The Undefined Love

Chapter 327: 327

Back in country A, Long Jie didn't know what went wrong. She has already lost her night beauty sleep thinking of the ultimatum Lifen has given to her. And now all this. Her studio was already on the verge of collapsing, if not received any help from Li Fashions. She never expected that one day, she would be facing these types of days where she has to spend her night in the interrogation room of the police station. And worst to all that there was no one there who would help her out in this situation. No friend on whom she could depend upon, no family in front of which she could cry out her pains and fear. There was no one. After long hours of investigations when she came out of the station, her face was all worn out like she had not slept for a week. There was no charm left in her skin as no make – up was left covering her reality. Her assistant has already been changed as the former one got the job for which he has applied. A new was appointed who had come to receive her. "Mam, your phone. Your aunt has been calling you for several times now. She said, she has something important to tell you", the assistant said, handing her phone back. Jie looked at her assistant and nodded. Then getting inside the car she dialed the number. Her assistant also got inside the driver's seat to drive her boss back to her house. "Hello!...", Jie started as the call got connected but before she could say another word, the person on the other side yawped. "Ahhh! Dear, at last you called this poor aunt of yours. Quickly save us. We are all ruined. Your uncle has lost all the contracts our company has earned with sheer hard work of your uncle. Please do something there is no hope left for us. Earlier the cops came with some civil official and took your uncle away. Do something dear but please save us. We only have you now", her aunty cried on the call. Hearing her aunt's fake cries and endearment she was showing her, Jie's face turned ugly. And what contracts was she talking about? What hard work? All this time her uncle has only leeched off Deming's and the Wang Corporation's name to get those contracts. She wasn't that fool to not know this simple thing. And now her aunt is boasting up their merit and hard work. Huh, this was really shameless. Not getting the reply for quite some time the woman on the side again started her music, "Jie. Are you listening to me. Please save us. We have given you so much love and care, At least do something to pay back those. Okay? Are you listening? Payback our love and care" Jie felt even uglier when her aunt said to pay back the love and care which clearly given to her for their own hidden motives yet here her aunt was presenting it like they have adopted her to give her only to give all those love and care. "Aunt, that's enough. Can't you see I am also struck here? How do you think that I can help you out when I am also trying to get out from the mess you all have created? I just came out from such a long hour of investigation, burning all my brains out in trying to cover up the illegal actions you all have done for all these years. What more do you think I can do to pay back your fake love and care", she yelled, not caring that her new assistant can hear her. "You… What do you mean by fake love and care. We have done so much for you yet you are behaving so ungrateful. I don't know anything, just help us out. You can ask help from Deming. He will surely listen to you. You have already fooled him with a fake identity. He will definitely help you. Go and ask him. There is nothing out of his reach", her aunt said arrogantly. "Aunt, I am not going to ask him…". Jie knew there was no way she could go and knock on the door of hell especially when someone already knew the truth. What if Lifen becoming outrageous revealed everything to him. Then not even this law could protect her. There will be no way she would go and ask his help. "Huh? Are you still thinking about saving your ego in this situation? If you do not go and ask help from him then, we all will be ruined. You want all of us ruined and live our remaining life in prison? Do you want that?" her aunt yelled again. Her voice felt more like psychiatric patients from a mental asylum. Jie couldn't take it anymore. Her aunt was simply being so unreasonable. What made her think that she can order her like that. "I am not going. Even if you have to spend your whole life in prison, I am not going to ask his help. Don't you know that we have already broken off? If I went there to beg then do you think I will have any face left" "I don't know any of that. I am just warning you if you don't save us this time. I will go and tell him that all this time you were lying to him. You aren't an orphan. You still have a father whom you have sent somewhere we don't know". These words were exactly what terrified her. She never thought that her own people would blackmail her like this one day. This secret has become something that was threatening her life at every step of life. But this might be a type of day that people call unfortunate when your own people turn against you. Jie gritted her teeth not knowing how to retaliate her aunt's words. Without saying any other word, she simply disconnected the call and threw the phone on the empty seat beside her. "Take me to Wang Corporation", she ordered to her assistant who was driving the car. The assistant looked at the rear view mirror to find her new boss with her closed eyes. Hearing all the conversation moments before, she really felt pity for her. But at the same time she can't be too fast to judge the book just by reading a few chapters. She has just joined this job recently and can hardly comment on her boss's personality. _______ So all this time when she was thinking that the truth was yet safely hidden, this man has already known it. Lifen didn't know what she could do now. Though his words didn't accuse her for hiding the truth from him and wasn't clear enough to tell her that he knew the truth, this was something she was sure of. The way he was looking at her. Those piercing gazes she was feeling on her back was something that made her clear that the secret was no more any secret. The truth has already been unrevealed and now there is no way she could justify her action. There was no strength left in her body that could help her rotate her body to face him. "You must be thinking me as a fool now, isn't it?" he said. "I have always boasted my intelligence and capability but I was fooled in the way that even a ten – year old kid will laugh at me. Don't you find it funny, Little cat?" Lifen still kept her back at him. She can feel him getting up from his seat and walking towards her but she was all still at her place, still contemplating what she should do in a situation like this. "You know I have promised that little girl to return back to her, to find her and then know her name by myself. But I wasn't that great at fulfilling it." Like she thought, he was self – blaming himself. But it wasn't for the reason she thought for rather, it has turned opposite. Deming came and stood just behind her, like he knew this was not the right time to stand in front of her. Like he knew that she wasn't ready to face him now. "When I came to this country after ten years, the first thought and memory that struck me was of that girl you know. Even when I was away from her, there was not a day when I did not remember her. She was always there with me. Her cheerful innocent smile was something that encouraged me every day. Yet when I returned I wasn't able to recognize her", his voice was laced with utmost disappointment. His words made Lifen feel more and more guilty. She never thought this would turn this way. She thought she was saving him from the pain of self – guilt but never knew that her efforts will make the situation worse. This was not the way she thought the events would turn. She shook her head in denial and finally turned to face him. Now it doesn't matter what accusations she would face but she will definitely not let him blame himself like this.

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