The Undefined Love

Chapter 298: 298

Soon Lifen and Deming arrived at Hunter's apartment. Lifen thought she would find Daiyu all looking grumpy and vengeful but when she met her she was taken aback. She swirled her around few times, even she went circling her herself, trying to find actually where did she got hurt, but still couldn't find anything. She turned to look back at the man who could be the most possible culprit but there he was standing with all poker face, while reporting something to his Boss. "What's wrong with you, Daiyu?", she asked looking strangely at the girl who was nearly alien to her. "There is nothing!", Daiyu said softly as she turned to walk towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. It didn't felt like she was new in this house. It felt more like she herself owned this place. "And the heaven collapsed!", Lifen said sarcastically while folding her arms over her chest. "Don't play suspense game with me, girl. I can easily point my finger on what possibly has gone wrong with you?", she added as she trailed her eyes from the girl in the question to the man, who can possible be accused. Following her eyes, Daiyu too looked at the man who was all serious and handsome talking something important with Deming. Looking at him, she could assume that this might be related to the accident from the last night. "Whoa!! Were you really capable of looking some guy like that before. Girl, what exactly happened in just one night. Don't say you have done…", Lifen flung her palms over her lips, eyes widening at her friend. Realizing the perverted meaning of her words, Daiyu instantly threw a gr.a.p.e tearing it away from its bunch, "What weird things are you watching these days that your thoughts have become this perverted?" Her cheeks getting red and eyes telling the stories of shyness on its own. "Huh! Really your face is stating against your words. I guess, your wish from earlier will soon get fulfilled too. Your days of satiating your desires are on its way", she said as she again looked in the direction of Hunter with a smirk on her lips. "Nonsense! There is nothing like that. You are reading the things which aren't publish in the book", Daiyu said without looking at Lifen but wasn't making any direct contact with her eyes. 'Really then I guess it will be soon published. I am sure about it especially looking at your blushing face I am getting extra sure about it", she said as she took the glass of water from Daiyu's hand and drank it giving her a wink. "Why am I here?", a hoarse voice was heard in the living hall garnering the all four pair of eyes towards a particular direction. "Senior Su Yan!" Daiyu said as she and Lifen walked towards him. "We brought you here since we needed to talk something with you but yesterday you were all drunk so we brought…" "I have nothing to say. I would just leave", he said as he took his steps in the direction to leave the house. "Senior Su Yan! Are you really going to let Guang to wed off someone else? You really won't be taking any steps to stop all this?" Lifen asked from behind trying to probe him to say what's exactly happened between them. Was there really a misunderstanding or something more serious? And her words worked well as Su Yan turned to look. His eyes held accusations and pain. "Why should I? She is marrying thinking all a way too practically and carefully about her future? Then why should I go and ruin everything she planned? She might be heartless towards me but I am not like her. I was true to her. I can't ruin her like she did to me". Lifen looked at him, folded her hands over her chest and said with a smile, "So I was right. You didn't love her at all" "What do you mean?" he asked with a baffled expression. "Trust is what instigates love between two people. If you can't trust her and her love, are you really confident with the fact that you love her like she loves you?", Lifen added as she studied the changing expression on Su Yan's face. "Trust? You are blaming me? Huh! I have trusted her and our love. It's her who has lost her trust in my capabilities", He scoffed turning again to leave. "Did she said all this by herself? That she has lost her hope and trust in you. That the love between you two does not matter to her", Lifen added her heavy words again to make Su Yan's steps halt again. "I don't think that matters. Her actions made me realize that she has given up otherwise why would she…Leave it. Don't try to defend her in front of me from now on. I don't have any strings attached with her", he said as he reached towards the main door of the apartment. Suddenly his steps halted, as he turned around and looked at the two man who were also standing inside. He recognized Deming's infamous face but was still unknown to the other man. He had long known from the university that there was something special between Lifen and Deming. "Brother, it's just a friendly advice. If you really don't want to ruin yourself then never believe the promises of a woman. They love to lie and play with their words. The world called us, the men being heartless and playboy in nature. But in reality they are the ones playing with our love and emotions", he said looking at Deming in particular and then trailing her eyes towards Lifen. Lifen knew his words were directed towards her but she wasn't offended. She can feel the pain in his heart and wanted him to know that it was him who had misunderstood Guang. But sensing his extreme mistrust in their relationship, she decided to be against her thoughts. If he himself doesn't want to treasure and protect his love and relationship, then why should she care. Daiyu was about step forward but Lifen held her back, shaking her in disagreement. "I am not a coward like you who will let my woman go away from me just like that. She is my treasure and it's my responsibility to protect her and keep her by my side!" Deming said with a poker face. His expression showed the extreme displeasure in his heart. If he wasn't someone Guang loved and Guang wasn't someone for whom his woman cared, then he would probably be already buried in his grave.

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