The Undefined Love

Chapter 282: 282

Su Yan's words was shocking for the two friends to some extent. But from the last night and the sudden disappearance of the man has given Lifen a hint of these snippets of this story. If what she has predicted in her head was correct then obviously, Guang's family will create a misunderstanding between the couple separate them from each other. Such a typical old century story repeating itself. But Daiyu was still unknown to this story, spoke up scornfully, "Senior, I always thought that you and my friend made a good pair but now I don't I would say so. You are insulting her with your words even if she is not present here. We are her friends. How can you say that to us?" Hearing her words, someone else's lips curled up in a giving an amusing smile which made him look dangerously attractive. He was sitting a little far from their table but his ears were busy over their conversation. When he smiled, the girls around him felt their heart skip. From the moment, he has taken his seat at the bar counter, every girl's eyes were continuously fixed the gorgeous man who seemed to have descended from the heaven to spoil their eyes. Many girls even have taken an initiative to go and ask him but the result they got was really insulting. He didn't even raise his eyes to look at them, leisurely taking down his soft sips of flavor ordered. His only attention was on the three people sitting on the table, trying to get everything they are talking about. Seeing her friend getting out of control, Lifen quickly stood up and held her lightly, "It's okay. He is not in the right mind at this moment. Look he can hold himself properly. What mind are you thinking he is speaking out of? First let him sober up then we can talk sense. Okay?" She knew her friend personality very well. She would never be going to tolerate any words against her friends even if it's out for a joke. Since Su Yan was not in the right mind, he again started to blabber, "Her words were lies. She said she never minded even it took me time to climb the stairs of success but the moment she got someone to give her the luxury, she fled off with him. She left in all alone making me feel so useless piece of shit". "Why did she become so heartless towards me? Didn't she felt that it would be so hard for me? Why?" his feet continuously staggering unable to take his weight in a stable way. "Ahh!!! You both are her friends. Call her right and ask her why she left me when has promised to always wait for me", saying this he lost his control and almost fall. But Lifen been quick in her reflexed caught him at a perfect time. Seeing him like this she too felt bad. Misunderstandings often kills the bear in one shot, giving him the pain of which he has never though in his whole life. A single seed of misunderstanding is more than enough to blacken the whole world made on the foundation of love and trust. She can feel him as there was a time when she too felt the betrayal. The time that made her feel most foolish of herself to believe everything she wanted to believe. So she knew what pain Su Yan was going through. Daiyu quickly moved forward to help her friend who was struggling to hold herself and Su Yan properly without falling. They together made him sit on the comfortable couch as Lifen sat beside him to make him a little comfortable. She was feeling really bad for him. Su Yan's arms were dr.a.p.ed over Lifen's shoulders while his head was bent a little to get a support on the edge of her shoulder. It wasn't close when looked from close proximity but to the ones at a distant might feel it close. Lifen never minded what people perceive. She was just helping a friend out. That was enough reason for her. The man who was sitting at the distance looking at them gave out a mysterious smile as he quickly snapped a picture of them and send it to someone. The picture wasn't clear but was enough to know the place and the people in it. Oblivious to all these secret things, Daiyu and Lifen were still thing the possibilities. Staring at the man's drunk state, Daiyu let out sigh of regret, "Really guys, what did I do in my past life to deserve you two love idiots as my friend. One has fallen for that arrogant heartless CEO and another one has lost her heart to this drunk senior". She crossed her arms over her chest and too slumped down in front of them. Suddenly they were startled by a chuckle from behind. As she turned, the same man from before was responsible for this. Smile was still over his lips giving off the clear proof that it was him who had chuckled before. But for some reasons, he was shocked on his actions. It was like a smile or chuckle which were considered to be normal was a way too alienated for him. As if he couldn't believe that he has just made such alienated actions. He looked at front, Daiyu was about to burst again on him. But before she could, he has turned his back clearly on them. His actions made the girl grit her teeth. She wanted to dash to him and make him regret for his chuckle. But now she was too exhausted both mentally and physical to cause any more scene. Her lack of sleep in concern of her friend made her really exhausted. So she reverted her attention back at her friend, "So what's your current status of relationship? Have you found someone new?" she picked the bottle of water and took few soft sips of it. But the next moment a loud growl made her spit out all of it. Though there was a high pitch music going on but still his prominent, cold, and dangerous voice was enough to amass the attention of everyone.

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