The Undefined Love

Chapter 309: 309

"I would never leave you alone. You can depend on me. Even if I don't know you I can say you are a good person. So you can depend on me if you want and I will be there until you want me to be there for you", she said as she nodded her head. Her eyes held refreshing candour. ____ Deming was brought back from his present when heard his phone ringing. The memory of their first meeting was something that will remain all time fresh in his mind. The innocence of that little face has done magic in his life, pulling him back to be alive. Though because of Jie's villainous actions he has locked all his memories and feelings for the little girl at the corner of his head but still he wasn't able to forget them. That little angel has left a deep impression on both his heart and memory. Now since it was confirmed that Jie wasn't the little girl from his childhood there was no reason left to resent that little girl for losing her innocence and purity. He looked at the number that was calling him and then received it. "Done your lunch?" came the soft voice from the other side. His lips instantly curled up in a perfect smiling arc, "Looks like last night's action brought great changes within my girl's heart and personality. She is back being considerate and caring for me. I think it would be healthy to repeat those actions again. Maybe it can bring more better changes next time" Lifen on the end of the phone felt her cheeks flood with heat. Unconsciously her hands reaching to her neck where Deming has marked her and has provided the proof that everything that she felt last night wasn't some dirty dream rather was a dirty game. "You!! How can your brain run so dirty every time? Don't think so much dirty or one day the ch.i.p.s of your brain might crash", she said and shook her head to remove the heated dirty thoughts that came to her mind. "Hahaha … Did I say something wrong? I guess I haven't. Look today you, yourself have called me to ask about my lunch. Till yesterday it was me calling you. I think I can get your obedience once I give you my precious v.i.r.g.i.nity", he tried to tease her more. "Who cares for your v.i.r.g.i.nity? I have got many in last two years so I don't care for it anymore", she said haughtily. It's better to play than getting played. Since he chose it this way, she will too go along with him and make him surrender at the end. There was silence on the call for several minutes but she can feel the storm on the other side. It amuses her how her simple words have such great effect on him. "Dare to repeat that again!", there was a warning in his tone. He knew very well that her words were just to tease him and nothing else but still those words had stirred the possessiveness within his heart. He could not even handle the glimpse of the dream in which she was in another man's arm, let alone with whole deed. But here she was trying all his buttons, saying such absurd words to him. He wasn't some old book of 19thcentury that would judge a woman by her v.i.r.g.i.nity status but he surely was a proud possessive type. In no way he will be able to take that someone else tried to put their hands on his belongings, especially his woman. "What? Don't you know it's quite common in western culture? There is no big deal with one's v.i.r.g.i.nity there" she said maintaining her calm composure. If it wasn't Deming, then by her tone everyone would have taken her words to be true. "Don't say you would just look down on me because I have someone before you. Look I was in London for whole two years, always been surrounded by such handsome foreigners. Did you really think I am some kind of saint who will save myself for you? I got some part time boyfriends there. Now remembering them I miss them a lot", she said. Her voice held some fake longingness as if she was really missing them. "Really?" he asked suspiciously but there was darkness clear in his words, "You must be feeling so empty without them. It's my incompetency that I have taken you someone like fairy but when actually you are a devil who always tries to get on my nerves. Seems like you did like my last service so you still miss other men" Lifen can hear the tight gritting teeth. She bit the tip of the tongue and decided to wrap up the game up because the devil has really got already piqued. "It's fine you don't have to feel bad for me. As I am going there now, I will fix a date to meet them after solving Guang's problem" she gave a last blow and said in a cheerful voice, "I will keep you updated. For now, go and get a healthy lunch for yourself. And yeah I almost forgot to inform you, I am going to switch off my phone now since I am on my way to board the flight. Will meet you soon when I return". "Boarding the flight now? Your plans were for yesterday. How come you are leaving today", she was leaving, so that's how she got the guts to tease the Devil. Did she really think that this mission trip of hers will become an escape window from his punishments? "Yeah that's a long story", she gave a sheepish giggle and then quickly added, "Okay got to go now. Bye!!" she said and without giving any time, hung up the call. Deming gave a fierce chuckle as he glanced at the disconnected call, "Little Cat, you have really become brave to tease me with those words. Just see how I am going to get you for this"

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Lifen on the other way,  was taking her way to board the flight suddenly felt a goosebumps on her skin and a icy shiver ran down her spines.

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