The Undefined Love

Chapter 335: 335

In some dark forest island, loud screams were flowing in the air making it much darker and horrific. If not seen properly anyone would take this to be just a haunted forest where they can hear the terrifying painful screams of the spirits. But it wasn't that simple. Behind a group of dense trees there was a mysterious base built, which was dull on the surface but when one went inside they could see it was another world. That was the secret base of the underworld mafia, Dark Force. Laced with all modern technologies there was a mechanized research center as well as the training base. If these sections are taken into consideration then, one would feel that they have travelled to the future where everything has become advanced. But they would be instantly brought into reality when the burning screams will reach their ears. The screams that were coming from inside weren't a lie. It was coming from the farthest corner which were designed to be the torture rooms for the hostages. When Jie was brought to this darkest corner of the base, she too felt the same. She couldn't believe that her future will be spent here. The place that would make her anxious to see the light. Though she has known that her end wouldn't be good if Deming got to know about her lies. But she never thought that it would go this way. The worst she has thought was her death but never she has thought that he would be so simple in punishing her that the punishment itself will become a torture and slow death for life. Thinking how her days will get darker each passing day here, she couldn't help but faint falling on the cold chilly floor. When she recollected her consciousness, she was in a completely different place. On the surface she was lying so chilly and cold that she felt her whole body had gone numb. For some time, she felt that she was still in her sleep. Everywhere she looked it was pitch black. Even she couldn't picture her own body in such darkness. She wanted to lift herself up to detach herself from the cold surface but there was no strength in her body. Her body felt a layer of goosebumps rising when the thought of never going back in life stuck her. No, this wasn't the type of life she wanted. She wanted to live a lavish life looking at which the other girl could envy her. But this was definitely not that type of life. Suffocation from closed space started rising in her heart. At this moment, a sudden bright light flashed in the room dazzling her sight. Before she could get accustomed to it, she heard a familiar voice coming from the direction from where the light had flashed. "So are you enjoying your time at the beautiful new place?" Jie turned to look at the person who was asking this nerve – racking question. As she has thought, this cold voice was of the person who has shown her this cruelty. He was on the big screen looking at her with a barbarous smile on his lips. "I can't live here. Get me out of here", she yelled hard, as if she was demanding for her life. But when she saw his upright nonchalant form, all her hopes got vanished in the cold air. "You better forget about walking out of this place for the rest of life. This is your home from today, so get used to it" he said ruthlessly. "Please. I would do anything you want but don't make me live here. I won't be able to live here. Please spare me", she begged for mercy but nothing looked working. "Spare you? Did you ever thought of living like this when you were planning all those lies behind my back? Did you thought of a life like this when you fearlessly tried to sabotage my relationship with Lifen even after receiving my warning?" he sneered making her realize how wrong she was before when she thought all will end in a good way for her. "No I never thought of it like that. And even I was about to tell you the truth, but before I could I already came to know everything. I never thought, Lifen would go back on her words and tell you everything", she tried again and this time there was a change in his expression. She thought her words worked, so she continued. "I was about to clear the rumors going in the public about you as she has asked but all of a sudden I was called for a sudden investigation. I never thought Lifen wou…." "What Lifen told you to do?" he asked without giving much value to her other words. "Huh? Ahh… she asked me to clear all false rumors about us in three days or she would have it done in her way. She warned me saying that her way won't be a good one for me. I never thought her words can be so vicious until that day and look she has said everything to you", she tried her words to create a favorable way for her but instead it went the other way. Her words sounded more like complaints. Hearing her, Deming shook his head. Some people never change. "You still have the strength to say against her? It looks like the room is not that cold to keep you in the right mind. I will get it adjusted" he said as he picked up the phone to give some orders. Long Jie froze at his words. Anxiously she yelled, "No, no I never meant to badmouth her. It was just a misunderstanding." As he let the hand phone, a wave of cold air seeped into the room making everything go extra cold. Jie shivered glaring at the screen where she can see him smiling, looking like a real sadist. "She was saving you all the time from experiencing this hell, yet you are cursing her. You would never change. This place really suits you. Enjoy your new life", he said and the next second the death darkness enveloped everything around., leaving her in the cold lone world. This thing was written in her destiny, the very day she started it. Did she really take some pious, good man who would spare her life? _____________ On the other side, Daiyu has caged her friend to know what exactly was going in her head. "Lifen tell me now. What are we here for? Is it for helping her friend to escape from this wedding or just to enjoy it" "Of course we are here to help Guang" Life said to her, blinking her eyes innocently. Looking at her innocent look, Daiyu said with slight annoyance, "Hey don't give me that look. Make it clear. If we are here to help her then earlier, why did you switch your side? And don't say you didn't because I have seen and heard everything clearly" "You are accusing me for nothing. When did I switch my side? I just made some points clear to Ning Xui Ying", she said with the confidence that she has done nothing wrong. "You … you … Your words from earlier were giving her hints of the ways in which he could win our friend's heart successfully. What was that? Were you selling your friend off", Daiyu said, putting her hands on her h.i.p.s. "Of course not. I was just keeping everything clear. Guang's beauty will go waste if she doesn't get some good admirers around her. As her best friend we need to widen her scope", Lifen said looking at her friend. Daiyu's eyes widened at her words. She immediately stood up and circled her friend to check her out. "Lifen are you fine? Did you get changed somewhere? When did you become this sly?" She looked at her as if she had seen some kind of alien. "I have always been like this but before the people around her weren't that great to take things in this way. We were too young", she said and Daiyu's lips got twitched at her words. Too Young! It was just two years back they were talking about. What major age difference did they get in just two years? Lifen looked at her friend who was now giving her a stern annoyed expression. "Okay jokes apart. I will be clear with you. I find Ning Xui Ying to be more compatible with Guang's personality than Su Yan. So I will support him. But that really does not mean that I have switched my sides" "I will always be on the side that will be right for Guang and for some reasons I don't find Su Yan to be a good choice for her. Earlier we have seen how easily he got provoked and started accusing Guang for everything. This is not love. Guang may be happy with him at this moment but it won't go the same way in future. She needs someone who will truly cherish her and love her". Daiyu heard everything and somewhere she too agreed to her words. Su Yan was not someone that could suit Guang but at the same time she was also not sure about Ning Xui Ying. 

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