The Undefined Love

Chapter 294: 294

The car was already speeding its way towards the destination with a stone faced man driving with an intent to blow off anyone who would come in his way. While the woman sitting beside him was simply gazing out of the window, seeming unfazed with the speed. The atmosphere inside the car wasn't suffocating, nor awkward. It was just weirdly calm just like the water of the sea before the storm. Deming hadn't spoken from the moment he had brought her to the car and had started driving, as if punishing her with his silence. Not able to take the silent treatment anymore, Lifen said in a frustrated tone, "What is this? Shouldn't it be me giving you this silent treatment? Why is this going other way round?" "…" There wasn't any response. His eyes were still fixed on the road and her voice seemed to just have passed without even touching his ears. "Heyyyy!! I am talking to you. Aren't you going to reply?" she waited for him to reply but still there wasn't any reply. "Heyyy Wang Deming, I am warning you for the last time. Don't regret it afterwards if someday I really went out to find someone else for me", She couldn't help it anymore. Her stubbornness got her best. She just wanted to make him reply to her. Clenching the steering wheel tighter until his knuckles went pale, he shot her a look that clearly meant she now had no escaping doors or windows left. Her body got stiff in an instant and in the next moment what she could register was the car getting parked at a dark alley. She almost got hit because of the sudden break if not for the seat belt binding her to the seat. Getting herself back from the terror she angrily turned to put some sense into his mind, but screamed in shock when she saw how close his face was to hers. His seat belt was already unbuckled and his body was slightly turned towards her. His intense dark eyes were giving her a feeling of butterflies in her stomach making her feel more and more tingly. It was like the muscles of her stomach were flapping over and over at how scary he looked with those clenched jaws and dark expression. His expressions were fiercer than before. Slowly and slowly, he was hovering over her timid physique. She can't control but said in a slight stuttering tone, "Hahaha… It's nothing serious. I was just joking. Take it easy. Take it easy." She placed her arms over his shoulder to create a distance between them but there didn't seem anything to change actually. As in a swift motion she has already been lifted up by him and was placed on his lap back on his own driving seat. Sensing the compromising position between them, Lifen wanted to move back but found herself trapped between him and the steering wheel. She struggled but his arms were like an iron cage for her in which she has got locked. "De - Deming what are you doing? It is…", her words were cut in the middle when a dark chuckle came from him. "Since you already joked for quite a long time so now it's my turn. Now let me give you a piece of my abilities to joke." his voice was firmer, darker and determined to prove something to her. His left arm already wrapped around her waist made her still in the position and the other hand went to lift her face with thumb pressed on her cheek while the other finger got curled below her left ear. "What do you mea…." before she could ask the meaning of his words, he positioned her perfectly as per his requirement. Her words got muffled into his mouth, as his lips got over hers roughly. The kiss was rough and hungrier as if satisfying two of his feelings at the same time. Anger and Desire.  His process of licking, sucking and nibbling was getting a lot fiercer with each passing second. Needless to say, Lifen can feel his emotions too. She resisted for some time but at last gave in to his sweet punishment when he pinched her on the waist in order to grab the opportunity to explore the insides of her mouth. Soon their lips started to move in synchronicity but it didn't decrease the ferocity of his passion. He didn't allow her to breathe until he felt that she was at an edge of becoming breathless. He left her lips only to make his way towards her ear. Breathing his warm breath over her ears while brushing his lips over the earlobe, he said in a soft seductive voice, "Don't you dare to pull a prank like this another day, or I may lose the last string of control with you which both of us might regret. Okay?" Lifen was still breathing heavily because of his ferocious long kiss, said catching her breath back, "Whom are you scaring with your threats? I have already seen the worst of you. Now your threats won't work on me. Hmph!"  "Believe me, Little Cat. My worse is still far more worse than your expectations. We have not even properly scratched the surface. So provoke me by saying that you are not scared", he said while giving a gentle peck over her lips once again. Lifen rolled her eyes as she gave a loud 'Hmph' in his response. Deming shook his head at the girl's naivety. "Since you wanted this so bad, don't blame me afterwards, Little Cat! You have yourself probed the beast inside me". Lifen looked at him with a confused expression on her face. "What do you mean? Can't you say it in an easier language so that I can get your words in one go? " He didn't reply to her with any words, instead gave out a loud chuckle which has instantly warned that whatever is coming id going to be a lot dangerous. "Say it!", she asked to which he replied, "I am going to give the smallest trailer of the life long journey of desire we have ahead of us"

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