is disappointed for such a perverted thoughts?", she jeered with a rageful voice.

"And what are you doing in my room? Get out now"

Deming's lips curled up in further amusing smile. He had intentionally didn't clear the facts earlier. He really wanted to see her like this. In her original form of Wild Little Cat who is all ready to scratch him with her paws.

"Little Cat, I think you have some misconceptions regarding this room. This is the only master bedroom of this entire house", he said moving his forefinger around.

"Master bedrooms are mostly prepared for the owners as the room is quite spacious and comfortable.  So this room is also made for the head of the house" he added on.

Lifen squinted her eyes on him as his words rolled out his lips. "If this was your room then why did you asked me to freshen-up here? Didn't you said you have prepared a room for me? You should have directed me there.  Why bring me to the wrong room?", she said with pursed lips.

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He shook his head, "Ofcourse you have come to the right room, Little Cat! It's our room, that's why I brought you here. Look at the wardrobes. It has clothes for both of us"

Lifen was too dumbfounded to understand.  She quickly moved her feet and got to check the wardrobes. It was true!

The wardrobe was perfectly split into half, containing her dresses in one half while his dresses in the other. She got to check the wardrobe of next wall which contained the footwears. There were his and her footwears together.

Similar to these, there were other cupboards too containing several other accessories and basic things for them to use.

Looking at the variety and the way they were arranged, Lifen was all dumbfounded, "This...this...what does this..." 

Her voice was half struck into her throat unable to think of the exact words that she was wanting to strike out.

Making it easy for her, Deming answered her on his own, understanding her words that were struck inside. "Since we are going to share our life so ofcourse we would share everything.  You have the right over everything, this room, this closet and even on the world where I live".

"It doesn't matter Little Cat. Sooner or later this was coming so I prepared for it beforehand that way I can easily look for my goal, every morning and every night. And also it would be easy for you when you come here to live", he added on.

Lifen was feeling still in trance. It was difficult to say whether she has heard his words or not but the moment the last six words came out of his mouth, her ears stood on alert.

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She turned to look at him, eyes squinting "Will it not be better if you asked me about my opinion first? Who said I would come to live with you? I would never. Hmph!"

Deming looked at her and tapped his chin trying to think about something. After few seconds he nonchalantly replied,  "Okay!" and then went back to get himself a pair of trousers and loose neck casual Tshirt. 

Lifen was confused with the one word reply,  Deming has presented her. She looked at his back while he was fiddling inside his closet and asked with bewilderment,  "What does your 'okay' mean?"

Taking out his clothes he turned to her but didn't looked at her.

She wasn't able to get his attitude. What exactly did he mean?

"You haven't answered", she probed again.

"I said you don't have to come and live with me. I am totally accepting your idea. Now let me go and change in the washroom while you use this place. Dinner is all set on the table waiting for us to arrive", he said and walked towards the entrance of the closet to get out.

This time Lifen was taken aback by him. 'Did I frustrate him? He seems to be upset, no his words felt like I disappointed him greatly. It was not what I was expecting him to say', she thought inside her head .

She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't noticed that Deming had already exited the closet. Realising it , she rushed out after him. If she has said something that had hurt him, then it's better for her to apologise. 

Afterall whatever he arranged was for her comfort and was straight from his heart. And she can never reject his heart. It will hurt her too.

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She rushed after him straight into the washroom.

Sensing the hasty footsteps behind, Deming turned to look back, facing the girl who has come running after him.

At this moment he unconsciously got reminded of the little girl from his childhood. She would always run after him with her hasty steps. But then thinking, what Jie has done to sabotage his relationship with Lifen, he shook off the thought.

He has already unbuttoned his shirt till the bottom. He wasn't shirtless but his firm abdomen assets from the front were on show, especially his broad bronze coloured chest.

Seeing him like this her throat ran dry. In order to bring sense back to her head she coughed hard jerking her head and said , "You change first, we will talk afterwards. Hmm...right the food is getting cold".

Saying this she hastily retreated from the washroom.

The moment she exited his phone at the side vibrated. It was a text message.

"Boss, we have got some leads that are leading us to the Cao family of H Nation. The men were from there team. But still we aren't sure", stated the text.

Reading the text, Deming replied, "Okay, keep your eyes on them and confirm it".

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