The Undefined Love

Chapter 273: 273

Deming was sitting on his chair inside his study room. The room was dimly lit as the only source of light in the entire room was the single table lamp directed downwards on the table.

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Several files and papers were scattered on the table but they didn't seem to be important as the man who was majestically sitting has no value for them in his eyes.

"So it's been really long time, Hunter. Hope I didn't ruin your vacation", his words might sound like he was just asking his friend casually. But the one to which these words were directed knew exactly that it wasn't at all casual.

"It's my honor to be summoned by the leader", the man dressed in all black said politely while lowering head in respect. Even though his half face was veiled with a black mask, one can see the expressionless face with straight thin pair of lips inside.

Deming gave a vague nod to his words and then said in a tone which held power, "Sine you are all fine with your ruined vacation then there is a new mission for you."

The man didn't raise his head as if it was some kind of protocol that can't be challenged. "Your orders, leader".

"Help me investigate something. But keep it in mind that don't take your ruthless hash steps while investigating this. Your disciplinary actions from Dark Forces can't be applied to the normal people", he said while reading him again, "I know that will be tough for you, but in this mission I want you to do. It's something really important to me so I could only let the best to handle it."

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Of course it would be tough for him to act soft when in his whole life he has never been soft to anyone. Being rough was the only thing, life has taught him. He was the first in the list of top best fighter in the world and top best assassin registered under the group of Dark Forces.

Whatever he has earned is all from being rough and now his leader is asking him to not be rough for this mission. Though he has no power to question here, but this intrigued him towards the mission his leader was talking about.

Because he knew well, if in this whole world anyone can really break all the boundaries if being rough, ruthless and merciless, then it could only be his leader. The fact of him asking to get soft, intrigued him more and more.

Even after getting such instructions, he didn't dare to lift his head up to look at his leader. It was foe the first he wanted to look at the expression of his leader. He knew when he has arrived there was his normal dark eyes of his leader but after hearing the mission and the special instructions for it, he was sure there was a change in air around. He can feel it.

"Can you follow this requirement to carry on this mission?" Deming asked calculating the demeanor on the man, who was standing in front of him. He can see his lowered eyes doubting himself.

Seeing him like this, his lips curled up in a knowing smile, as he said assuring him, "I believe your capability. You can do it"

Getting the assurance, Hunter didn't wait for another second as he claimed in a determined tone, "Yes leader! I am ready for this mission"

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Deming gave an affirmative nod to him while pushing a piece of envelope to him, "Here, I want the depths of history. I want to know what's bugging her"

Hunter's eyes went wide in astonishment. Did he hear everything right? His leader has just asked him to be a spy. How could that be? A top assassin turned into a spy! Members of Dark Forces will definitely be going to laugh at him.

But what could he say? Nothing!

He nodded his head as he took the envelope to open it. The next what came to his sight made him more dumfounded. It was the picture of a beautiful woman whose smile is more beautiful angelic than the angels itself.

"Leader, this….", he wanted to ask something but then remembered that he doesn't have the right to question the mission.

Deming understood. He stood up and come around his desk to stand just in front of him. Looking at him, he patted his shoulders, "Don't you make things suspicious in front of your Lady Boss or she might make things difficult for me"

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"You are excused now", he said leaving the room all for him to read into his new mission.

At Li's Villa,

Lifen was waiting for her grandfather to come back. She didn't thought that her grandfather would remain out for so late after taking retirement. Was her grandfather gone to check on the condition of Mr. Ke?  

Since it was already getting late, she thought of giving a call. She picked up her phone to and dialed but the call didn't get connected. Pondering for some moment she asked a maid who has just come to her about dinner.

"Young Miss, dinner is ready. It's getting late, should we serve it for you?"

Lifen shook her head, "Nope I have done mine already with my friend. I was just waiting her for grandfather"

The maid gave a polite nod and took her steps to retreat when Lifen suddenly asked her, "Is Uncle Fei is accompanying grandfather today?"

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"Yes, Miss. Earlier he has come to escort him", the maid informed and then went back in the direction from where she has come.

Lifen dialed Huang Fei's number. This time, the call got connected.

"Uncle Fei! Is grandpa with you?"

"Young Miss, we are on our way back to home", he informed.

"Okay and how is Mr. Ke's condition?" she asked thinking that she might get some news about him since her grandfather has asked her to get indulge in this matter, about which she still doesn't have any idea.

But she received another vague answer in response, "We are seeing into it, Yong Miss. The doctor said he will get fine soon. You don't have to worry"

Seeing that she won't get any proper answer, Lifen didn't probe any further. She already has so many things in her hand. The most important thing was – Guang's sudden suspicious wedding!

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